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Water Waste Treatment Anaerobic Abstract Images of the Process

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1 Water Waste Treatment Anaerobic Abstract Images of the Process
Cortney Duquette, UNH Manchester, Abstract Images of the Process Results/Discussion Anaerobic Aerobic Is there anything else that can be done? The electric bill for this one facility alone is $1.8 million. Why wouldn’t the river be used to power the electricity? According to Rob the facility looked into purchasing low head turbine generator but the cost wouldn’t pay for itself. Maybe it would be possible if the smaller facilities purchased these turbines and used UV light, this would help contribute to making water treatment more green, and if everyone plays a part in helping we could avoid the amount of water waste being made. Especially because not all the water is required to be treated at a facility and is returned directly back to our rivers. Chlorine & Sodium Bisulfite Image by Cortney Duquette Clarifier Purpose How to manage water waste in the most eco-friendly way manageable. Remaining Sludge Incinerated Clean Water All images above by Cortney Duquette Intro Results References Clean Water is returned to the river. Daily return of treated water is estimated at 25 million gallons. During the winter months or on a rainy day the facility becomes overwhelmed with amount of water coming in and not all water will be treated, it will be returned directly to the river. How to help reduce contaminants with small steps at home Avoid letting anything but water go down the drain at home. No grease, hair, food etc. Avoid littering. Runoff from the road is bad enough without cigarettes, cups, animal waste etc. being added to the runoff Be aware of what you flush down your toilet Try to avoid using chemical cleaning products After meeting with the Superintendent Rob Robertson of the water waste treatment facility in Manchester, New Hampshire it is a green facility, but it can be more green. This facility alone treats water from Goffstown, part of Londonderry and Manchester NH. The water is treated with chlorine and neutralized with sodium bisulfite, due to the size of the facility UV cannot be used for disinfection. The building is heated in the winter months by using the incinerator that is used to burn any of the bio solids that are removed during the clarifying process. Not only are they heating the building with a source that is needed but they pay for the ash to be hauled off. The company who purchases the ash mixes it with compost/soil and sells it for agricultural use. This is making use of waste to help the environment. Robinson, Robert from the Department of Public Works, Environmental Protection Division, City of Manchester

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