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2017 Thrivent Builds Homes Kick-off Call

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Presentation on theme: "2017 Thrivent Builds Homes Kick-off Call"— Presentation transcript:

1 2017 Thrivent Builds Homes Kick-off Call
February 7 & 8, 2017

2 Aligned Missions Presenters: Nancy Daverio, HFHI
Iris Dooling, HFHI James Chaffin, HFHI Ben Groboski, Thrivent Financial Presenters:

3 What We Will Discuss Today
Roles Program requirements Planning, members & church engagement Resources: Program administration, promotion, media, branding, volunteer recruitment What to do next Who to contact

4 Roles Organizational Development Consultant-Thrivent Builds (ODC-T)
Critical link between the program and affiliates Provides vetting of affiliates Monitors affiliate monthly reports and Milestone 1 & 2 approvals Habitat Affiliate Project Leader (APL) Enlisting staff and volunteers Volunteer Name Submission Affiliate Monthly Reports and milestone documents Thrivent Community Engagement Team (CET) Works in their geographic zone to provide opportunity for Thrivent members to live out their faith and values Coordinates FR efforts to connect with build events and community participation on site Thrivent Financial Representative (FR) Licensed to give financial advice, offer financial products and services to help families plan for their financial future Helps guide Thrivent members to Live Generously

5 Thrivent Builds Homes Affiliate Program Requirements
Maintain good standing Complete build by Dec 31, 2017 Complete timely monthly reporting Display Thrivent signage Submit volunteer names every two weeks using the names submission website

6 2017 Thrivent Builds Homes Areas of Focus
Increasing overall program participation numbers by setting specific project requirements Minimum of 15 Thrivent Builds event days Engage at least 12 volunteers each event day Engaging Thrivent members 25% of volunteers will be unique Thrivent members Connections with churches 25% of volunteers will come from churches

7 Thrivent Builds Event Days
Engaging a minimum of 180 volunteers Traditional build site volunteering Partial build days Special events Ground breaking Wall raising Dedications Serving volunteers onsite Snacks/meals Devotions

8 Thrivent Members & Engaging with Congregations
Make Thrivent Builds possible A force for generosity Congregations: Introducing who we are Growing in understanding and respect for each other’s organizations Creating lasting relationships

9 Thrivent Builds Resources Website
or -> Making a Difference -> Thrivent Builds -> Advocate Resources Requirements: Milestones and Reporting Strategy Meeting Volunteer Name Submission Resources: Promotional, Media, Volunteer recruitment, Fundraising

10 What’s to do Next Habitat Affiliates: Watch for grant agreement email
Attend Affiliate Project Leader Call, week of Feb Local Thrivent team and Habitat Affiliate together: Hold a strategy planning meeting with Thrivent Team and Habitat staff Discuss roles and expectations – who does what and when Plan build schedule, volunteers, events, and special build days Discuss other ways to further the local Thrivent-Habitat mission partnership Plan promotion and media…

11 Work together to spread the word!
Promotion and Media – Tell the Thrivent Builds Story…and Tell Your Story Work together to spread the word! Press releases, media advisory, bulletin inserts, newsletters, web text, posters, flyers, presentations, brochures, posters, social media, T-shirts, etc. Signage on each build site (required) Resources available: Thrivent Builds Website Habitat Media Kit

12 Affiliate Program Milestones
Milestone 1 - Part 1: DUE March 1, 2017 Returned house sponsorship agreement & submit ACH Form Milestone 1 - Part 2: DUE 14 days after first volunteers on site, latest date is August 1, 2017 Submit volunteer names within 14 days of each event day, i.e. volunteer engagement on build During Build: Affiliate monthly reports due the 20th of each month, first is due Feb 20th Milestone 2 Complete Final Build Report Turn in Certificate of Occupancy dated Dec 31, 2017: DUE Jan 15, 2018

13 Your go-to people Your local team
Affiliate point people, FRs & Community Engagement Leaders Questions regarding church relationships, church partnerships, volunteer and member recruiting, & coordination, etc. Program Administration Organizational Development Consultant – Thrivent Builds Reporting questions, the agreement, Habitat practices and policies Affiliate Project Leader Build schedule, filling the volunteer opportunities, submitting reports to Thrivent

14 Q & A Process! Impact!

15 Thank You! Organizational Development Consultant - Thrivent Builds (ODC-T): Nancy Daverio - East , x4111; Iris Dooling - West ; James Chaffin - Midwest , x5243; Thrivent Builds support for CET: Box Thrivent Builds

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