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6832 –09 Oxy- Fuels Welding and Cutting.

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Presentation on theme: "6832 –09 Oxy- Fuels Welding and Cutting."— Presentation transcript:

1 6832 –09 Oxy- Fuels Welding and Cutting

2 15 psi The maximum pressure for acetylene gas is ________ psi

3 Friction lighter The best tool for lighting the torch is a _____________.

4 Soapy water The proper procedure to check for leaks is to use _________ ________.

5 5 feet When not in use the acetylene and oxygen tank should be separated by a ____ foot wall

6 20 feet If not separated by a 5 foot wall the tanks should be at least ____ feet apart.

7 5 The most common tip for oxy-acetylene welding is a number _______

8 Neutral What kind of flame is best for welding, cutting and heating?

9 Red High carbon steel should be preheated to a _____ color before welding.

10 Not quite touch The white cone should be how far from the metal when welding?

11 Tip movement The width of the puddle is determine by the ______ __________.

12 Chained and Upright When transporting tanks, they should be ___________ and ___________.

13 Butt Two pieces of metal lying flat end to end is call a _______ weld

14 Lap weld A weld joint where two pieces of metal overlap is called a______ weld

15 Corner Weld A weld joint where two pieces make a 90 degree is called a tee weld or a _______ weld

16 Edge weld A ________ weld is when two pieces of metal are stacked on top of one another.

17 Fillet weld A ________ weld is when two pieces of metal form an angle such as a Tee Weld or a Corner Weld.

18 Same thickness The filler rod should be the _______ size (diameter) as the metal being welded.

19 Beveled Thick metal should be __________ before welded.

20 Tacked Pipe should be ________ on two sides before welding.

21 Fixed and rolled Two methods of pipe welding are _______ and _______.

22 Puddle The weld ______ is harder to control on out of position welds.

23 Bottom Up When welding vertical with the oxy-acetylene unit you should weld from the________ _______

24 Metal Container A ________ _________ should be used to catch the hot metal after cutting.

25 1/8 inch The inner cone should be ______ inches from the metal when cutting with the torch.

26 Square, curved When cutting with the torch, the top edge of the metal should be ______ and the drag line will be slightly _______

27 Drill a hole When cutting a hole in the center of a piece of metal it is a good idea to do what first?

28 When cutting a hole in metal, first drill a______ inch pilot hole.
¼ inch hole When cutting a hole in metal, first drill a______ inch pilot hole.

29 90 degrees When cutting metal, you should hold the torch at a _______ angle.

30 ___________ and __________ does not melt the metal.
Soldering or brazing ___________ and __________ does not melt the metal.

31 Brazing __________ uses a non ferrrous filler rod such as a bronze rod.

32 Brazing __________ uses a neutral flame that is above 800 degrees but is below the melting point of the metal.

33 Soldering ______________ uses solder

34 Flux When soldering always use a______ to help remove sulfides, oxides and nitrates

35 Sweating Soldering a copper fitting is also called _______ a joint

36 Soldering gun A propane torch, a soldering iron or a __________ __________ can be used to solder.

37 Heated Metal thicker than 3/8 inches should be ________ before being bent.

38 Cherry Red Metal should be heated to what color before bent?

39 Hardening ___________ metal makes it more brittle and gives it more strength.

40 OIL or Water When hardening metal, heat to cherry red then plunge into _______ or ________.

41 Tempering _____________ is done to reduce brittleness

42 Quenching To cool metal quickly in water is called ____________.

43 Crack Quenching too soon can cause some metal to shatter and ________.

44 Soft Quenching too late will cause the metal to be too _______

45 Annealing _______________ is the process of heating metal and cooling it slowly.

46 Hardening or Tempering
Annealing metal reverses the process of _________ or __________.

47 Sand or Vermiculite Metal can be cooled slowly by placed it in a container of _________ or _______.

48 Changes When metal is heated and or cooled, it _____________ its characteristics.

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