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GEO Task AR Architecture Implementation Pilot

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Presentation on theme: "GEO Task AR Architecture Implementation Pilot"— Presentation transcript:

1 GEO Task AR-07-02 Architecture Implementation Pilot
George Percivall AI Pilots Kickoff - 5&6 June ESA/ESRIN Slide # 1

2 GEO Task AR-07-02 Architecture Implementation Pilot
GEO and GEOSS Task AR Description Component Types and Use Cases Component Instances From CFP Responses Slide # 2

3 The Global Framework A distributed system of systems
Improves coordination of strategies and observation systems Links all platforms: in situ, aircraft, and satellite networks Identifies gaps in our global capacity Facilitates exchange of data and information Improves decision-makers’ abilities to address pressing policy issues The Earth is an integrated system. All the processes that influence conditions on the Earth, whether ecological, biological, climatological, or geological, are linked, and impact one another. Therefore, Earth observing systems are strengthened when data collection and analysis are achieved in an integrated manner. Right now, 52 countries have come together – at the highest political levels – to develop such a system. The basic tenets of such a system are listed here [SEE SLIDE]. Slide # 3

4 GEOSS Architecture and Data Committee Interests
ADC oversees 30+ tasks from the GEO work plan related to common architecture and data management Primary architecture tasks include: AR-07-01: Establishes common operational resources for GEOSS architecture AR-07-02: Pilots the development of GEOSS Web Portal and Clearinghouse capabilities and tests architectural design Slide # 4

5 GEO Task AR-07-02 Architecture Implementation Pilot
GEO and GEOSS Task AR Description Component Types and Use Cases Component Instances From CFP Responses Slide # 5

6 GEO Task AR-07-02 Architecture Implementation Pilot
Lead incorporation of contributed components consistent with the GEOSS Architecture… …using a GEOSS Web Portal and a GEOSS Clearinghouse search facility …to access services through GEOSS Interoperability Arrangements …in support of GEOSS Societal Benefit Areas Title from AR task sheet Slide # 6

7 GEOSS Architecture Implementation Pilot
“Pilot” - implementation of interoperability arrangements in a persistent environment Develop recommendations for GEOSS Web Portal and Clearinghouse Demonstration in advance of the EO Summit Portals, Clearinghouse/catalogues and Services Scenario supporting one or more GEOSS SBAs. Utilize OGC Procedures for conducting a pilot Schedule: Initiation in 1st quarter 2007, 6 month development Slide # 7

8 Pilot Approach Concept
OGC Pilot Policy and Procedure Concept Development Task A RFQ/CFP* Development Task B Kick-off Preparation Task C Execution Task D Deploy Task E *RFQ/CFP = Request for Quotation/Call for Participation Slide # 8

9 Coordination of Activities
FEDEO Pilot GEO AR-07-02 Tri-Lateral Pilot GEO Tasks? Architecture and Standards for Earth Observation Slide # 9

10 AI Pilot Milestones CFP Release 13 April CFP Responses due 11 May
Pilot Kickoff meeting 5-6 June, ESRIN Deploy, Integrate, Test June to Sept. Demo Capture September 2007 Initial Operating Capability After September Plenary & Summit November 2007 Slide # 10

11 GEO Task AR-07-02 Architecture Implementation Pilot
GEO and GEOSS Task AR Description Component Types and Use Cases Component Instances From CFP Responses Slide # 11

12 CFP Architecture Developed from RFI and Responses
RM-ODP Viewpoints for architecture Enterprise: purpose, scope, and scenarios Information: features, coordinates, semantics Computational: service oriented architecture Identifies candidate interoperability arrangements Engineering: component types Technology: component instances ISO/IEC 10746: IT-Open Distributed Processing - Reference Model (RM-ODP) Slide # 12

13 Why GEOSS? GEOSS-Global System To Meet Societal Needs
Interdisciplinary focus An integrated international system using remote sensing & in situ systems Foundation for sound decision-making: global, regional, & local level Social, Economic, & Science Concerns More than half the world’s population lives within 60 km of the shoreline, & this could rise to 3/4 by the year 2020 More than 90% of natural disaster-related deaths occur in developing countries 25% of Earth’s biological productivity & an estimated 80-90% of global commercial fish catch is concentrated in coastal zones Worldwide agricultural benefits of better El Niño forecasts are conservatively estimated at $450-$550M/year Slide # 13

