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Anti-tussives Vasaka PH103.38.

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1 Anti-tussives Vasaka PH103.38

ANDHRA PRADESH Name : R.D.L.P.Christian Designation : Lecturer in pharmacy Branch : Pharmacy Institute : GPW, Srikakulam(088) Year : I year Subject : Pharmacognosy Subject Code : PH-103 Topic : Anti-tussives Sub-Topic : Vasaka Duration : 50 min. Teaching Aids : PPT, Photographs PH103.38

3 The Anti-hypertensive drug RAUWOLFIA
Recap In the last class we learnt about The Anti-hypertensive drug RAUWOLFIA Rauwolfia contains alkaloids the clinically most important alkaloid is Reserpine PH103.38

4 OBJECTIVES On completion of this lesson, you would be able to
learn about The monograph of the Antistussive drug – VASAKA PH103.38

5 Known to Unknown Have you come across cough during cold seasons?
Do you know about the drug Vasaka? Can you tell one cough syrup which contain Vasaka? PH103.38

6 Antitussives - Definition
Agents used in the symptomatic control of Cough Depress the cough centre present in the medulla Also termed as Anodyne, cough suppressants and Centrally acting Anti-tussives PH103.38

7 VASAKA Syn: Arusha (Hindi) Addasaramu (Telugu)
Biological Source : Consists of fresh or dried leaves of Adhatoda vasica Family : Acanthaceae Geographical Source : India, Burma, Myanmar, Sri Lanka Fig.38.1 Vasaka twig PH103.38

8 Collection And Cultivation
Green shrub grows in loamy soil Reaches a height of 3 to 8 ft. Easily propagated by stem cutting and seed germination Obtained in all seasons of the year PH103.38

9 Morphological Characters
LEAF Size : Length 12-20cm width cm Shape : Ovate - lanceolate Margin : Entire or slightly crenate Venation : Pinnate Apex : Acuminate Base : Tapering Fig.38.2 Vasaka twig PH103.38

10 Morphological Characters
LEAF Surface : Glabrous, slightly pubescent Petiole : 2-8cm long, grooved Colour : Light green Odour : characteristic Taste : Bitter Fig.38.3 Vasaka twig PH103.38

11 Chemical Constituents
Vasaka contains Quinazoline alkaloids Main alkaloids are Vasicine, Vasicinone, 6-hydroxy Vasicine Leaves contain Volatile oil, Betain & Vasakin PH103.38

12 Uses Used as an Expectorant & Bronchodilator
Also used as Sedative, Antispasmodic and Anthelmentic Vasicine shows Oxytocic and Abortificient action Leaf extract cures Diarrhoea, Dysentery PH103.38

13 Summary In this class we learnt about Vasaka is an antitussive drug
Vasaka contains Quinazoline alkaloids Vasicine, Vasicinone etc., Expectorant and Bronchodilator activity PH103.38

14 Quiz 1. Antitussive agents are active against a) Chest pain b) Ulcer
c) Cough d) Hypertension PH103.38

15 Quiz 2. The active constituents of Vasaka are a) Quinazoline alkaloids
b) Indole alkaloids c) Tropane alkaloids d) None of the above PH103.38

16 Frequently Asked Questions
Define antitussive. Give examples of the antitussive drugs with the Botanical sources Mention the Botanical Source and Morphology of Vasaka Write the Chemical constituents and uses of Vasaka PH103.38

17 THANK YOU PH103.38

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