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Hotspot of CO2 fluxes along the Polar Front

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1 Hotspot of CO2 fluxes along the Polar Front
Link with the Southern Ocean circulation Landshutzer figure show variability of the carbon fluxes in the Southern Ocean, chnagtes from sink to source and back to sink of carbon to ocean circulation changes. Overturning circulation but also the circumpolar current Landshutzer et al., 2015 Ocean & Atmosphere – Climate Science CENTER Clothilde Langlais, Andrew Lenton, Paula Condepardo, Judith Hauck, JB Sallee, Andreas Klocker, Joan Llort, Richard Matear, Steve Rintoul

2 What do we know about Carbon fluxes? What are the limitations?
Lenton et al., 2013 Air-sea CO2 fluxes year 2000 44oS outgazing 58oS Southern Ocean is responsible for a carbon uptake of 0.27to 0.43 PgC/yr south of 44∘S , and ~1PgC/yr south of 30oS. Limitations: Lack of observations Poor Understanding of high latitude carbon cycle Poor Understanding ocean circulation OBSERVATIONS uptake The Southern Ocean south of 44∘S is responsible for a carbon uptake of 0.27to 0.43 PgC yr-1, which includes approximately 25–30% of the global ocean uptake of anthropogenic carbon [Lenton et al., 2013]. But accurately quantifying this sink and understanding the processes behind it remains challenging. Most of sink happening between S – compensating effect south 58S and unsure if outgassing or uptake. 1.Lack of observation: The net ocean-atmosphere CO2 flux of the high-latitude, seasonally ice-covered Southern Ocean is especially difficult to quantify due to a scarcity in observational data [Bakker et al., 2014]. 2.Poor understanding of the high-latitude carbon cycle: *the role of the coastal ocean and sea-ice zone, that have a high variability in biological production, is not well captured. *complex interplay of physical and biological processes that drive sea–air CO2 exchange. fig.2 Takahashi et al., 2002: competition between seasonal temperature effects and biological drawdown . In some areas the temperature effects exceed that of the biological utilization of CO2; where for others, the biological effect dominates the seasonal changes in surface-water pCO2. 3.Poor understanding of the upwelling of CDW

3 Overturning circulation and CO2 fluxes
Surfacing of CDW favours outgassing Changes in the overturning has been linked with changes in strength of the carbon sink Interannual-decadal scale [Lenton and Matear , 2007; Lovenduski et al. , 2008] [Landshutzer et al. 2015] Glacial-interglacial scale [Barker et al., 2009 ; Anderson et al., 2009] Deep-ocean: main reservoir of carbon The deep ocean is the main reservoir of carbon in the earth system The Southern Ocean overturning circulation, connecting ocean interior with surface layers and sustaining the global carbon cycle . CDW move upwards along the sloping isopycnals that rise to the south in the vicinity of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC), eventually outcropping towards its central and southern areas. Modelling studies suggest that the upwelling of CDW is central to understand future response of the carbon sink levels (Lenton and Matear , 2007; Lovenduski et al. , 2008). CDW are relatively warm and salty waters rich in natural DIC, overlaid by colder and fresher surface waters (Antarctic Surface Waters ASW). When CDW reach the surface and are exposed to the atmosphere, their relative temperature and natural DIC content favour CO2 outgassing. [The upwelling also favour heat, oxygen and Cant uptake by the ocean because the upwelled waters are constantly transported away from the uptake zone through Ekman transport (Ito et al., 2010 ; Armour et al. 2016) .] At large scale, there has been a strengthening of zonal winds south of 45∘S, which is projected to increase in future (Le Quéré et al., 2007). A consequence will be an enhanced upwelling of nutrient and carbon in the Southern Ocean, slowing the increase in the carbon sink expected with rising atmospheric CO2 levels (Lenton and Matear , 2007; Lovenduski et al. , 2008). But how well do we understand the upwelling of CDW? Rintoul, 2000

4 What do we know about CDW pathways?
The upward pathway and the underlying physical mechanisms remain poorly understood. Outcropping of CDW : in-between South ACC front (sACCf) and ACC Southern Boundary (sBy) [Orsi et al. 1995] Transport and transformation of CDW Mid-depth : along-isopycnals flow + wind-induced divergence + air-sea fluxes Deeper : diapycnal mixing accounts for most of the transport How well do we understand the upwelling fo CDW? The upward pathway of these waters and the underlying physical mechanisms remain poorly understood. Outcropping between sAAf and Southern Byd [Orsi et al., 1995] It is believed that the return flow of the mid-depth cell, formed in the North Atlantic, is primarily along density surfaces all the way to the Southern Ocean, where the dense waters come to the surface and are transformed back to light waters due to air-sea fluxes [e.g., Marshall and Speer, 2012, review]. Nikurashin and Ferrari 2013 mixing drives a small fraction of transport in the upper ocean, but accounts for most transport in the abyss [e.g., Marshall and Speer, 2012, review]. [Marshall and Speer, 2012, Nikurashin and Ferrari 2013 ]

5 1/10O Ocean Forecasting Australia Model (OFAM3) Zhang et al., 2016
MOM4 ocean model 50 z-level WOMBAT BGC model 20 yr Spin-up with 1979 historical run : JRA-55 surface forcing (bulk formulae) State-independent restoring below 2000m OBSERVATIONS 1/10o ACC jets structure matters, how it influences Co2 air-sea fluxes.

