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Proper Keyboarding Technique

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1 Proper Keyboarding Technique
Mass Media Communications

2 Proper Keyboarding Technique Includes:
Correct Body Posture Correct Arm, Hand, and Feet Position. Use of the “Home Row”

3 Posture Sit up in your chair. No slouching!
Body centered in front of keyboard, facing the computer. Comfortable distance from keyboard. Feet on floor, slightly apart.

4 Body Position Keyboard is at the edge of the table.
Arms and hands resting a comfortable distance from the computer. My body is centered with the B and N key.


6 Curved Fingers * Fingers are upright and not leaning on the keys.
* Finger tips are resting on the keys. * Thumbs are resting on the space bar.


8 Fingers On The HOME ROW Not this.. Strive for this
Fingers are resting lightly on the Home Row. With each key stroke my fingers quickly return to Home Row. Keep your hands on the Home Row, and use all fingers for typing. Do not peck the keys with 2 fingers. Not this.. Strive for this

9 Eyes on screen Try to keep your eyes on the computer screen. Not your hands & fingers! If your fingers are on the Home Row, you should be able to avoid looking down with practice.

10 IF YOU DO THIS . . . You will type faster.
You will make fewer typing mistakes. You will be able to type longer without getting as tired.

11 Remember: Accuracy and correctness is the first goal. Typing fast and speed comes second. Everyone is at a different level right now, so don’t compare yourself to classmates. Work on individual improvement. Practice makes perfect, so although this will difficult at first, try your hardest to type the right way!

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