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Homework homework ˈhəʊmwəːk/ noun noun: homework

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Presentation on theme: "Homework homework ˈhəʊmwəːk/ noun noun: homework"— Presentation transcript:

1 Homework homework ˈhəʊmwəːk/ noun noun: homework
schoolwork that a pupil is required to do at home.

2 Homework! Homework Policy at St. Anne’s: 25 minutes per subject
2 subjects per night Expectation as outlined in our Policy at St. Annes is that…

3 Homework! Look at the blob picture…
Which one relates to how you used to feel about doing homework? Later, ask your daughter which blob she feels like when she does homework! Have a look at the images of the blobs… which one relates to how you used to think about homework? Interesting to find out how your daughter feels… We each feel differently about homework. This can depend on the task itself/ the subject and its content/ the instructions or expectations given We don’t want your daughter to feel negatively towards homework. We want them to see it as a useful and exciting method of learning independently.


5 Homework! 2 halves! If you have a pink
post-it note you shall spend the next 3 minutes having a chat with the other people who also have a pink post-it. If you have a yellow post-it you have 3 minutes, in pairs, to try and name a country for every letter in the alphabet.

6 Homework! 2 halves! Children can find it unfair if they are having to sit and do homework while siblings and other family members are doing nicer/better things! Recognise children’s perceptions. WHY? Your child may find it frustrating having to spend lots of time outside of school doing more work when other family members do not. We need to think how they might feel and recognise that they may want to be doing other things.

7 Homework! Wrong hand! Put a pencil in the hand you DON’T usually write with. *Keep talking onto next slide as they complete task* Now write down 3 reasons why homework is set…

8 Homework! Why? When children do not feel in control of what they are doing they can really struggle with what they have been asked to do. Do they understand the task? Are they struggling with the content? Are the instructions clear? Should they wait and check the tasks with their teacher? Be mindful of their frustrations. Do they understand the task? Are they struggling with the content? Are the instructions clear? Should they wait and check the tasks with their teacher?

9 Homework! do we set homework?

10 Homework! It reinforces learning It helps revision
Students learn research skills Anyone come up with any other ideas? Teaches resilience Gives them responsibility Develops independent learners Introduces new topics

11 Homework! How to… How can you help? We’re going to look at certain things you can do at home to support your daughter with her homework.

12 Homework! Environment…
Provide a pleasant environment for them to work in. Make sure that it is.. WELL LIT PLENTY OF PENS BOX TO KEEP BOOKS IN CALCULATOR NO DISTRACTIONS QUIET AND CALM

13 Homework! Environment…
If this is hard to do at home, we also run a Homework Club in the Library: Mon, Tue, Wed & Thu from 3:30pm – 4:30pm It’s quiet, there are over 30 PCs and Miss Vlismas is available to help with homework. The students do have access to the library every break / lunch time and Homework Club after school

14 Homework! Organisation…
Have a plastic wallet for each subject to keep any loose worksheets, plans, homework and other useful bits of paper safe and easy to find. Sheets can often get lost from their planners. We want them to keep their homework that they have spent so much time on safe and in good condition.

15 Homework! Thesaurus… This is really helpful as it not only helps improve your daughters vocabulary but is easy to use and encourages them to not make mistakes. BIG becomes… ENORMOUS, GIGANTIC, MASSIVE! This is also easily available on word/ online

16 What they are learning or have learnt in class,
Homework! T A L k Ask them about: What they are learning or have learnt in class, What they have to do for homework, When it has to be handed in and if they understand what needs doing. Check they are completing the task correctly. Show an interest in what they are doing. They will enjoy telling you what they have learnt and showing you what they have produced. If they know someone is checking up on what they are doing, they are more likely to do it and to a high standard.

17 Homework! It is very likely that your daughter will get stuck on her homework at some point... Refer back to class work and see if that helps Create a mind map about everything they do know Do as much as they can, to the best of their ability Show that they have attempted to complete “I’m stuck!”

18 Homework! and a “Well done”
How to give feedback that helps them improve... and a 2 Stars Comment on two things that they have done well in the piece of homework WISH! Comment on one thing that they could improve.

19 Homework! Spelling and Grammar
If there are lots of spelling and grammar mistakes in their work, focus first on the content of their work and then… ask for permission to talk through ways to improve. Too much criticism and they will stop asking for help! Be careful not to pick out every single mistake as this will really put a dent in their confidence.

20 Homework! The internet is great! However it can also be over used and if used ineffectively can hinder your daughter’s learning. Please find a list of useful websites in your booklets. Internet A list is in the booklets given to parents

21 Homework! Plan it out Put together a homework planner with your daughter. VARY the times you allocate for homework. Try and leave one day of the weekend homework free. Allocate down time to do things that they enjoy. Some may prefer a routine… complete homework as soon as they get in to get it out of the way / have a break when they get in and then complete homework later?

22 Year 7 Homework Timetable 2016-17
Week 1 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Tree Classes Ash RE Geography History English Beech Music History, English Sycamore Music, History RE, Geography Willow RE, English History, Geography Oak Elm Rowan River Classes Test French Maths Computing Science Beaulieu Avon Itchen Solent French, Science Hamble Medina Technology Classes B Classes (e.g. 7B1, 7B2) Creative Design (AT) O Classes (e.g. 7O1, 7O2)

23 Year 7 Homework Timetable 2016-17
Week 2 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Tree Classes Ash Music English History, Geography Beech History Geography RE Sycamore Willow Oak RE, English Elm RE, History Rowan River Classes Test French Maths Science Beaulieu Computing Avon Itchen Solent Hamble Medina French, Science Technology Classes B Classes (e.g. 7B1, 7B2) Creative Design (AT) O Classes (e.g. 7O1, 7O2)

24 Homework! Advice from Y9, 10 and 11 Don’t get stressed about it.
If it is taking more than 30 mins, just show that you have made a genuine attempt to complete the homework. Let your teacher know when you hand it in. Turn off phones, social media, TV, etc. Facebook and YouTube are excellent ways of turning a 25 minute assignment into 2 hours! If you don’t understand, speak to your teacher before the date it is due in. Don’t leave it until the last minute, especially if it is a project that will run for a few weeks! Present it well – typed rather than hand-written if you have a choice. However, the content is more important than the appearance. Don’t spend too long making it pretty. Write down everything about each homework in your School Log Book otherwise you will definitely forget homeworks! Print it early in case of printer errors. Don’t leave it until the break time before to print it. I asked my Student Librarians what advice they wish they had been given (and listened to!) in Y7… Any questions?

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