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Presentation on theme: "EOSLATP. MOODLE COURSE."— Presentation transcript:


2 ORIGINS Three sources of written commitmments: Application Form.
Schedule Scientific committee agreements and committments: Lisbon

Output tile: Moodle course about how to evaluate teaching-practice Output Description: An online course will be designed using the Moodle platform. This course will be addressed to inspectors, directors or other kind of agents carrying out the evaluation of teaching-practice. The course will be consistent with O4 intellectual output: It will be made up of several lessons about the purpose of the evaluation, how to do, with what resources, according to what criteria, etc. It will contain text-files, videos, quizzes, etc. Each organization will decide on who should take this course and what other groups might be interested on. It will be translated into the official languages of partners for further dissemination. Pg. 28: From 01 to Moodle Course dissemination by translation into local languages at local/regional level, and using ordinary ways of each institution for information transmition to colleagues, schools leaders... Pg. 57: It is the intention of all the partners to put into practice both the guides/handbooks and the Moodle course contents during the following years, and to report to each other on successes, problems and shortcomings. In order to establish a follow-up activity that won’t have any cost. Pg.66: SUSTAINABILITY (…) Moodle course will be available for stakeholders during the next years (follow-up activity without cost). Voluntary follow-up activities for partners during 2018.

O5/A1 PROJECT MANAGEMENT TEAM Elaboration the draft of the TRAINING COURSE FOR SCHOOLS LEADERS on Teacher’ assessment process (moodle) O5/A2 LOCAL TEAM (PROVINCIA AUTONOMA DI BOLZANO ) Revision the draft of the TRAINING COURSE FOR SCHOOLS LEADERS on Teacher’ assessment process (moodle) M5 SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE (PROVINCIA AUTONOMA DI BOLZANO ) Analysis of a TRAINING COURSE FOR SCHOOLS LEADERS on Teacher’ assessment process Guide (moodle) Visits and case studies O5/A3 LOCAL TEAM ((PROVINCIA AUTONOMA DI BOLZANO ) Revision of a TRAINING COURSE FOR SCHOOLS LEADERS on Teacher’ assessment process (Moodle). O5/A4 Uploading the TRAINING COURSE FOR SCHOOLS LEADERS on Teacher’ assessment process in a public platform with free access in order to be used (Moodle) by the partners (each Local Team)

5 ORIGINS 3.-AGREEMENTS OF THE SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE As part of the EOSLATP project, the Scientific Committee took part in a work session on the Evaluation of Teachers’ Practice at Inspectorate of PORTUGAL, in October 2016 and identified some shared purposes Moodle Course: EOSLATP will finish in July. Taking into account that the Moodle course on line can be difficult, the proposal is to do a STUDY GUIDE FOR AN ONLINE COURSE, that’s a DESIGN FOR A COURSE containing documents and other materials. It could be adapted to different on line platforms.

PROPOSAL Moodle adaptable to different on line platforms. Moodle (zip) For Inspectors, School Leaders and other agents carrying out the evaluation For Schools Leaders on Teacher’ assess-ment process. for Inspectors, SLs and other agents carrying out the evaluation (according to literature could be mainly SL) Consisted with 04: several lessons about the purpose of the evaluation, how to do, with what resources, according to what criteria, etc Absolutly attached to O4. text-files, videos, quizzes, containing document and other material All of them Translated to local languages. Translated (Media? Copyright? related to auxiliary materials) Course, Training course study guide for an online course, that’s a design for a course Open Course : a number of designed / closed “lessons” (objectives, materials, tasks an deadlines*) See example

7 Course Practicalities by each partner:
SL’s / INSPECTORS’ TRAINING (Initial / in-service / both) Legislation, planification… School Evaluation. Living together. TP evaluation. Communit. Involv. Etc. Hours Credits Calendar It can be used as a course itself, or inserted as a part of another course/training for SLs, Inspectors or… (variable number of hours / credits...), It can be open to be modified by users: deadlines / calendar… for each lesson to be determined by each partner. The same or different platform could be used. This course proposal that can be imported (zipped) by partners.

8 Development Index of the Guide Formative approach:
 1.- INTRODUCTION Origins of this Guide Justification: Why does Teachers’ practice evaluation matter? Why evaluate teachers? Agreements of the Scientific Committee  2.- AIMS AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THIS GUIDE Purpose / Characteristics / Potential users of this Guide  3.- THEORETICAL APPROACHES (literature) ABOUT What makes a good teacher? What does research say on Teacher´influence on students’ success? How are teachers evaluated? Sources of evidence. Some advices Evaluation purposes in partner countries  4.- GUIDELINES FOR TEACHERS’ PRACTICE EVALUATION Characteristics of this evaluation model Approach / Importance of the teachers self-evaluation / Impartiality / Transparency / Reliability / Revisability and meta-evaluation / Acceptability / Cyclical / Credibility / Adapted to meet the context Domains Teacher Evaluation Procedures Who should be evaluated? / By whom? / How often? / Procedures / Evaluation results / Practicalities.  5.- META-EVALUATION Definition / Purpose / Procedure (How? Who? When?)  6.- TRAINING OF EVALUATORS Why is important? / General statements Formative approach: learning through texts, multimedia, etc. via: Reading / listening… Interpretation 3 main ideas... Reflection. Agree or disagree, why? Surveys. In your school, colleagues… Comparisons with own reality. Adapt to your country, why? Essays. Conclusions Proposals.

9 Objectives: 1.- To provide a training tool, available for any educational system in Europe, about the evaluation of the Teaching Practice. 2.- To provide the students of the Course with these aptitudes and skills: Improvement of the capacity to design / carry out a TP evaluation procedure. Acquirement of tools to make proposals to those who design TP evaluation procedures. Improvement of competences as SL / Inspectors… Knowledge of the last international data, methods, tendencies, debate, tools… on the topic. Fostering the reflection through comparison among TP evaluation theories, the practices in other countries and the practice in the student´s own educational system. 3.- To promote an evaluation methodology that prioritizes the formative approach over the summative one. 4.- To improve the quality of the teaching practice and, as a consequence, the quality of the education systems in Europe.

10 Lesson steps: The next steps will be fulfilled in every lesson:
Input (content and materials of lessons). Process (tasks of the lessons) Output ( uploading of the tasks into the platform) see example:

11 Lesson steps: Inputs: Outputs: Process: Texts (original, ad hoc)
Charts, Grids, Summaries of data. Multimedia. Etc. Outputs: Uploading of works into the platform. Process: Reading. Listening… Interpretation. Reflection. Survey. Comparisons with own reality…. Essays: Conclusions and Proposals.

12 Example of a Lesson:


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