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Settling the Northern Colonies (1619 – 1700)

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1 Settling the Northern Colonies (1619 – 1700)
American Pageant Chap 3 Settling the Northern Colonies (1619 – 1700)

2 Reading Questions Explain who the Puritans were and their beliefs and explain why they left England for the New World. Explain the basic governmental and religious practices of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Explain how conflict with religious dissenters, among other forces, led to the expansion of New England. Explain why New York, Pennsylvania, and other middle colonies became so ethnically, religiously and politically diverse. Describe the central features of the middle colonies and explain how they differed from New England.

3 Vocabulary The “Elect” John Winthrop Predestination Antinomianism
Conversion Puritanism “Visible saints” Separatists Pilgrims Mayflower Compact William Bradford Massachusetts Bay Colony John Winthrop Antinomianism New England Confederation Fundamental Orders Benign neglect Dominion of New England Navigation Laws Glorious Revolution Middle colonies Salutary Neglect

4 What did the Puritans believe?
John Calvin A French Protestant exiled from France who moved to Geneva Switzerland and set up a theocratic (controlled by religious leaders) society Calvinism Calvinists believed in all-powerful God and the principle of predestination: that God has determined the individual's fate in advance of birth It created an inner tension and uncertainty that encouraged industriousness, good works, and piety Those predestined to be saved became known as the "elect" Conversion: God reveals that you are elect, you are known by signs of holy behavior, you become a “visible saint.”

5 What is the difference between Separatists and Puritans?
Sought to purify, or to reform, the established Church of England from within To eliminate religious practices that are grown from the traditions of the church without sanction from the Bible. They feared and detested the influence of the Pope in Rome and attributed the corruption in England to Roman Catholic influences Separatist Puritans Thought solution was to withdraw from the Church of England and to remove themselves from England to live a godly existence Small radical group of Puritans


7 Pilgrims (Separatists)
Why did a group of Separatists leave England for Holland? Religious persecution by James I James thought they were bordering on sedition by their actions toward the Church of England Why did that same group leave Holland for America? Separatists felt that Dutch society was corrupting their young people What did the Separatists do just before they set foot in America? Mayflower Compact

8 Who founded the Massachusetts Bay Colony and what was their basic form of government and religion?
Non-separatists founded the colony, in 1629, with the main settlement at Boston after leaving England for religious reasons They formed their colony based on the Congregational Church (Puritan) The government was not exactly a democracy since only male church members could vote The governor and his assistants were elected as was the General Court (Assembly) Not a theocracy in the strictest sense, but the government's purpose was to enforce God's laws Leaders: John Winthrop - "City on a hill" sermon John Cotton

9 What led to the expansion of the New England colonies?
Religious intolerance: Quakers discouraged / killed Anne Hutchinson: Claimed that the truly saved need not bother to obey the laws of God or man (Antinomianism) Exiled for her beliefs (to Rhode Island and eventually New York) Roger Williams: Extreme separatist Condemned the founders of the colony for taking land from Indians Said that the civil government could not regulate religious behavior and vice versa Exiled and founded Providence (Rhode Island) in 1636 Based his colony on total religious freedom

10 Seventeenth Century New England Settlements

11 Expansion colonies Reverend Thomas Hooker New Haven (Connecticut)
Led Puritans to Hartford (Connecticut) Settlers created Fundamental Orders in 1639 (a constitution) Allowed "substantial citizens" to vote Created a governorship, assembly, and judiciary New Haven (Connecticut) Founded by Puritans who believed that Massachusetts Bay Colony government not closely enough allied with the church Absorbed by the other Connecticut townships in 1662 Maine Set up in 1623 by Sir Ferdinando Gorges Bought out by Massachusetts in 1677 New Hampshire Fishing and trading villages Absorbed by the Bay Colony in 1641 Separated in 1679 by the King and became a royal colony

12 Colonists and Native Americans: It didn’t end well.
Conflict over land and its use as more settlers arrived Pequot War ( ) Colonists killed off most of the Pequot tribe Colonists attempted to convert some the remaining Indians and created "praying towns" King Philip's War ( ) Attempted alliance by Indians against Puritans King Philip defeated and killed Indians ceased to be threat for many years (until French and Indian War)

13 Early Settlements in the Middle Colonies, with Founding Dates

14 Diversity among the Middle Colonies
New Amsterdam / New Netherland founded by Dutch Religious toleration - $$$ was more important When taken over by the British and renamed New York toleration continued Pennsylvania founded by William Penn and Quakers Total religious toleration No restrictions on immigration Social reform - lack of slavery generally Liberal colony New Jersey founded by proprietors and eventually controlled by Quakers Delaware associated with and controlled by Pennsylvania

15 Seeds of Unity and Independence
New England Confederation Serious Puritans only: Bay Colony, Plymouth and Connecticut During English Civil War Mutual Defense Inter-colonial issues Benign Neglect by king before, and abandonment during Commonwealth (Oliver Cromwell) Allowed colonies to do as they wished

16 Restoration and Royal control
Charles II restored to throne in 1660 Legalized squatter colonies and religiously tolerant colonies (Connecticut and Rhode Island) Yanked Massachusetts Bay’s charter Created Dominion of New England Appointed hated Sir Edmund Andros to rule Enforced Navigation Laws Glorious Revolution in England ended Dominion Less oppression, navigation Laws unenforced (salutary neglect) Ended Puritan control of political power with royal colony status

17 Sir Edmund Andros's Dominion of New England
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