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The Information-Literate Science Teacher in the Global World

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Presentation on theme: "The Information-Literate Science Teacher in the Global World"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Information-Literate Science Teacher in the Global World
Poster presenters: Karin Griffin and Hema Ramachandran, CSU-Long Beach CARL Conference 2008

2 Summer 2007 Informal discussions on mutual interests between Science Education and Engineering Librarians begins… Brainstorm and start research!

3 Summary of Literature Review
Research on: Science Literacy Information literacy and science literacy Accreditation of teachers Results: Much has been written about Science Literacy (see selection of definitions on side panels) Less research on connection between science literacy and information literacy

4 Incorporating information literacy into science lesson plans
Idea! Incorporating information literacy into science lesson plans Build science teachers’ information literacy skills AND Train science teachers to incorporate information literacy into their lesson plans

5 Importance of Science (Information) Literacy
US public lags behind many nations in its understanding of science Science and technology permeates all aspects of daily life Pre-requisite for citizens to become informed decision makers and consumers Globalization of society requires understanding of science and technology Information literacy provides a set of skills that facilitates lifelong learning for global citizens

6 ACRL: Information Literacy Standards for Science and Engineering/Technology
Based on the ALA standards in the context of science and engineering (does not include mathematics) Five standards and 25 performance indicators with each performance indicator having one or more outcomes for assessing the progress toward information literacy of students in science, engineering or technology at all levels of higher education.

7 National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education
NCATE Unit Standards (2006 edition) states that teacher candidates be: “…able to appropriately and effectively integrate technology and information literacy in instruction to support student learning. They understand the importance of using research in teaching and other professional roles and know the roles and responsibilities of the education profession.”

8 Pitching the Idea! SciEd Librarian attends departmental meeting
Two faculty members show enthusiasm and interest (Whoo! Whoo!!!) Both librarians meet interested faculty to sell idea/concept Free ranging discussion on incorporating our ideas into their curriculum Suggestion: offer it as a part of the “Science Methods” program Target pilot for inclusion in Spring 2008

9 Program Development Discussions helped crystallize ideas
Understanding information needs of teachers Must address information resources in the community for professional and curriculum development Lifelong Learning AND Incorporating information literacy into lesson plans

10 Pilot program: Spring 2008 Information Resources for Science Educators
Covers information resources at the CSULB library and other libraries, the Web, and in communities to enhance and support classroom instruction and to further professional development and personal growth. Information Literacy in Science Education Lesson Plans Student-teachers will acquire tools and strategies to incorporate information literacy into lesson plans to enable their students to become better science information seekers.

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