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A Difficult Conversation

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1 A Difficult Conversation
A chance to change someone’s life or, quite possibly, your own life. Produced by Ian Burns Customer Care Officer (North Tyne) Please don’t reproduce without permission

2 Get What is Inside…OUT! As men, we will talk about anything that allows us to NOT talk about how we really feel emotionally. Sport, Beer, The News, Life… We tend not to talk about ourselves and our emotional wellbeing. This can lead to some of the most shocking figures, when we look at rates of male suicide. Men are three times more likely to choose to take their own lives than Women. Produced by Ian Burns Customer Care Officer (North Tyne) Please don’t reproduce without permission

3 Sad Figures In 2013 there were 6233 suicides in the UK. The highest since 2001. 4858 Men 1375 women Age Group of has the highest rate of suicide. WHY? Quite simply, women are more honest about how they are feeling and talk more openly to each other. IT’S THAT SIMPLE! Produced by Ian Burns Customer Care Officer (North Tyne) Please don’t reproduce without permission

4 Openness… is not a sign of weakness, it’s a sign of great strength.
Produced by Ian Burns Customer Care Officer (North Tyne) Please don’t reproduce without permission

5 Talk to Someone…PLEASE!
Produced by Ian Burns Customer Care Officer (North Tyne) Please don’t reproduce without permission

6 Being diagnosed with a mental illness doesn’t have to mean the end; it’s a pathway to a new beginning! Produced by Ian Burns Customer Care Officer (North Tyne) Please don’t reproduce without permission

7 Depression The NHS Choices website is a great source of information and help before you have your ‘Difficult Conversation’ and seek help from your G.P. There are many forms of Depression and hundreds of other Mental Illnesses. There is assessment tool that asks nine questions and gives you a score and points you in the right direction, once it’s completed. There are many, identifiers that can be present when diagnosing depression. Some are visible, some are not visible and some can present in ‘out of character’ behaviour at work, at home or when in the pub. If you are worried about a colleague or friend, talk to them about it and encourage them to talk to their family or their GP in the first instance. Produced by Ian Burns Customer Care Officer (North Tyne) Please don’t reproduce without permission

8 The Way Back YOUR GP Produced by Ian Burns Customer Care Officer (North Tyne) Please don’t reproduce without permission

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