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Conflict in the Colonies

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1 Conflict in the Colonies

2 Conflict in the Colonies
Native Americans -land -religion English Power -Mercantilism: England used colonies to provide products they could not produce -Development of naval power -Desired a favorable balance of trade (when exports exceed imports

3 Conflict Continued Navigation Acts of 1660 and 1663
-Passed to protect English mercantilism -Colonists were forced to use English ships and trade directly with England Parliament forces James II out of power -Demonstrates that Parliament has final say Monarchy changes colonies -Enforce and tighten navigation acts -Parliament kept the right to veto any colonial laws


5 Uniting for Peace Albany Congress (1754) Ben Franklin
Colonial leaders and Iroquois leaders Aid against the French Both reject the idea– no treaty


7 French and Indian War British and French go to war (1754-1763)
Cause: France and Britain, both wanted control of the Ohio country (land west of the Appalachian Mountains) British and French go to war ( ) Treaty of Paris-1763 British gained control of land east of Miss. River French lost influence

8 Added Tension Relations with Native Americans worsen
Royal Proclamation of 1763: colonists could not cross the Appalachian Mountains England acquired a large debt from the war

9 Parliamentary Acts Sugar Act (1764) Quartering Act (1765)
Stamp Act (1765) Stamp Act Congress Repealed by Parliament (1766) Declaratory Act (1766) Townshend Acts (1767)

10 Colonial Reactions “No taxation without representation.”
“Virtual Representation”-felt unrepresented in Parliament Sons of Liberty organize boycotts Committees of Correspondence Organized colonial resistance against the crown Merchants create non-importation associations not buy British goods

11 The Revolutionary Cause
Boston center of colonial protest and rebellion (strained heavily by acts) British Army sent to enforce laws Boston Massacre (1770) Townshend Acts repealed


13 Boston Massacre

14 Boston Tea Party (1773) Coercive Acts/Intolerable Acts
-harsh acts imposed to punish Boston -closed Boston Harbor -military governor over Boston

15 First Continental Congress
September 1774 Colonial representatives Complete boycott of British goods, raise local militias, repeal all Parliamentary laws

16 Divided Loyalty Loyalists/Tories-opposed independence; loyal to Britain Patriots/Whigs-supported the war with Britain; American colonists

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