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Hillary Kane Coordinated Campaign Committee August 4, 2016

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Presentation on theme: "Hillary Kane Coordinated Campaign Committee August 4, 2016"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hillary Kane Coordinated Campaign Committee August 4, 2016
Running for Office Hillary Kane Coordinated Campaign Committee August 4, 2016

2 Overview Why run for office? Important considerations
The arc of a campaign year Next steps

3 Why run for office? To win! Bring visibility to an issue
Build the Green Party Build name recognition for future run Other?

4 Important Considerations
Personal Your availability Your stamina Your finances Skeletons in your closet Political Context “winnability” Capacity of local party Availability – time time time. Leave of absence from your job? Nights & weekends? Family obligations? Stamina – physical fortitude to be at many meetings, speaking engagements, early mornings, late evenings, etc., ability to be under the microscope Finances – will probably cost you some money and if you’re not willing to invest in your campaign, why should others do it?

5 Arc of Campaign Year Now through Feb Exploration
Build campaign committee File paperwork Build infrastructure Research on issues/developing of policy positions One-on-ones with key influencers/constituencies FUNDRAISING Get to know the office/body Learn nomination procedures/rules Infrastructure – campaign communication, roles & responsibilities, bank accounts, voter database

6 Arc of Campaign Year Spring Professional head shot
Formal “launch” or announcement Website launched Social media launched Develop press contacts – first press release Ballot access Breaking into primary debates Lots & lots of meet and greets, community meetings FUNDRAISING Secure nomination

7 Arc of Campaign Year Summer Ongoing outreach
Door knocking, phone banking, social media Press releases – statements on incumbent, current events, etc Ballot access House parties, block parties, honk & waves, Gay Pride parade, neighborhood festivals Volunteer recruitment Voter targeting analysis FUNDRAISING

8 Arc of Campaign Year September
Ongoing outreach driven by voter targeting Door knocking, phone banking, social media Press releases House parties, honk & waves, farmer’s markets, Labor Day parade Volunteer recruitment FUNDRAISING Promotional material Campaign office?

9 Arc of Campaign Year October
Ongoing outreach driven by voter targeting Door knocking, phone banking, social media Press releases Debates GOTV planning Radio ads FUNDRAISING Promotional material

10 Arc of Campaign Year November GOTV implementation
High visibility events for earned media Radio ads FUNDRAISING Promotional material Election night celebration Decompress, Debrief, and Thank Everyone

11 Recap by Areas of Work Volunteer Recruitment Outreach Media
Website/Social Media Literature/Signs Fundraising Finances/Bookkeeping/Reporting Ballot Access Policy Positions/Issues Events GOTV

12 Next Steps Think about your personal goals for running
Talk to your local Green Party – what are their goals Talk to your family Talk with your work/colleagues Talk with your political allies (and maybe your foes too) Talk to the CCC!

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