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1. Define politics, government, and liberty

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1 1. Define politics, government, and liberty

2 2. Identify and give an example of the 3 contemporary theories of democracy.

3 Outline the 6 steps of the
policymaking cycle.

4 4. Identify and explain three components of traditional democratic theory.

5 5. Identify two ways that we have a representative democracy as opposed to a direct democracy.

6 6. Explain three problems with the Articles of Confederation.

7 7. Define federalism. Name a country with a federalist system.

8 8. Differentiate between a unitary, federalist and confederal government. Give and example of each.

9 9. a. Identify the two ways that an amendment to the Constitution can be proposed.
b. Identify the two ways that an amendment to the Constitution can be ratified.

10 Who were the Federalists and Anti-Federalists
Who were the Federalists and Anti-Federalists? Name one person from each faction.

11 a. What are the Bill of Rights?
b. Who advocated they be added to the Constitution?

12 a. What does the case Marbury v. Madison establish?
b. What does the case McCulloch v. Maryland establish? c. What does Gibbons v. Ogden establish?

13 13. Define a recall, initiative, and referendum.

14 14. Distinguish between the concept of separation of powers and checks and balances.

15 15. Identify and explain three ways that states in the United States are obligated to each other.

16 16. Identify and give an example of an enumerated power.

17 17. Identify and give an example of an implied power.

18 18. What is a block grant, categorical grant, and federal mandate?

19 19. a. Which state was the 1st to sign the Constitution. b
19. a. Which state was the 1st to sign the Constitution? b. Which two states would not sign until the Bill of Rights was included? c. When was the Constitution passed? d. When were the Bill of Rights added?

20 20. Name 3 ways that Madison’s Plan reduced the power of the individual.

21 21. What amendment reserves powers to the states?

22 22. Identify one way the Congress can check the executive and judiciary.

23 23. Identify one way the Executive can check the legislative and judiciary.

24 24. Define and give an example of devolution .

25 25. Identify 3 concurrent powers.

26 26. Identify 3 sole state powers.

27 27. Identify 3 sole national powers.

28 28. Explain how suffrage was expanded by each of the following amendments: 15, 17, 19, 23, 24, 26.

29 29. What were the 3 individual powers in the Constitution before the addition of the Bill of Rights.

30 30. What philosopher did Thomas Jefferson model when he wrote about innate (natural rights) in the Declaration of Independence.

31 31. What was the philosophy of Thomas Hobbes?

32 32. What three compromises were added in the Constitution? Explain each.

33 33. Name four ways the power of the national government has expanded over history.

34 34. What is social capital?

35 35. Explain the commerce clause
35. Explain the commerce clause. How has it expanded power of the national government?

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