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By Katty and Gany Israel ישראל.

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Presentation on theme: "By Katty and Gany Israel ישראל."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Katty and Gany Israel ישראל

2 Symbols of Israel Emblem Flag
Star (Magendavid)

3 Hanukia Kipa I have all symbols Shofar

4 Population of Israel is …
A Jaw Holiday The capital of Israel is … Jerusalem

5 Pesah Pesah is the eight-day holiday which is celebrated the removal of Jews from Egypt. On 29 March to celebrate Pesah. Youngest child in the family asks, "Why is this night different from all other nights?" his father replied: "Because we were slaves of the Egyptian pharaoh and God brought us out from Egypt". During the celebration they sing songs praising God Yahweh!

6 Special dishes for Pesah
Maca Maror Haroset Salted water Herbs that are soaked in salt water to symbolize spring, fertile reviving is eternal life. Zroa Special dishes for Pesah

7 Photoes





12 Famous Jews

13 e Albert Einstein

14 Sigmund Freud

15 Charly Chaplin

16 Barbara Streisand

17 Dustin Hoffman

18 Harrison Ford

19 Marlyn Monroe

20 Pink

21 Sarah Jessica Parker

22 The End The End

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