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Using Antibiotics Wisely
Our call will begin at 12:15pm
Using Antibiotics Wisely
Team Lead Call #7 Diane Liu, MD Assistant Professor, Pediatrics Co-Director, UPIQ
Agenda Follow-up discussion regarding Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Update on data for all measures ICD-10 Next Learning Session/Team Lead call 6 month follow-up with UPIQ ADHD Project
Questions What do other physicians do when they perform a strep test sort of knowing that they are only doing it to satisfy the parent, but it comes back positive because the child is a possible carrier….Then the throat culture comes back negative, but the parent still wants antibiotics for the “positive” strep? How do we test for Mycoplasma genitalium?
Questions, continued Dr. Keeshin has provided the lab orders she uses for STI’s: Mycoplasma genitalium: Ureaplasma and Mycoplasma Species by PCR (Code: Lab4230 -in the University of Utah EPIC EMR) If at a IHC site: Urogenital Ureaplasma and Mycoplasma Species by PCR (ARUP ) Chlamydia/Gonorrhea: Chlamydia T & Gonorrhoeae by TMA (LAB2035) IHC: can be written the same HIV HIV: HIV-1,2 COMBO AG/AB EIA W/reflx (LAB3861) or HIV COMBO Ag/AB RFLX HIV-1AB Conf. BY WB (LAB2912) IHC: Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) 1/2 Combo Antigen/Antibody (HIVC)
9/9 8/8 782/793 70/793 97/110 53/65 70/104 21/32 1/2 6/65 7/108 41/782 0/2
Rational Documentation Baseline
If antibiotic prescribed, was there a rationale documented? Cough 782.6 465.9 Acute, URI None documented Respiratory Infection 519.8 ears look questionable and family is traveling SNAP Going out of town and with sorethroat symptoms and otalgia with red ear antibiotic given as snap rx. 16-year-old female with likely acute bronchitis that is viral in nature. She is in no red flags on exam. Supportive management has been discussed. However symptoms persist or worsen she may fill the antibiotic prescription for possible pertussis versus w Your child's rapid strep test was negative. He has been exposed to Strep throat and may still be at risk for developing this infection. If he has fever, worsening sore throat or pain with eating, this may be signs of strep throat. If your child develops t 1. Asthma exacerbation (Primary) 2. Cough Upper respiratory infection Otalgia of left ear Dizziness Upper respiratory infection Upper respiratory infection 465.9 Fever Asthma Exacerbation URI 465.9 URI, acute (Primary) 522.4 DENTAL INFECTION SNAP Med No reason identified SNAP prescription. child had some ear ache Written as a SNAP Child had a diagnosis of 490- Bronchitis antibiotic given for that May If antibiotic prescribed, was there a rationale documented? None documented Discussed with parent and patient that symptoms are likely viral in nature however symptoms do progress, she may fill a safety net antibiotic prescription in 5 days. ER and follow up precautions have also been reviewed. July If antibiotic prescribed, was there a rationale documented? None documented
N=652/680 N=34/34 N=529/652 N=87/112
Primary ICD 9 Dx that would rationalize using an Abx vs those which no Abx would be appropriate
University Pediatric Clinic & South Main Clinic
Utah Valley Pediatric North & Timpanogos
July Data-Due August 15th Children with pharyngitis
Practice Children with pharyngitis Children with URI Blanding Submitted Comfort Care Granger Fam Med Missing Granger Peds Granger Urgent Care South Jordan South Main UPC UVP North UVP Timpanogos Village Green
August Data-Due September 15th
Practice AOM Sinusitis Blanding Submitted N/A Comfort Care Granger Fam Med Missing Granger Peds Granger Urgent Care South Jordan South Main UPC UVP North UVP Timpanogos Village Green
ICD-9 Data-Due Now Practice ICD-9 Data
Blanding N/A Comfort Care Requested Granger Fam Med Granger Peds Granger Urgent Care South Jordan South Main Submitted UPC UVP North UVP Timpanogos Village Green
CDC Posters for your practice
Next OLS #8 Topic Ideas -Skin infections -Respiratory issues -Update on MRSA treatment and eradicating colonization Date Change for OLS and Team Lead Call in October due to Fall Break/UEA OLS #8 Thursday, October 29th 12:30pm Team Lead Call #8, Thursday, November 5th 12:15pm
6 month follow-up with UPIQ
We Invite Primary Care Practices to Participate in UPIQ’s
“Improving Diagnosis and Management of ADHD” Learning Collaborative Your practice team will receive support to: Understand & use new DSM-V criteria for ADHD Understand & use ADHD treatment options, including new medication and local therapeutic resources Identify & address co-morbid and complicating conditions Target quality measures related to diagnosis and follow-up care This 10-month project will kick-off with a Learning Session day on November 13th, 2015 at the Karen Gail Miller Conference Center (9750 S. 300 W., Sandy) We expect to offer CME credit for educational components and credit toward Part 4 Maintenance of Certification (MOC) for the American Boards of Pediatrics and Family Medicine. For more information, call (801) , or go to Supported by Healthy U, University of Utah Health Plans' Medicaid plan
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