6 Observations Takahashi et al., 2009 nominal year 2000
Air-sea CO2 fluxes uptake uptake outgassing outgassing Observations Takahashi et al., 2009 nominal year 2000 Historical OFAM3 JRA55

7 CO2 outgassing, ACC jets and CDW outcrop
Lenton et al. 2013: 0.27to 0.43 PgC/yr 44oS 44oS 0.33 Pg/yr 0.32 Pg/yr PF-south 58oS -0.01 Pg/yr Upwelling of CDW near the divergence zone

8 Anomaly of ocean pCO2 along the PF-south
LONGITUDE the gas transfer coefficient and the difference between the partial pressures of seawater and the Atmosphere oceanic pCO2 is highly variable in time and space two major oceanic mechanisms that can explain the difference in pCO2 along the front: (i) differnet intensity of biological production through changes in DIC and ALK; and/or (ii) changes in ocean physics that can lead to changes in SST, SSS, DIC and ALK in the upper ocean. dx dx dx dx dx

9 Anomaly of ocean pCO2 along the PF-south
DIC DIC DIC-T DIC-T DIC-T DIC-T DIC+ALK T S oceanic pCO2 is highly variable in time and space two major oceanic mechanisms that can explain the difference in pCO2 along the front: (i) differnet intensity of biological production through changes in DIC and ALK; and/or (ii) changes in ocean physics that can lead to changes in SST, SSS, DIC and ALK in the upper ocean. DIC ALK DIC+ALK

10 Supply of DIC in the mixed layer
Anomaly of ocean pCO2 along the PF-south DIC in mixed layer LONGITUDE

11 Less outgassing section at 110E September Ekman pumping CO2 flux sBy
sACCf PF PF-south natural CDW ASW

12 Stronger Outgassing Section at 80E September Ekman pumping CO2 flux
sBy PF Merging of ACC jets at the Fawn Trough PF-south sACCf natural CDW ASW

13 CDW surfacing is influenced by bathymetry
Take home message: CDW surfacing is influenced by bathymetry Surfacing of CDW favours outgassing Changes in the overturning has been linked with changes in strength of the carbon sink Interannual-decadal scale [Lenton and Matear , 2007; Lovenduski et al. , 2008] [Landshutzer et al. 2015] Glacial-interglacial scale [Barker et al., 2009 ; Anderson et al., 2009] Deep-ocean: main reservoir of carbon The deep ocean is the main reservoir of carbon in the earth system The Southern Ocean overturning circulation, connecting ocean interior with surface layers and sustaining the global carbon cycle . CDW move upwards along the sloping isopycnals that rise to the south in the vicinity of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC), eventually outcropping towards its central and southern areas. Modelling studies suggest that the upwelling of CDW is central to understand future response of the carbon sink levels (Lenton and Matear , 2007; Lovenduski et al. , 2008). CDW are relatively warm and salty waters rich in natural DIC, overlaid by colder and fresher surface waters (Antarctic Surface Waters ASW). When CDW reach the surface and are exposed to the atmosphere, their relative temperature and natural DIC content favour CO2 outgassing. [The upwelling also favour heat, oxygen and Cant uptake by the ocean because the upwelled waters are constantly transported away from the uptake zone through Ekman transport (Ito et al., 2010 ; Armour et al. 2016) .] At large scale, there has been a strengthening of zonal winds south of 45∘S, which is projected to increase in future (Le Quéré et al., 2007). A consequence will be an enhanced upwelling of nutrient and carbon in the Southern Ocean, slowing the increase in the carbon sink expected with rising atmospheric CO2 levels (Lenton and Matear , 2007; Lovenduski et al. , 2008). But how well do we understand the upwelling of CDW? Perspective: Interannual variability Seasonal cycle of CO2 fluxes Rintoul, 2000

14 Which resolution for this problem?
Observations 1/10o 1/4o Here we will Follow the Cant pathways to ocean interior in 2 models. Both MOM and WOMBAT. Big difference between high low res model is in the spin up Ocean model driven by Japanese atm reanalysis Blended forcing Do not represent the ACC in the same way : sharper jets, standing meanders. DOES it matter for Cant subduction? PF and SAF 1o Future of C in Southern Ocean| C. Langlais

15 Thank you Business Unit Name Presenter Name Presenter Title
e w Add Business Unit/Flagship Name

16 Fig. Supp 1 : Stationary Rossby waves: location and impact of resolution . a. AVISO time-mean geostrophic velocities and SSH contours and b. 1/10 ° model topography. Time-mean model horizontal velocities average over the top 200m and SSH contours (left), and time-mean model vertical velocities at 200m (right), for 3 different resolution: 1/10° (c. and d.), 1/4 ° (e. and f.) and 1 ° (g. and h.). Black contours show SSH contours with SAF and PF in bold.

17 Anthropogenic Carbon (Cant ) in Southern Ocean
Southern Ocean contributes to 30% of sink of anthropogenic carbon dioxide Inventory of 25+/-5 Pg C in Southern Hemisphere The Southern Ocean makes a substantial contribution to the oceanic carbon sink: more than 30% of the anthropogenic carbondioxide enter the ocean south of 40 S. High uptake of anthropogenic carbon peaks at the Antarctic polar front (55S). however very little is stored there, high inventory north of 55 S. This apparent difference between the implies that a large fraction of ACO2 absorbed into the Southern Ocean is subsequently exported to the northern basins. efficient uptake and storage of Cant by the Southern Ocean is a result of the vigorous overturning circulation Inventory of Cant in southern hemisphere from GLODAP is Pg C in SE for 26 to 27.8 kg Ito et al. 2010 Future of C in Southern Ocean| C. Langlais



20 Takahashi et al., 2002

21 Presentation title | Presenter name

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