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Stellar Evolution Task

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Presentation on theme: "Stellar Evolution Task"— Presentation transcript:

1 Stellar Evolution Task
Low Mass Stars How do they evolve

2 The evolutionary path of a low mass star
Starter Task A The evolutionary path of a low mass star NEXT Sun main sequence Hand out Luminosity 1 Sun Sun white dwarf 0.001 Sun K 2 500 K Surface Temperature Draw the path from main sequence to white dwarf in the HR diagram provided on the printed hand-outs

3 What sizes can stars have
Starter Task B What sizes can stars have NEXT Jupiter Sun Atom You NTU Nottingham Earth km 0.002 km 1 km 10 km 6 000 km km km Earth's Orbit Saturn's Orbit Solar System Next Star Sun Galaxy km km km km km km Hand out Highlight the smallest and largest sizes of a low mass star during its evolution on the size scale on the printed hand-out

4 Main page of low mass evolution
Redo the starter tasks to finish Learn more about Luminosity Surface Temperature main sequence white dwarf K 2 500 K 1 Sun Sun 0.001 Sun Evolutionary Speed Size Evolution Colour Change Some Questions on low mass evolution Some further images and information on evolutionary stages

5 The evolutionary path of a low mass star
Starter Task A The evolutionary path of a low mass star NEXT Sun main sequence Hand out Luminosity 1 Sun Sun white dwarf 0.001 Sun K 2 500 K Surface Temperature Draw the path from main sequence to white dwarf in the HR diagram provided on the printed hand-outs

6 What sizes can stars have
Starter Task B What sizes can stars have NEXT Jupiter Sun Atom You NTU Nottingham Earth nm 0.002 km 1 km 10 km 6 000 km km km Earth's Orbit Saturn's Orbit Solar System Next Star Sun Galaxy km km km km km km Hand out Highlight the smallest and largest sizes of a low mass star during its evolution on the size scale on the printed hand-out

7 That's all on low mass stellar evolution !
Stellar Evolution Task That's all on low mass stellar evolution !

8 A low mass star in the HR diagram
Time Luminosity Surface Temperature main sequence white dwarf K 2 500 K 1 Sun Sun 0.001 Sun Main sequence NEXT Play

9 A low mass star in the HR diagram
Time Luminosity Surface Temperature main sequence white dwarf K 2 500 K 1 Sun Sun 0.001 Sun Subgiant branch Previous NEXT Play

10 A low mass star in the HR diagram
Time Luminosity Surface Temperature main sequence white dwarf K 2 500 K 1 Sun Sun 0.001 Sun Red Giant Branch Previous NEXT Play

11 A low mass star in the HR diagram
Time Luminosity Surface Temperature main sequence white dwarf K 2 500 K 1 Sun Sun 0.001 Sun Helium Flash Previous NEXT Play

12 A low mass star in the HR diagram
Time Luminosity Surface Temperature main sequence white dwarf K 2 500 K 1 Sun Sun 0.001 Sun Horizontal Branch Previous NEXT Play

13 A low mass star in the HR diagram
Time Luminosity Surface Temperature main sequence white dwarf K 2 500 K 1 Sun Sun 0.001 Sun Asymptotic Giant Branch Previous NEXT Play

14 A low mass star in the HR diagram
Time Luminosity Surface Temperature main sequence white dwarf K 2 500 K 1 Sun Sun 0.001 Sun Planetary Nebula Previous NEXT Play

15 A low mass star in the HR diagram
Time Luminosity Surface Temperature main sequence white dwarf K 2 500 K 1 Sun Sun 0.001 Sun Previous Return to Main Page Play

16 A low mass star in the HR diagram
Luminosity Surface Temperature main sequence white dwarf K 2 500 K 1 Sun Sun 0.001 Sun Size Main sequence NEXT Play

17 A low mass star in the HR diagram
Luminosity Surface Temperature main sequence white dwarf K 2 500 K 1 Sun Sun 0.001 Sun Size Subgiant branch Previous NEXT Play

18 A low mass star in the HR diagram
Luminosity Surface Temperature main sequence white dwarf K 2 500 K 1 Sun Sun 0.001 Sun Red Giant Branch Size Previous NEXT Play

