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SR7-602-16 Course Website. The SR7-602-16 website can be accessed by going to using any number of browsers on the market including those available.

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Presentation on theme: "SR7-602-16 Course Website. The SR7-602-16 website can be accessed by going to using any number of browsers on the market including those available."— Presentation transcript:

1 SR Course Website. The SR website can be accessed by going to using any number of browsers on the market including those available on the tablet, iPad, and Smartphone. Some of the information the site contains is: Public Information Wood Badge Information Course Specifics Staff Information and BIOS Participant related documents Participant resources Participant surveys Mailing list information and updates Gilwell Gazettes Staffer Information Internal Staff Access Staff Communications Previous Course information for Staff Documents Presentations (Templates,Drafts,Final) Staffer Mailing Lists (Staffers, TG, FQM) Dropbox management and access information

2 How to access and manage the SR7-602-16 course website.
To access the SR course website you need to point your browser to Once you do that you can view all the information which is available to the general public. To gain access to the protected area of the site which contains all the Staffer documents please select “Access Internal Site” which can be found on the lower right of the screen.

3 How to access and manage the SR7-602-16 course website.
Once you click on “Access Internal Site”, you will be presented a screen requesting your ID and PASSWORD to access the Staff portion of the site. On this page you will need to enter the ID and Password: ID = YOUR ID (all lowercase) PASSWORD = YOUR PASSWORD All staffers have their own personal ID and password to access the site.

4 How to access and manage the SR7-602-16 course website.
Once you log onto the site using the Staff id and password, the menu bar will now contain “Staffers” This new option contains all the resources you need to obtain documents you will need during the course.

5 How to access and manage the SR7-602-16 course website.
Staffers Communications Resource Submission Documents and Resources Staff Documents Participant Laptop Documents Participant Photo Gallery Presentations Presentations – Video and Clips Presentations – Templates Presentations – Drafts Presentations – Final Previous Courses WB National CDDC National Syllabus WB2008 – SR917 WB2009 – SR966 WB2011 – SR WB2012 – SR WB2013 – SR Dropbox Management Dropbox Information Dropbox Access Request Manage Mailing Lists Mailing List Issues Update Profile/Password Under the Staffers Section on the menu you will find the following information available to you for the course. While all this information is on the website, you will need Dropbox to enable you to save this information in a secured location which is backed up as soon as the information you added or modified is synced from your computer/device. If not, you will need to submit them from the site or me any updates so I can add them. We will go over what each of these sections has to offer.

6 Staffers - Communications
This section will have any communications which were determined as needing to be on the website as well as some which were also ed to the staff mailing list. Information will range from articles from other courses around the world to information which may only pertain to our course. Any items which are considered important to your course responsibilities will be sent directly to the mailing list or covered in one of our group meetings.

7 Staffers – Documents and Resources
This section has two sub-sections under it. The first is Staff Documents which when selected will display all the files from the Staffers Dropbox account. This allows you to gain access to all the files in dropbox if you are aware from the device which you have Dropbox installed. The next sub-section to Documents and Resources is “Presentations”. The Presentation link is broken into three separate sections: Presentations – Video and Clips: These are videos and clips which are added to your presentations. Presentations – Templates: These are the templates for your presentation for WB The templates are from WB2011 which we are using for the base. Most of these will not require tweaks while there may be some that will. Presentations – Drafts: These are presentations which are in the process of being updates or are ready to be finalized. This is a direct link to the “Presentations – Draft” directory/folder located in the Staffers Dropbox. Presentations – Final: These are the finalized version of your presentation. Once you have notified us that your final revision of the presentation is in the “Presentations – Drafts” folder, we will move it to the finalized section where you can access it from the website only. If you find errors you will have to download, update, and let us know.

8 Staffers – Previous Courses
This section a number of sub-sections. There is one for each of the years which we have archived documents from. Each year is separated in its’ own section. All these documents are read/only and available only from the website. Since each of these sections is self-explanatory, there is no need to drill further down within each of these. When you select one of the previous courses, it will display them in a explorer format showing the directories which you would click on to drill down. If you have questions please address them with

9 Staffers – Submissions
This section allows you to make submissions to the website. This allows you to upload any documents which need to be added to any of the read/only areas of the website as well. You will be asked a couple of questions concerning the file you are submitting along with the file name from your computer that you wish to upload. If you submission needs to go to a certain person or group, please state that in the “Description of your submission” Participants has this ability as well but it is located under the Participant Site menu options. The following file formats are permitted: jpg, jpeg, png, tif, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx

10 Staffers – Dropbox Management
This section has everything in it that you need to setup an account or provide us an existing Dropbox account that you want to have the Wood Badge 2016 documents associated with. We have tried to keep the sizes down and will continue to do this as we work through the course. The free account only allows a limited amount of space, which is why a number of our documents will only be available via the website. Any documents which are smaller in size or that you need to have the ability to update will be in the Staffers Dropbox share. If you have any challenges with setting up Dropbox, please for assistance. Installing Dropbox on your device or creating a Dropbox account is NOT required. You still have access to all the files by using the website. Website options for Dropbox: Dropbox Information – Explains and provides links to get yourself a free account for Dropbox Dropbox Access Request – Provides you the way of giving us your Dropbox account name so we can connect you to the proper Wood Badge 2013 Staffers folders.

11 Staffers – Mailing Lists
There are a few different mailings lists available to staffers. The main mailing lists is To help reduce the amount of chatter, the others mailing lists are dedicated to Troop Guides, Patrols, and Friendly Quarter Masters. This form is used to let us know you need to update your address or any of the mailing lists available. All Staffers will be in the Staff mailing list, while only TG and FQM will be in their associated lists in addition to the staffers mailing list. All participants will be placed in the appropriate patrol mailing lists once they are told what patrol they are affiliated with. The only staff which will be in the patrol mailings lists is the troop guide for that list as well as the Troop Guide ASM. If you have problems getting s from any of the mailing lists, you should read the document located under the menu option “Participant Site, Mailing List, Mailing List Issues”.

12 Staffers – Logoff Internal Site
This is exactly what is say. Logoff the Internal Staff Site. Please make sure you do this or completely close your browser, otherwise other people can get on to your device and obtain access.

13 Gilwell Gazette While this is not part of the Staffers website, I wanted to mention this menu option as this is where PDF versions of the all Gilwell Gazettes will be available after they have been published. Once the Gazette has been completed, your scribe will push a copy of the Gazette to Dropbox which will cause it to automatically be populated to this section of the website for review. To see the Gilwell Gazette you would hover over Chronicles and there will be a sub-menu option for it. Once you click on this option it will display the contents of the Gilwell Gazette Dropbox folder.

14 Questions and Answers If you have any questions on any of the items cover in this document, on the WB2016 website, or Dropbox, please contact me at

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