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DG for Regional and Urban Policy European Commission

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1 DG for Regional and Urban Policy European Commission
Who benefitted from ERDF assistance in countries that joined the EU in 2004? Brussels, 14 July 2015 R. Niessler - Director DG for Regional and Urban Policy European Commission

2 Structural and Cohesion Funds in EU-13

3 Structural and Cohesion Funds in EU-13
Aid intensity (€ per inhabitant and per year) is more than 4 times higher in EU-13

4 Structural and Cohesion Funds in EU-13
The contribution of Cohesion Policy to Member States' economies is much higher in the EU-13

5 Structural and Cohesion Funds in EU-13
In many of EU-13, Cohesion Policy is the most important source to finance public investment

6 Who benefits from Cohesion Policy?
The return of investment in EU-13 also benefits EU-15 Member States. This spill-over effects of cohesion programmes implemented in EU-13 can take different forms: Contracts awarded to EU-15 firms: 5% of funds in PL according to a recent study; Trade spill-over: Increase in exports from EU-15 to EU-13 stemming from the increase in economic activity in beneficiary countries triggered by Cohesion Policy. By far the most important aspect

7 Who benefits from Cohesion Policy?
Example: Germany - Poland Exports from Germany to Poland steadily increase, partly as a result of Cohesion Policy in Poland

8 Who benefits from Cohesion Policy?
Example: Germany - Poland

9 Who benefits from Cohesion Policy?
Example: Poland The share of EU-15 in Polish imports is decreasing, while the share of the rest of the world is increasing

10 Who benefits from Cohesion Policy?
EU-15 benefits from the programmes implemented in the EU-13. Analysis suggests that the trade balance of EU-15 is positively affected by EU-13 cohesion programmes. However, weight of the rest of the world is increasing in Poland's trade. Trade spill overs of Cohesion Policy to EU-15 are diminishing

11 Who benefits from Cohesion Policy?
Impact on GDP much lower in EU-15

12 Who benefits from Cohesion Policy?
Cohesion Policy has a positive impact on important variables of the economy

13 Conclusion Member States which joined after 2004 are the main beneficiaries of the Structural and Cohesion Funds. Financial resources channelled through the funds are considerable (as % of GDP or per inhabitant) and play a key role, notably for financing public investment. The interventions have a significant and positive impact on the economies of EU-13. EU-15 Member States also benefit from spill-overs of the cohesion programmes implemented in EU-13. However, these spill-overs are limited and the biggest impact materialises in EU-13.

14 Thank you for your attention
14 Title

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