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The Spirit of Independence 1763 to 1776

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1 The Spirit of Independence 1763 to 1776
Chapter Five

2 No Taxation Without Representation
Section One

3 A) Dealing with great Britain

4 End of the French & Indian War
After the French and Indian War, Britain had almost absolute control of North America including Canada.

5 British America

6 The English Imperium created East and West Florida
The English Imperium created East and West Florida. They became the 14th and 15th colonies for Great Britain with St. Augustine and Pensacola as the capitals. English Imperium (1763)

7 James Grant was the governor of East Florida.

8 George Johnstone was the governor of West Florida.

9 The proclamation of 1763 made many of the American colonists very angry. They wanted to move into the new land. The British government wanted to control the westward expansion (not the colonists). They also wanted to avoid confrontations with the Native Americans. Proclamation of 1763

10 The British also wanted to control the fur trade in the new land and keep colonists in the east producing goods for England. Proclamation of 1763

11 Over 10,000 British Troops were kept in America to control them.
Proclamation of 1763

12 These actions by the British government angers the American colonists.
Angry Colonists

13 In 1763, George Grenville becomes Prime Minister of Great Britain
In 1763, George Grenville becomes Prime Minister of Great Britain. He wants the American colonies to pay the war debt built up in the French and Indian War. George Grenville

14 American Smugglers The first target of Grenville were American smugglers.

15 Britain passed the creation of Writs of Assistance that authorized British officials to enter American homes and businesses to search for smuggled goods. Writs of Assistance

16 In 1764, the Sugar Act is passed to raise more money
In 1764, the Sugar Act is passed to raise more money. It lowered the tax on imported molasses to try to get colonists to stop smuggling. The Sugar Act (1764)

17 American Anger Many colonists were angry that these laws were infringing on their individual liberties and that Great Britain was holding them to a different standard than other British citizens.

18 B) New Taxes on the Colonies

19 The Stamp Act (1765) In 1765, the Stamp Act is passed to raise even more money. It is a tax on printed and legal documents, which affected almost every colonist.

20 Patrick Henry The colonists were more angry now because Britain was interfering in their colonial governments and ignored the colonial ideas of self rule. In the Virginia House of Burgesses, member Patrick Henry pushed through a resolution declaring that only Virginia had the power to tax its citizens.

21 No Taxation Without Representation

22 No Say, No Pay!!!

23 King George in effigy In Boston, Samuel Adams organizes the Sons of Liberty to actively protest the act in the streets. Colonists burned effigies of tax collectors and King George. They also vandalized British official’s homes.

24 Samuel Adams & The sons of liberty

25 Stamp Act Congress In 1765, the Stamp Act Congress met in New York to petition the King and the British government to halt the act. Nine colonies attended the Congress. The members called for a boycott of British goods, they signed a nonimportation agreement, and asked the British government to repeal the act.

26 Colonial Boycotts

27 The Declaratory Act In 1766, the British government repealed the Stamp Act but passed the Declaratory Act on the same day giving the British government the right to tax and make decisions for the colonies however they desired!

28 The Townshend Acts (1767) In 1767, the British government also passed the Townshend Acts, which placed a tax on any imported item coming into the colonies including glass, tea, paper, and lead.

29 Daughters of Liberty Once again, the colonists called for boycotts of British goods. Women formed the Daughters of Liberty.

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