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Dress Rehearsal Colonists continued to flow in to North America.

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2 Dress Rehearsal Colonists continued to flow in to North America.
Expanded colonies, pushed west. Came in to contact with French settlers and Natives.

3 Results in the French and Indian War.
British and Colonial Militia defeat French and Indians. Brits kick French out of North America.

4 After the war, British are heavily in debt.
Decide the colonies should pay the debt. British begin issuing ‘writs of assistance’ British soldiers able to search without cause

5 British King George III
Issues the Proclamation of 1763 Forbids colonists from settling west of Appalachian Mountains Colonists furious, they feel King George III is acting as a despot.

6 British Parliament begins to pass laws which infuriate colonists
Quartering Act Forced colonists to house British troops Stamp Act Forced all printed materials to be taxed and stamped.

7 Group of Colonists meet
Stamp Act Congress “No Taxation without Representation!!!!” Argued that since they have no say, they cannot be taxed.

8 Colonists decide to boycott British Goods
Refuse to buy them, thus hurting Britain economically Large black market develops in the colonies.

9 In Boston, a radical group called the Son of Liberty forms.
Headed by Samuel Adams Used violent methods to enforce the boycott Tar-and-Feathering, beatings, intimidation

10 The boycott, coupled with the violence, led to Parliament repealing the Stamp Act.
Passed the Declaratory Act Stated Parliament’s authority to pass laws on the colonies. Mixed victory

11 In 1767, Parliament passed the Townshend Acts
Taxes imported goods – glass, tea Boston erupts in violence, England sends soldiers, declares Martial Law

12 March 5, 1770 British Soldiers guarding Old State House in Boston Accosted by protesters Begin throwing snowballs, oysters, rocks

13 British soldiers fire into the crowd.
Kill 5 colonists. Paul Revere depicts the event and creates sympathy for the colonists.


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