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Lesson 24 Vocabulary The root -mir or -mit.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 24 Vocabulary The root -mir or -mit."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 24 Vocabulary The root -mir or -mit

2 1. Dismiss Part of speech: Definition: Example: verb
To send away or allow to leave To reject or stop considering Example: With a roll of her eyes, Deb dismissed her mother’s suggestion to take an umbrella.


4 2. Emissary Part of speech: Definition: Example: noun
A person sent to another country or place on official business; representitave Example: The president sent an emissary to set up trade agreements with China.


6 3. Emit Part of speech: Definition: Example: verb
To send out energy or matter Example: The government regulates some tailpipe and power-plant emissions.


8 4. Intermittent Part of speech: Definition: Example: noun
Stopping and starting; not continuous; periodic Example: The forest was for a cloudy day with intermittent showers.


10 5. Missile Part of speech: Definition: Example: noun
An object or a weapon sent to a target Example: The missile was guided by radio waves.


12 6. mission Part of speech: Definition: Example: noun
A special duty or assignment given to a person or group A group of people sent to a foreign country to do diplomatic, educational, or religious work; the building where the group operates Example: California is dotted with Catholic missions.


14 7. missive Part of speech: Definition: Example: noun
A letter or written communication Example: He typed and then ed his missive to the editor of the local paper.


16 8. Omit Part of speech: Definition: Example: verb
To leave out; to pass over or not include Example: The omission of one letter from a word can change the meaning of a whole sentence.


18 9. submit Part of speech: Definition: Example: verb
To present a plan or proposal for approval To obey; to allow one’s self to be controlled by another person Example: My submission to the science fair won Honorable Mention.


20 10. transmit Part of speech: Definition: Example: verb
To send from one person, place, or thing to another Example: The first transmission of a TV commercial took place in 1951.


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