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The Roots of American Democracy

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Presentation on theme: "The Roots of American Democracy"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Roots of American Democracy
Unit One Review

2 Forms of Government

3 Ruled – People – Representatives vote

4 Representatives voting
A Parliamentary Democracy

5 We THE PEOPLE Popular Sovereignty

6 Heredity / Bloodline Monarchy

7 Government Full Control

8 Headed by religious leaders

9 Transitional or Unstable
From one to another Transitional or Unstable

10 One candidate/party Single-Party State

11 President sole head of gov’t.
Presidential Democracy

12 Why are Governments Necessary?

13 No Government State of Nature

14 Use the Force, “Luke” Power

15 Power to Control Authority

16 For all the People Public Goods

17 Supreme Authority Sovereignty

18 Established organizations

19 Public Policy and Institutions

20 Dilemma’s of government
Freedom vs. Order and Freedom vs Equality

21 Accepted as authority Legitimacy

22 Institutions establish Public Policy

23 Modern Democratic Nations

24 Fair laws Justice and Respect for the Law

25 Life, liberty and property
Natural Rights – Locke Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness – Jefferson

26 Elected officials decide
Representative Government

27 Higher law Natural Law

28 Everyone votes for everything
Direct Democracy

29 Powers restricted by the people
Limited government

30 Social Contract Theory
Give up some freedoms Social Contract Theory

31 Human beings rights Individual Rights

32 Divided between branches
Separation of Powers Makes the laws Enforces the Laws Interprets the Laws

33 English Rights Magna Carta

34 Five Political Ideals of America
Equality Freedom Justice Limited Government Democracy

35 WE the PEOPLE – Or – Those People

36 The Social Contract Thomas Hobbes

37 Magna Carta Archbishop Langton

38 Civic Virtue Cicero

39 Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness
Thomas Jefferson and the Declaration of Independence

40 Life, Liberty and Property
John Locke

41 Separation of powers Montesquieu

42 Beginnings of Democracy

43 Even Ronald McDonald desires Rights
English Bill of Rights Somers Even Ronald McDonald desires Rights

44 The Man, not the myth……Consent
John Adams

45 A model of Roman Virtue – Civil Virtue
Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus The only known picture of this fine young man.

46 Governments exist to _____________

47 The oldest objective of Government
Maintaining Order

48 Karl Marx believed in? Communism

49 Four Freedoms according to Roosevelt
Of: Speech and Worship From: Fear and Want

50 Advocates unlimited power for the Gov’t.

51 Government owns Key Resources

52 The people control the Economic Resource

53 Opposed to almost all government action.

54 Political philosophy that opposes ALL government.

55 What I should do this weekend?
STUDY and you will prosper!

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