19 A low mass star in the HR diagram
Luminosity Surface Temperature main sequence white dwarf K 2 500 K 1 Sun Sun 0.001 Sun Size Helium Flash Previous NEXT Play

20 A low mass star in the HR diagram
Luminosity Surface Temperature main sequence white dwarf K 2 500 K 1 Sun Sun 0.001 Sun Size Horizontal Branch Previous NEXT Play

21 A low mass star in the HR diagram
Luminosity Surface Temperature main sequence white dwarf K 2 500 K 1 Sun Sun 0.001 Sun Size Asymptotic Giant Branch Previous NEXT Play

22 A low mass star in the HR diagram
Size Luminosity Surface Temperature main sequence white dwarf K 2 500 K 1 Sun Sun 0.001 Sun Planetary Nebula Previous NEXT Play

23 A low mass star in the HR diagram
Luminosity Surface Temperature main sequence white dwarf K 2 500 K 1 Sun Sun 0.001 Sun Size Previous Return to Main Page Play

24 A low mass star in the HR diagram
Luminosity Surface Temperature main sequence white dwarf K 2 500 K 1 Sun Sun 0.001 Sun Colour Main sequence NEXT Play

25 A low mass star in the HR diagram
Luminosity Surface Temperature main sequence white dwarf K 2 500 K 1 Sun Sun 0.001 Sun Colour Subgiant branch Previous NEXT Play

26 A low mass star in the HR diagram
Luminosity Surface Temperature main sequence white dwarf K 2 500 K 1 Sun Sun 0.001 Sun Red Giant Branch Colour Previous NEXT Play

27 A low mass star in the HR diagram
Luminosity Surface Temperature main sequence white dwarf K 2 500 K 1 Sun Sun 0.001 Sun Helium Flash Colour Previous NEXT Play

28 A low mass star in the HR diagram
Luminosity Surface Temperature main sequence white dwarf K 2 500 K 1 Sun Sun 0.001 Sun Horizontal Branch Colour Previous NEXT Play

29 A low mass star in the HR diagram
Luminosity Surface Temperature main sequence white dwarf K 2 500 K 1 Sun Sun 0.001 Sun Asymptotic Giant Branch Colour Previous NEXT Play

30 A low mass star in the HR diagram
Luminosity Surface Temperature main sequence white dwarf K 2 500 K 1 Sun Sun 0.001 Sun Planetary Nebula Colour Previous NEXT Play

31 A low mass star in the HR diagram
Luminosity Surface Temperature main sequence white dwarf K 2 500 K 1 Sun Sun 0.001 Sun Colour Previous Return to Main Page Play

32 Stellar evolution low mass stars quiz
Luminosity Surface Temperature main sequence white dwarf K 2 500 K 1 Sun Sun 0.001 Sun When has a low mass star reached its largest size? Click on the right region in HR diagram! Return to Main Page Next question

33 Stellar evolution low mass stars quiz
When has a low mass star reached its largest size? Correct! On the Asymptotic Giant Branch a low mass star has reached its largest size of ~100 times larger than our Sun. Next question Return to Main Page

34 Stellar evolution low mass stars quiz
When has a low mass star reached its largest size? Wrong! Either try again or have another look at the size evolution slides Redo question Return to Main Page

35 Stellar evolution low mass stars quiz
Luminosity Surface Temperature main sequence white dwarf K 2 500 K 1 Sun Sun 0.001 Sun Which are the three longest evolutionary stages of a low mass star? Click on the one of the right regions in HR diagram! Previous question Next question Return to Main Page

36 Stellar evolution low mass stars quiz
Which are the three longest evolutionary stages of a low mass star? Correct! The main sequence is the longest evolutionary phase of a low mass star. Our Sun remains for 4.5billion years a main sequence star. Try to find the other phases or go to the next question. Redo question Next question Return to Main Page

37 Stellar evolution low mass stars quiz
Which are the three longest evolutionary stages of a low mass star? Correct! The horizontal branch is the third longest evolutionary phase of a low mass star. Try to find the other phases or go to the next question. Redo question Next question Return to Main Page

