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Presentation on theme: "CLAY-BASED HOUSES-SUSTAINABLE METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION"— Presentation transcript:

Maria KOZLOVSKA, Marcela SPISAKOVA, Matus TKAC Faculty of Civil Engineering, Technical University of Kosice,

2 Technology of rammed earth
Objectives The goal of submitted paper is to compare the technological, economic and environmental aspects of sustainable clay-based houses (RAMMED EARTH HOUSES) with the traditional masonry and wooden houses. The compare study was done through multi-criteria comparative analysis. The synthetic evaluation index as a result of analysis determined the optimal construction methods of family houses according the given the comparative aspects. The subject of research was a variant solution of construction methods for two floor family house with strip foundation and flat roof. There was suggested four design options for the house: house based on wood and rammed earth (variant A) house based on rammed earth (variant B) house based on brick (variant C) house based on wood (variant D) Rammed earth means the compaction of moist earth (stabilized or not) inside a wooden formwork. Technology of rammed earth

3 Methods The parameters of multi-criteria comparative analysis were divided into two criteria and five sub-criteria. Weight of criteria used in multi-criteria analysis Criteria Weight of criteria Sub-criteria Weight of sub-criteria Evaluation Resulting weight 1.TECHNOLOGICAL 0,39 1.1 duration of construction 0,79 destimulant 0,3081 1.2 average number of employees 0,21 0,0819 SUM: 1 2.ECONOMIC 0,61 2.1 investment costs 0,47 0,2867 2.2 transportation costs 0,16 9,76 2.3 total financing costs 0,37 0,0976 TOTAL SUM: Particular criteria and sub-criteria were evaluated by its importance. To avoid subjective assessment and determine the importance of each criteria a survey was performed. The respondents included the potential investor of family houses. Summary of the objectives quantification for the selected variants of family houses The quantification of multi-criteria objectives presents the input values for multi-criteria comparative analysis. The duration of construction and average number of employees were determined by the processing of time schedule in software MS Project for each variant. It was also processed the budget in the economic-construction software CENKROS Plus for each variant of family house. Transport costs were quantified according the costs for transportation of building materials and products to the building site. The total financing costs also includes mortgage repayments. Variant solution Objectives Duration of construction (days) Average number of employees Investment costs (EUR) Transport. costs (EUR) Total financing costs (EUR) Variant A 149 4 80 250 243 21 237 Variant B 184 5 80 939 205 21 418 Variant C 118 91 974 586 21 061 Variant D 95 89 111 160 20 673 Basic variant We assumed 20% funding from the investor's resources and 80% of the funding of mortgage for each variant.

4 Results Objectives Duration of construction (days) Average number of employees Investment costs (EUR) Transport. costs (EUR) Total financing costs (EUR) Synthetic evaluation index of the i-th variant (Ji) Variant solution Resulting weight (vj) 0,3081 0,0819 0,2867 0,0976 0,2257 Resulting weight (vj) and coefficient (cij) multiplying Variant A 0,1963 0,0642 0,2196 0,8487 Variant B 0,1590 0,0655 0,2841 0,0761 0,2178 0,8025 Variant C 0,2480 0,2500 0,0266 0,2214 0,8115 Variant D 0,2580 0,9549 Variant that achieves the highest value Ji presents an optimal variant based on selected criteria and their weights. Based on multi-criteria comparative analysis it can be concluded that, with respecting potential investor´s requirements (weights of criteria and sub- criteria), the variant D - house based on wood present the optimal construction variant for family house. The variants A and B were disadvantaged only in labor intensity of rammed earth walls (15 hour/m3 for wall constructed by rammed earth technology). Conversely, the variant A and variant B are more appropriate according the economic analysis. The results of case study showed that clay houses are interested for the investors in term of economic parameters. Only limiting factor is the construction duration. Synthetic evaluation index of particular variant calculation


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