14 GEO Societal Benefit Areas
Disasters – Reducing loss of life and property from natural and human-induced disasters Health – Understanding environmental factors affecting human health and well being Energy – Improving management of energy resources Climate – Understanding, predicting, mitigating and adapting to climate variability and change Water – Improving water resource management through better understanding of the water cycle Weather – Improving weather information, forecasting and warning Ecosystems – Improving the management and protection of terrestrial, coastal and marine resources Agriculture – Supporting sustainable agriculture and combating desertification Biodiversity – Understanding, monitoring, and conserving biodiversity Across the globe, through observations, we are helping respond to the problems created by weather and other environmental phenomena - through satellite, aircraft and ground-based measurements that reveal environmental changes across the globe. Whether these measurements assist in monitoring crops, exploring the oceans, improving weather forecasts, or assessing disasters, they are an essential resource for every nation. This slide contains current examples of benefits of Earth observations:  Help reduce loss of life and property from natural disasters Understand disease and environmental factors affecting human health Improve capacity to achieve sustainable development, including improved management of energy resources Understand climate and mitigating climate change impacts Improve understanding of global water resource management Improve weather information and prediction Improve management of coastal and marine ecosystems Monitor and manage inland ecosystems, including forests Support sustainable agriculture and combat desertification Understand, monitor, and prevent loss of biodiversity These are beneficial implications for farmers in the developing world, for folks who make their livelihood along the coast, for governments trying to make the most of limited resources, and for the multibillion dollar insurance and food industries. Slide # 14

15 Engineering Viewpoint Architecture
Slide # 15

16 User Interface Portal or Client
GEOSS Clearinghouse GEOSS Registries Other Service User Interface Portal or Client 3. Search Request (Alt. 2. Search) 4. Search Response 7. Service Response 6. Service Request 5. Compose Request Publish-Find-Bind 2. Harvest 1. Register Slide # 16

17 User Interface Portal or Client
Community Catalogues GEOSS Clearinghouse User Interface Portal or Client 1. Harvest 2. Search Request 4. Search Request 7. Search Response 6. Compose Response Distributed Search Assumption: catalogs were previously registered, e.g., per PFB use case 5. Search Response 3. Search Cache Alt. 7. Partial Response Slide # 17

18 User Interface Portal or Client
Visualization of Service Responses Portrayal Service Other Service User Interface Portal or Client 1. GetMap Request 2. GetData Request 5. GetMap Response 4. Create Picture 3. GetData Response WMS Services 6. GetMap Request 7. GetMap Response 8. Display Composite Map Slide # 18 Other Service may be a Catalog Service or a Data Access Service

19 User Interface Portal or Client
Processing of Service Responses User Interface Portal or Client Processing Service Data Access Service 1. Execute Request 2. GetData Request 3. GetData Response 4. Perform Process 5. Execute Response Slide # 19

20 User Interface Portal or Client
Workflow execution User Interface Portal or Client Workflow Management Other Services Other Services 1. Request 2. Request 3. Response (URL) 4. Request (URL) 5. Request 6. Response 7. Response 8. Response Slide # 20 Assumption: workflow script was previously created

21 Scenarios and Components
User Interface X Catalog Portrayal Processing Workflow Sensors Data Access Slide # 21

22 GEO Web Portal Requirements
Graphical design of Human-Computer Interface shall use GEOSS branding Link to GEO Secretariat web pages Catalog client to GEOSS Clearinghouse TBD hits per/hour with <TBD% degradation of performance vs. no-load performance. Availability >99%, i.e., ~ 7 hours of down time a month Shall be hosted on a computer hosted at TBD. Hosted on a computer at TBD Maintenance performed by TBD org. Slide # 22

23 GEOSS Clearinghouse Requirements - Draft
Catalog service for GEO Portal Catalog client interfaces ISO 23950 OGC Catalog Services for the Web (CSW) – Registry for GEOSS Community Catalog Service metadata Registration of items in the Clearinghouse Interface registries hosted at GEO Secretariat. Graphical design of Human-Computer Interface shall use GEOSS branding Provide a catalog service interface: TBD hits/day Availability >99%, i.e., ~ 7 hours of down time a month Future: Hosted at GEO Secretariat. Maintenance of content by the GEO Secretariat. Maintenance of software by the contributing organization. Slide # 23

24 AI Pilot CFP - SBA Scenarios
Disaster: Wildfires Disaster: Tanker oil spill Climate Change: Local effects Ecosystems and biodiversity: Africa Ecosystems and biodiversity: Polar (IPY) Coordination with IP3 Scenarios Seeking users or user-representatives to participate in development and deployment of scenarios in Pilot Slide # 24

25 AR-07-02: Output & Deliverables
Persistent capability GEOSS Webportal GEOSS Clearinghouse/Catalogues Services to meet SBA scenarios GEOSS Architecture Implementation Pilot Report Slide # 25

26 Keeping the CFP open Responses to the CFP were due 11 May
11 May was firm close date for GEO Web Portal GEOSS Clearinghouse Responses for IOC due before Kickoff Open call for participation beyond IOC GEOSS Component Registration Process Continue to seek additional participants Slide # 26

27 CFP Responses supporting GEOSS
Argon/IM BKG Cranfield EC/JRC EPA ESA/FAO Portal ESONET, ESRI FGDC GBIF GeoConnections GEOmon GMU INCOSE JPL Meraka MinesParis NASA NOAA/ EOG NOAA/ Hazards OSIRIS Public Warning SDSC SERVIR STFC TASF Ukraine US Dept of State UT/JAXA Slide # 27

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