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The impact of war on society in Wales and England

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1 The impact of war on society in Wales and England 1914-1951
WWI Massive centralisation and control- civilians conscription 1916 war work, resources- coal DORA, food drink transport Nat debt £625mill 1914 £7980 mill 1918 – taxation up d in £ to 1s 6d in £. Income tax s 6d to 6s in £ mill pay inc tax mill No gold standard from banks killed amputees. Lost generation Trade union power increased- responsible, shop stewards more important Red Clydeside strikes TU membership rose mill to 6 mill 1918 Women status changed sex disqualification jury service for women too 1919 State registered nurses. mill women in employment mill 1919 to 1914 level Attitudes- unmarried mothers, smoking, financially indep pop own 66% wealth % Salaries 1.7 get salary mill in 1927 Land fit for heroes- Addison housing 1919 ended 1922 Industrial unrest- for compet, coal ind outdated, German and Fr coal and Japan and USA comp. SHUCK WIN Boer War Gold in Transvaal mines Propaganda- militarism, imperialism Chamberlain Liberals Khaki election 1901 Press- criticism Manchester Guardian and Welsh papers- Scorched earth-Kitchener Nov 1900 Conc camps- Sep deaths 30,000 disease Lizzie van Zyl Hobhouse report-Jan 1901. National efficiency- Gen Sir Fred Maurice Recruits- 60% unfit Cmmttee Physical deterioration- improve Living cond , work cond and ed Empire like a business Technocratic improvement not party politics Meritocracy Modernisation esp in military Education longer and scie and technology Socialists for it Conser vrs it Libs gradual Liberal reforms R and B- free school meals 1906 ( %) Medical insp % schools did 1908 Pensions OAP over 70 (Manch 40) 1909 Labour exchanges existed 1911 nat ins act sick medical treat and un benefit Caused by- TU’s, R and B, Germany, Labour party Army Reforms- Elgin and then the Esher Report 1904 reform army led to Haldane reforms- special reserve better medical and nursing PPIGS The impact of war on society in Wales and England WWII A Social revolution- People’s war Blitz shelters, Intervention and control, Propaganda Dig for victory, Social mobility, Americanisation servicemen 1 mill films, Women roles WAAF’s land girls, Attitudes- communism, change Continuity- live far from bombs, looting, Temporary change jobs, Class division, Welfare state and Beveridge plan, Labour landslide- People’s war, experience Attlee, Morrison, Bevin, Welfare state, Low’s cartoons. Economy- Debts 70£mill a day. Lend –Lease from USA, Loans 1945 $5000mill Full employment loan help in Uk Dalton optimistic. Fuel crisis due to harsh winter- cuts, Shinwell, Chancellor Stafford Cripps Austerity, Dollar Crisis 1947 terms of loan- devaluation of £ by 30%. Cripps cut costs avoided inflation, Exports rose % better than 1939 economy . Nationalisation- key inds spend German zone £234 mill Palestine Turkey Marshall Aid $1250 mill USA, Welfare state- Beveridge report family allowance, Nat health service, full employ- Two probs of 30’s Unemployment and Means Test-Butler’s Ed Act Aneurin Bevan payments per patient 90% Drs hostile to NHS in end % Drs supported it. Cuts in spending to NHS in 1950 led to Bevan resigning. Econ success, NHS success, Welfare State success CLEAN W

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