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Logic Gates and Truth Tables

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Presentation on theme: "Logic Gates and Truth Tables"— Presentation transcript:

1 Logic Gates and Truth Tables
Year 8

2 complete next two slides to recap
Starter - Recap slides complete next two slides to recap

3 Label the different gates

4 Draw a line from the right definition to the the right logic gate
Either input needs to be on but not both to get it to work AND Exactly opposite to the input OR Either input needs to be ON or both to work NOT Both inputs must be on to work XOR

5 AND Truth Table Example
C ON Monitor ON OFF Monitor OFF

6 Now apply the truth tables to the light bulbs
Your Task

7 AND - Truth Table A C B A B C 1

8 OR - Truth Table A C B A B C 1

9 NOT - Truth Table A B A B 1

10 XOR - Truth Table A C B A B C 1

11 Extension no pictures

12 Truth Tables 0 = OFF 1 = ON A A A A B C C C B B B A B 1 A B C 1 A B C
1 A B C 1 A B C 1 A B C 1

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