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Welcome to 4th Grade Parent Night

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 4th Grade Parent Night"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 4th Grade Parent Night
Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Learning Objectives: Math: Large number computation strategies Multiplication and division Creative problem solving Decimals, fractions Science Patterns of change Hands-on learning: garden, experiments

Learning Objectives: Writing: Personal narratives Explanatory papers Reading: Exploring genres Comprehension strategies

Learning Objectives: Social studies: Texas History: Native Americans – present Student consumable textbooks Spelling Differentiated groups New spelling list every other week Focus on patterns using Words Their Way

Fun Opportunities: Choose your seat at lunch Field trip – TBA Hands-on science labs Math Olympiad/Eco-bots Recorders Service learning



8 at DWE

9 Campus-wide Goal: Students will develop the skill of leadership through goal setting for independent accountability in both academic and social areas.

10 (glue, markers, scissors, etc.)
SUPPLIES Thank you for sending the necessary supplies for fourth grade! Please check with your child periodically to see if their supplies need to be replaced or replenished. (glue, markers, scissors, etc.)

11 the planner every night!
PLANNERS Your child should be recording our daily objectives in their planners. Homework will be recorded here when given. Thank you for signing the planner every night!

12 HOMEWORK Starting in October
Please check your child’s planner daily for homework assignments or messages from teachers Communicate in the planner if your child struggles with an assignment The purpose of homework is to reinforce/practice skills to mastery

13 GOALS 40 Book Challenge Small goals 10 books each 9 weeks
Students are tracking in class Students read at least 2 of each genre Math Facts Tracking each 9 weeks starting with multiplication


15 We are BIG kids now! Student Responsibilities:
Fill out your planner and get it signed Remember your homework (assignments will not be posted online) Come prepared with supplies every day Clean out folder daily

16 Redeem for coupons and prizes
CLASSROOM INCENTIVES “BUG” tickets “Being Unusually Good” Redeem for coupons and prizes

Please send a healthy and easy to eat snack each day for your child. Students may have a water bottle labeled with their name to use in the classroom and during specials. Water bottles must contain only water.

18 NUT ALLERGIES We have nut allergies in the grade level.
Please consider sending nut-free foods to school for snacks and lunch. Your help is appreciated but voluntary – Humble ISD does not designate any campus as nut-free. Students consuming food with nuts must wash hands after eating.

19 Thank you for understanding!
LUNCH VISITS When visiting, please sit with only your child at one of the designated visitors’ tables. Only your child may sit with you. Friends cannot be invited to join your table. Thank you for understanding!

20 Lunches & Forgotten Items delivered to classrooms at 8:50 AM

21 BIRTHDAY TREATS We recommend frozen treats from the cafeteria. If you decide cupcakes all ingredients need to be approved from school nurse well in advance. Please see the cafeteria manager for ice cream information at least 2 weeks in advance If your child has an end-of-year or summer birthday, watch for announcements regarding the deadline for ordering.

22 New School Hours for K-5: 8:00 AM-3:30 PM Pre-K: AM 8:00-10:50 PM 11:00-1:50

23 TARDIES Students should not arrive at school before 7:30 AM.
The bell rings at 8:00 AM. Students are tardy after 8:00 AM. Announcements begin promptly at 8:00 AM, followed immediately by instruction. Please help your child to be on time.

24 ATTENDANCE Students must be in the building at 9:53 AM to be counted present.

25 ATTENDANCE Absences - When a child is absent they need to contact the school one of these ways: 1. Send an 2. Send a written note 3. Call it in at 4. If they are absent because of a doctor's appointment, please send in a note from the doctor.

26 From Nurse Jones... Please pack a full extra set of clothes in your student's backpack on a daily basis. All sorts of accidents happen requiring a clothes change: rips, spills, illness, blood, puddles, restroom accidents, etc. This allows the student to change immediately and return to learning activities. It also keeps you from having to leave work to bring clothes. Thanks!

27 Our students’ safety is our priority!
Deerwood Safety Our students’ safety is our priority!

28 DISMISSAL Provide your child’s teacher(s) with a written note first thing in the morning when changes occur. Parents must request in writing the release of their child to anyone not on their emergency list. This request must be received first thing in the morning. Teachers are not always able to check during the day. For this reason, please CC Georgia Kehoe on dismissal s so that we can be sure the message is received. Thank you!

29 Please Do Not Make Changes in Dismissal After 3:00 PM

30 TRAFFIC PATTERN Front car riders: Side car riders:
Cars coming from Kingwood Drive Must turn RIGHT into front circle drive Side car riders: Cars coming from Sand Creek neighborhood (Four Pines Drive/Maple Terrace) Must turn LEFT into staff parking lot


32 CAR RIDER SIGNS For the safety of our students, every student riding in a car will be required to have a DWE car rider sign. The names must be written in black marker so they are easy to see.


34 You can have as many as you need.
No Worries! You can have as many as you need. Friends and neighbors Mom and Dad Granny and pops Car pools

35 Please WALK all bicycles when on Deerwood property
Safety First Please WALK all bicycles when on Deerwood property

36 Inclement Weather All students should be either a front car rider or a side car rider on inclement weather days. Take a car rider sign for those days (if different from regular dismissal) Please make sure the teacher knows the inclement weather plan.

37 More Information Online
Please check out our Fourth Grade page! Links to teacher pages Schedules Parent Orientation PowerPoint Presentation Important dates and more! Deerwood home page → Classrooms → Classroom Teachers →Fourth Grade

38 REMIND WHAT IS REMIND? Text @dwe4th to 81010
Remind is a communication tool that helps teachers connect instantly with students and parents. We will be sending important reminders and information via text.  to 81010

39 School-wide Communications
Dolphin Mail - Sent out Fridays via School Messenger - text or Classroom Newsletters DWE Website Marquee

40 GT Referral GT referral Window is September 9 - October 20. During this time parents and teachers have the opportunity to refer students in grades K - 5 for GT identification. There are permission to test forms in the front office. Completed permission to test forms should be sent to Ms. Sterling. After she receives the permission to test form, she will send home a parent survey to be filled out and returned before testing can begin. All forms and Surveys must be completed and turned in by October 20. This is the only opportunity this year to refer a student. Assessment window is October 23 - December 15.

41 DWE Family Giving Tree Hurricane Harvey directly impacted the homes of over 100 of our students and staff members. As our DWE families work tirelessly through the restoration process, we understand that many will be in need of on-going support including essential items such as groceries, clothing, and household necessities. Since we are unable to manage these items on campus, we would like to provide relief through gift cards to our families in need. If your family is in a position to do so, please consider donating a gift card. Suggestions, based on needs as they are conveyed, will be located on our Giving Tree in the front foyer. Gift cards should be returned to the front office, with the coordinating tag, and will be distributed to our families in need. If your family is in need of assistance, please reach out to your child’s homeroom teacher or to our counselor, Holly Mays. Thank you for your generosity. Together, we will recover!

42 DWE Annual Fund NO door-to-door sales ☺
Any amount is GREATLY appreciated 100% of every gift benefits DWE! Go to Pages/DWEAnnualFund/tabid/550473/Defa ult.aspx to make a donation.

43 Thank you for coming! We are looking forward to a fun-filled year of learning.

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