38 Stellar evolution low mass stars quiz
Which are the three longest evolutionary stages of a low mass star? Correct! The white dwarf phase is the second longest evolutionary phase of a low mass star. Actually this isn't a real phase. It is more the like the grave of a low mass star. Try to find the other phases or go to the next question. Redo question Return to Main Page

39 Stellar evolution low mass stars quiz
Which are the three longest evolutionary stages of a low mass star? Wrong! Either try again or have another look at the evolutionary speed slides. Redo question Return to Main Page

40 Stellar evolution low mass stars quiz
Which colour does a giant in the evolution of a low mass star have before it becomes a planetary nebula? Click on the right colour! Luminosity Surface Temperature main sequence white dwarf K 2 500 K 1 Sun Sun 0.001 Sun Previous question Return to Main Page

41 Stellar evolution low mass stars quiz
Which colour does a giant in the evolution of a low mass star have before it becomes a planetary nebula? Correct! These stars are very red since they are very cool. Our Sun will become as cold as K on its surface. Return to Main Page

42 Stellar evolution low mass stars quiz
Which colour does a giant in the evolution of a low mass star have before it becomes a planetary nebula? Wrong! Either try again or have another look at the colour change slides. Redo question Return to Main Page

43 Info on low mass evolution
Main Page Click on an evolutionary phase in the HR diagram you want to learn more about! Red Giants Horizontal Branch Planetary Nebula Sun Luminosity 1 Sun 0.001 Sun White Dwarfs K 2 500 K Surface Temperature

44 Red Giants Betelgeuse Mira Info Page NEXT
Red giants are sooo large that we can actually 'see' their size. Sadly we have to use very special techniques and can't just look through a very large telescope. Many bright red stars we see in the sky are red giants.

45 Red Giants NGC 6888 - Crecent Nebula Previous Info Page NEXT
Red giants lose some of their mass during their evolution. This material can form beautiful nebula around them and also enriches the surrounding space with heavy elements.

46 An artists impression of a
Red Giants Info Page An artists impression of a Supernova Type Ia The Red Giant on the right is in a double star system. It provides material for a white dwarf on the left. If the white dwarf collects enough material it will explode as a Supernova (Type Ia). Since this happens at a very specific mass and the brightness depends on the mass, we can use these special Supernova to derive distances to very distant galaxies.

47 A HR diagram of a cluster of old stars
Horizontal Branch Info Page NEXT A HR diagram of a cluster of old stars In this figure it becomes clear why these stars are called horizontal stars: The location of all horizontal branch stars is highlighted and they all lie in a horizontal region.

48 Variable Horizontal branch stars
Previous Info Page Variable Horizontal branch stars You will have noticed that some horizontal branch stars seemed to be above the normal region favoured by the others. These special stars are variable stars. Maybe you can spot them in the image of an old stellar cluster. These special stars are used to determine distance in our Galaxy.

49 Planetary Nebula M57 - Ring nebula Info Page NEXT
During the Planetary Nebula phase the star becomes a white dwarf and ejects all its mass into space. What remains is a white dwarf in the centre and a beautiful symetric nebula. It looks like a ring since the mass the star has lost is in a spherical shell around it.

50 Planetary Nebula NGC 6543 Previous Info Page NEXT
Sometimes the mass ejected by the star interacts with the mass it has lost during the Red Giant Phase and creates more complicated patterns. Here the nebula actually consists of two sperical shells. one to the top left and one to the bottom right of the star.

51 Planetary Nebula Previous Info Page
In some cases the two spherical shells look as if they are open at each end.

52 White dwarfs in an old stellar cluster
Info Page NEXT White dwarfs in an old stellar cluster White dwarfs are difficulat to observe since they are the faintest phase in the low mass stars evolution. However you will end up with loads of them after a while in an old cluster.

53 An artists impression of a
White Dwarfs Previous Info Page An artists impression of a Supernova Type Ia The Red Giant on the right is in a double star system. It provides material for a white dwarf on the left. If the white dwarf collects enough material it will explode as a Supernova (Type Ia). Since this happens at a very specific mass and the brightness depends on the mass, we can use these special Supernova to derive distances to very distant galaxies.

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