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1 <https//>
Introducing Institute of Ethnic Studies (KITA), The National University of Malaysia (UKM) Welcome to Wesa & Daniel Shamsul A.B. Distinguished Professor and Founding Director, KITA-UKM <https//> A presentation to Visiting Scanlon Swinburne Intercultural Fellows 13 July, 2016, KITA-UKM

2 A little history KITA-UKM was established on 8 October 2007
The only full-fledged research institute on ethnic studies in Malaysia Knowledge Orientation: academic analyses; public advocacy; professional engagement Objectives: to investigate, understand and find solution to the situation of ethnic differences and conflicts thus far to examine, understand and elaborate on the relative absence of ethnic violence in the last 45 years

3 SOCIAL CONFLICT vs SOCIAL COHESION | Malaysia & Sri Lanka compared (1945-2011)
1964 1969 2001 1945 2011 SRI LANKA PEACE is defined as “the absence of violence” (GPI 2011). Violent bloody conflict did occur in Malaysia and Sri Lanka since However, Malaysia, in comparison to Sri Lanka, enjoyed long periods of social cohesion punctuated a few times by conflict. The violent conflict in Sri Lanka had resulted in more than 100,000 deaths. For a useful comparative analysis on Sri Lanka and Malaysia, see, Sirimal Abeyratne, “Economic Development and Political Conflict: Comparative Study of Sri Lanka and Malaysia, “ South Asia Economic Journal 9:2(2008):

4 Knowledge orientation
What is academic analysis? Research, conferences, publication, teaching/supervision, public sharing What is public advocacy? A deeper, broader and targeted public sharing. Making research findings from academic analysis accessible to the public through RTD, Media, policy papers & the like. What is professional engagement? Consultancy on human resource management, policy risk studies, product designs embedded in multi-ethnic & multi-cultural contexts

5 KITA’s academic analysis
Context: KITA academic focus -- macro and micro issues relating to ethnic studies and ethnic relations, in Malaysia and within the ASEAN region. Researchers from KITA play the leading role, mobilize and collaborate with researchers within and outside UKM Funding from within UKM, Ministry of Higher Education and other government bodies LRGS (Long-Term Research Grant Scheme), FRGS (Fundamental Research Grant Scheme) and Special Grants from various Ministries; last five years cumulative amount received MYR10 million ICONIC PROJECTS: LRGS on Social Cohesion (MYR3.5 million) Blueprint for National Unity, commissioned by The Prime Minister’s Office (MYR 5 million)

6 KITA’s Research Fellows
THERE ARE 12 Researchers in KITA, a mix of academicians and professional researchers Professors (academician)/Principal Fellows (professional researchers): Nine (9) Senior Fellows (academician and professional researchers): Three (3) Research Fellows (academicians and professional researchers): Six (6)

7 KITA’s STUDENT 12 Alumni 22 Master 34 PhD 2 Master 10 PhD

8 KITA’s public advocacy
Context: KITA engages with the community continuously thro’ a sharing its research findings and getting feedback throughout the country. Method: RTD, mass media, seminar, op-eds online and in printed form, policy papers, ICONIC PROJECTS Blueprint for National Unity endorsed by the Malaysia Cabinet in August 2015 Contemporary Malaysian Indian, KITA & Social Rehabilitation Foundation Edited and publishes Ethnic Relations Module, compulsory for all public university students in all fields Malaysian perception of Indonesia and Indonesian Interfaith Video Competition

9 KITA’s professional engagement
Context: Global migration and business expansion grow in challenging multi-ethnic and multi-cultural realities. KITA has positioned itself to offer its expertise on ethnic studies and ethnic relations to domestic and global market ANTROPOTEK: <> ICONIC PROJECTS: for AIRBUS for WORLD BANK For Université de Cergy-Pontoise University & HUTECH Vietnam


11 KITA’s future: a national institute
Officially endorsed by The Prime Minister of Malaysia to be up-graded to a National Institute within a year. Expansion is based on the same present framework but with a broadening expansion of each of the following areas The academic analysis The public advocacy The professional engagement LATEST: KITA shall take the lead to form the first FOOD STUDIES NETWORK in Malaysia, on Friday 15 July Participants: researchers from private and public universities, chefs, teachers and practitioners in tourism studies, foods studies and hospitality Shall launch its ‘Inaugural Food & Society International Conference,’ Nov. 2016

12 Food & Society International Conference, 18-20 Nov 2016 <www
Food & Society International Conference, Nov 2016 <

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