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Applying UNESCO media development indicators in Croatia

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1 Applying UNESCO media development indicators in Croatia
Zrinjka Peruško Centre for Media and Communication Research (CIM), Faculty of Political Science, University of Zagreb IPDC Intergovernmental Council, March 2010, UNESCO, Paris

2 The Croatian Study UNESCO Indicators – analytical categories & normative benchmarks - method for the analysis of the media system Aims: Comprehensive map of the media system Identification of the missing data Regular system of monitoring (planed) Longitudinal approach (advancement) Comparativeness (planed)

3 implementation Centre for Media and Communication Research (CIM), Faculty of Political Science, University of Zagreb each MDI category one researcher: Data collection, analysis, recommendations

4 Implementation process: actors
Multi-stakeholder involvement: media professionals policy makers regulatory bodies academia civil society

5 Implementation process: activities
Multi-step process of analysis, presentation and discussion of MDI categories, data, results and dissemination Kick-off meeting Data collection and analysis Closing conference – presentation of results & public debate of findings and recommendations Dissemination: web, book

6 Strong points of MDI’s Self-implemental – ownership of process
Categories define the media system well Normative definition of targets & benchmarks of media development – pluralism and diversity Operationalization of categories with indicators: Detailed guide to analysis lower level should describe higher level

7 I freedom, II concentration and pluralism, III democratic discourse, IV journalistic profession, V technological infrastructure I (System of regulation conducive to freedom of epression, pluralism and diversity in the media) B – Regulatory system for broadcasting, 1.6. Independence of the regulatory system is guaranteed by law and respected in practice; 1.7. regulatory system works to ensure media pluralism and freedom of expression and information. II Pllurality and diversity of media, a level economic playing field and transparency of ownhership; B A diverse mix of public, private and community media, 2.4. independent and transparent regulatory system, C licensing and spectrum allocation 2.8. independent and transparent regulatory system

8 A proposal for development
Review level 4 of MDI’s & remove some overlap between categories Include quantitative data to describe the media system, for instance: no. of different media audiences & circulation levels of media concentration size of the advertising market penetration of media platforms literacy levels

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