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6.3 Trouble over Colonist’s Rights

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1 6.3 Trouble over Colonist’s Rights

2 Raising taxes on the Colonists
British had to pay for the war Raised taxes to finance the Army Prime Minister George Grenville proposed “Sugar Act” taxed molasses and sugar

3 Colonists Could not Print their own money

4 Taxation without Representation
Colonists being taxed without their consent “No Taxation without Representation” Sam Adams Founded committees of correspondence Boycotted British goods

5 Stamp Act Legal documents Licenses Newspapers Playing cards

6 Sons of Liberty Threatened tax collectors
Secret organizations formed to protest Stamp Act Threatened tax collectors Repealed one year after it was passed – Sons of Liberty disbanded

7 Colonists Reactions Boycotted British goods
Wanted to repeal the Stamp Act

8 Declaratory Act Parliament still had power to make laws for the colonies Passed on the same day that Stamp Act was repealed

9 “By one Act they have suspended the powers of one American legislature, & by another have declared they may legislate for us themselves in all cases whatsoever. These two acts alone form a basis broad enough whereon to erect a despotism of unlimited extent.” —Thomas Jefferson on the Declaratory Act

10 Proclamation of 1763 Purpose:
Drew a line along western Appalachian Mountains Colonists were forbidden to settle west of the line to avoid Indian conflicts 10,000 troops sent to enforce

11 Proclamation of 1763 Effect: Settlers couldn’t gain new lands
Colonists had to pay for extra troops from England

12 Sugar Act of 1764 Purpose: Place tax on sugar and molasses
Stop colonial smuggling and bribery

13 Sugar Act of 1764 Effect: Colonists continue to smuggle
Led to the passing of the Stamp Act

14 Stamp Act of 1765 Purpose: Place tax on documents
More money for British debt

15 Stamp Act of 1765 Effect: Angered colonists Attacked tax collectors
Boycott British goods Sent petition to the King to protest

16 Declaratory Act Purpose: Re-state England’s power over the colonists

17 Declaratory Act Effect:
Colonists paid little attention to this statement

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