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Potientiometer By: Engr.Irshad Rahim Memon

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Presentation on theme: "Potientiometer By: Engr.Irshad Rahim Memon"— Presentation transcript:

1 Potientiometer By: Engr.Irshad Rahim Memon
PRACTICAL # 02 Potientiometer By: Engr.Irshad Rahim Memon

2 Objectives Identification of pin of potentiometer
Measure the fix resistance of potentiometer Measure the variable resistance of potentiometer

3 Introduction: An electronic component that is used to vary the amount of current that flows through a circuit. It works by sliding a wiper terminal across a resistive material, typically a thin film or chunk of carbon or a resistive wire made of nickel chromium or tungsten alloys.

4 Continued… After being set to the appropriate location, the wiper's position often remains fixed on the circuit board; however, it can also be made user adjustable with a screwdriver. Potentiometers and rheostats are variable resistors in which the wiper terminals take the form of a dial or slider that the user does manipulate, such as the volume control of a radio or music system.

5 Figure

6 Apparatus/Components:
10KΩ, 50KΩ variable resistor Digital multimeter Breadboard Connecting wires

7 Procedure: Identify the location in which you wish to place your variable resistor by finding the variable resistor symbol in your schematic. Verify the ends and wiper of your variable resistor using your DMM set on Resistance. The fixed ends of the resistor will usually be the two outer legs of the three legs of your device. Clip your DMM leads to the outer leads you should see the full value listed on the case of your variable resistor. This will not change as you turn the knob of your resistor.

8 Continued… Move one lead of your DMM and clip it to the center leg of the resistor. The resistance reading should change as you turn the knob Using your soldering iron and solder, connect the two fixed legs to the end points defined in your schematic. It will not matter electrically which end goes to which point in the schematic. Mount the device for easy access by the user. Adjust the wiper position so it is in the middle of the device,

9 On Multism

10 On Multism

11 Thanks

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