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Glaciers Deposits Features True or False? Give me more! 100 100 100

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1 Glaciers Deposits Features True or False? Give me more! 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

2 A glacier moves under this force

3 Gravity

4 A typical glacier moves more rapidly at this part

5 base

6 Glaciers move more rapidly when its warmer due to this process – give its name

7 Basal slip

8 Basal slip does not occur if the temperature is this

9 Too cold below freezing

10 In the middle of the glacier, the ice grains (firn) will move by slipping past one another through this process

11 Plastic flow

12 This is the general term for most unsorted and unstratified material left directly behind by a retreading glacier

13 Till

14 Tear or canoe shaped hill of unsorted/unstratified material left by a glacier

15 Drumlin

16 Drumlins direction of orientation is important for this reason

17 Drumlins are orientated in the direction of ice flow – the wide side of tear/highest end is located toward direction that ice flowed from and slopes down toward direction of initial ice movement

18 Rivers that form under the glacial ice can form this type of deposits

19 Eskers

20 Ice blocks that fall off of a retreating glacier may be covered by outwash, then be slow to melt, and eventually form a deep depression in the land that may or may not fill with water

21 Kettle (kettle lake)

22 Striations in bedrock provide an indication of glacier’s

23 Direction of ice flow

24 This is semi-circular feature is formed by an alpine glacier at the base/beginning of the glacier just below the moutain peak

25 Cirque

26 When two alpine cirques are found side by side, this steep high ridge feature is formed

27 Arete

28 In between two combining alpine glaciers, till may remain to form this feature

29 Medial moraine

30 Three features that are used to identify an esker

31 1. Steep sloped 2. Synuous ridge (continues for a long distance) 3
1. Steep sloped 2. Synuous ridge (continues for a long distance) 3. Undulating (the elevation of the esker can flucuate)

32 True or false - Rough granular ice material is called till

33 False – rough granular ice material is called firn

34 True or False: There is ice and rock material that is included into firn

35 False – firn only includes granular ice material and no rock

36 Valley glaciers have been found on every continent

37 False – Australia has had not valley glaciation

38 When a glacier melts back, then again moves not as far forward and stops for a period of time, a recessional moraine is formed

39 True

40 The theory of why the ice ages occurred in a cyclic pattern is called Milankovitch Theory

41 True

42 When three cirques are found on a mountain top, this very steep glacial peek may form

43 Horn

44 The 4 ice ages/advancements in the United States are named based on …

45 The state that shows the most advance/most prominent of the glacial features

46 The order of the ice ages in north america from oldest to youngest are

47 Nebraskan, Kansan, Illilioian, Wisconsinan

48 The furthest advance of a glacier will form this feature

49 End moraine OR Terminal moraine

50 On the far side of a terminal or recessional moraine, the meltwater will form a flat deposit of well sorted and stratified material called

51 Outwash or outwash plain

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