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Chris Brown Chief Executive

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Presentation on theme: "Chris Brown Chief Executive"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chris Brown Chief Executive
3rd May 2012 DMO – Evolution or Revolution?

2 Areas to cover How we started Why we changed Where are we now
Opportunities and challenges

3 Creation of Visit Chester and Cheshire
From 2004/5 – March 2011 Role of NWDA / Private Sector Grant Driven / Process / Bureaucracy Doing the right thing

4 A Changing Landscape 2009 - 2011 Recession Change in Local Government
General Election Result Demise of NWDA / Creation of Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) A move towards creation of Marketing Cheshire

5 Revised Sub Regional Architecture April 2011
Leaders Board Local Enterprise Partnership Community Safety & Justice Health & Well Being Culture & Sport Employment, Skills & Learning Climate Change & Sustainability Marketing Cheshire Management Team Programme Office Virtual Support Place- Based Delivery Teams Stakeholder Forum Revised Sub Regional Architecture April 2011

6 Private Sector Relationship Building

7 New Ways of Working Increased commerciality
Private / Public not Public / Private Move away from grant led culture Centralism v Localism Link to national bodies

8 Current Position Public Sector support “Investment” not grant
Striving to be “Place Marketing” Agency of Choice Securing new services – Chester TIC “Demand” led culture

9 Challenges Economic climate not conducive to risk
Changing culture of your team – behavioural challenge Private Sector view of destination organisations Provision of information v commercialisation–websites Lack of expertise Managing expectations

10 Opportunities Creating joint ventures Becoming more entrepreneurial
Challenging the not for profit remit Uncertainty creates vacuums and opportunities Reductions in formal structures opens up entrepreneurialism

11 Case Example 2012 Marketing Campaign Video

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