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Survey of English and Irish Literature:

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Presentation on theme: "Survey of English and Irish Literature:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Survey of English and Irish Literature:
Key Concepts and Textual Analysis

2 Quizzes Each semester will contain three quizzes on previously covered concepts and reading. These quizzes will count for 30% of your final grade (10% for each quiz).

3 Presentation and Paper For each semester you will have to write one paper. This will be based on a presentation you will make in class connecting theory and literature. You must complete this in order to qualify to take your final exam. Any instances of plagiarism or other unethical behavior will result in an automatic zero for your paper, and therefore the inability to take the final exam. The presentation and paper are worth 20% of your grade.

4 Examinations In each semester you will have a final written examination which will count for 50% of your grade. The marking of all work will be based not only on what you have to say but also on how you say it.

5 Final Grade Therefore, your final grade will consist of:            
3 quizzes    = 30% Presentation and Paper      = 20% Final exam = 50% Total           = 100% In order to take the final exam, you must have a minimum attendance rate of 80% for the semester. The requirements for each mark are as follows: 90%+ = 5, 80%+ = 4, 70%+ = 3, 60%+ = 2.

6 Plagiarism and Cheating Intellectual theft will not be tolerated
Plagiarism and Cheating Intellectual theft will not be tolerated. See university guidelines.

7 Reading The reading for this course is meant to be challenging but not overwhelming. Many periods and genres will be covered, which can be trying at times. However, for larger works only selections will be used, and a framework for understanding will be constructed in class. Old English literature is written in languages unintelligible to us, and will be read in translation. One secondary text we will use is: The Penguin Guide to Literature in English: Britain and Ireland, Ronald Carter and John McRae, Penguin, This text will be used to supplement information on the background of the periods we cover. All required reading will be provide by the teacher either in the copy shop, in class or via the internet.

8 Internet There is an internet site which goes along with the course
Internet There is an internet site which goes along with the course. Warning: the site will probably not be kept as up- to-date as it should. Please refer to the in class schedule for the most current timetable. The website contains a course outline and links to your homework.

9 Class outline The class outline is not set in stone
Class outline The class outline is not set in stone. You should bring your outline to class to mark any changes made as the course progresses.

10 Contacting the Professor Please see my office hours on the university website. Or I can be seen by appointment. Please feel free to contact me regarding any questions or concerns.

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