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Union of Autonomous Trade Unions of Croatia

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1 Union of Autonomous Trade Unions of Croatia
Communication for young trade union leaders course, ITC ILO Turin, December 2009 Marijana Tomić, UATUC

2 Membership The biggest trade union confederation in Croatia members (2009.) pensioners 22 affiliated trade unions, mostly from economic sector 12 affiliated unions have national collective agreements cca 600 collective agreements at the company level

3 Territorial network and organisational structure
21 county offices – representation in all parts of Croatia 6 regional offices / a few local offices 110 employees (cca ½ high level of education) 6 departments (economic, industrial democracy, organisation, education and publishing, international, finance, general business) 4 sections (women, youth, person with disabilities, unemployed workers) 4 coordinations (occupational health and safety, multinational companies, Eurointegration, wage policy)

4 Benefits Professional education (seminars)
From object to subject (represenatives in work councils, management and supervisory boards of firms and institutions,national and local triparties bodies Full member of ETUC and ITUC Branch European and international association

5 UATUC Union of Autonomous Trade Unions of Croatia
Thank you for your attention ! UATUC Savez samostalnih sindikata Hrvatske Union of Autonomous Trade Unions of Croatia Trg kralja Petra Krešimira IV, br. 2 Zagreb, Croatia Tel: Fax: Union of Autonomous Trade Unions of Croatia

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