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NOVEL Mr. Ravindra B. Mahajan
Novel. Most imp. Genre of literature
Novel * Most imp. Genre of literature. * It is a long prose fiction—contains characters & action directed by plot. Plot : Author’s selection & arrangement of incidents in order to shape action. Parts of Plot: Rising Action : complications created Climax : greatest emotional tension situation Falling Action : resolution of tension
Purposes of Novel: 1. To entertain 2. To present a problem 3
Purposes of Novel: 1.To entertain 2. To present a problem 3.To portray a historical truth Types of Novel: 1.Picaresque novel Originated in Spain in 15th century. Picaresque derived from Spanish word ‘Picaro’ means Rogue. Story of adventures of a rogue. Episodic plot., character is imp. than plot. 1st person narrative. ,satirical, humourous. E.g. Cervantes: Don Quixote Daniel Defoe: Moll Flanders Henry Fielding: Joseph Andrews, Tom Jones Mark Twain :Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Saul Bellow : The Adventures of Augie March
2.Epistolary Novel Narrative is conveyed through Letters.
Characters send letters to each other. Action progresses through Letters. Such narrative gives direct insight into the minds of Characters E.g. Samuel Richardson: Pamela or Virtue Rewarded Mark Harn: Wake up, Stupid Alice Walker : The Colour Purple
3.Gothic Novel Term ‘Gothic’ referred to a Germanic tribe. Later came to mean ‘medieval’ Medieval architecture is setting of such novels. Characterized by crime , cruel passions ; supernaturalism , haunted castles . Sensational side of Romance. Eg. Horace Walpole : The Castle of Otranto Ann Radcliff : The Mysteries of Udalpho Emily Bronte : The Wuthering Heights Mary Shelley : Frankenstein
Characterization is given importance than plot.
4.Psychological Novel * Emphasis given to internal action of character than external. * Addressed to motives , emotions ,thoughts of characters involved. Characterization is given importance than plot. Probe of inner recesses of minds of characters Eg. George Eliot : Silas Marner , Mill on the Floss George Meredith, Charles Dickens, W . M. Thackeray , Joseph Conrad etc.
5.Stream-of- Consciousness Novel
Imp. literary phenomenon of modern age. An extreme form of psychological novel. Deals with the consciousness of characters. It contains interior monologue. No chronological sequence in incidents. Reader is invited to reorder all incidents in proper sequence. E.g. James Joyce: Ulysses, A Portrait of Artist as a Young Man Dorothy Richardson : Pilgrimage Virginia Woolf : Mrs.Dalloway , To The Light House William Faulkner : The Sound and the Fury
Such novel is a combination of facts & fiction
6.Historical Novel Such novel is a combination of facts & fiction It combines history with imagination. Such novel characters , setting & action based on records of locality , nation & people. Major characters are imaginary & minor characters are taken from history. Historical Novels written in Romantic Period. E.g.Walter Scott : Waverly, Ivanhoe, The Talisman W.M.Thackeray : Henry Esmond in Victorian period.
7.Sociological Novel Background & theme of such novels derived from social conditions. The novel emphasizes the social & economical conditions of shaping characters & determining events. E.g. Charles Dickens : Hard Times John Steinbeck : The Grapes of Wrath Nadine Gordimar : Burger’s Daughter
8.Regional Novel Such novel is about setting, speech & customs of a particular society of specific region. Based on particular imaginary land. Important conditions of region affect the temperament of character. E.g. Thomas Hardy : Wessex Novels William Faulkner : Oklahoma, Mississippi. R.K.Narayan : Malgudi Days
9.Allegorical Novel a novel in which objects , events ,people presented symbolically. its form sometimes is fable intending to teach morality. E.g. Religious Allegory of John Bunyan -‘The Pilgrim’s Progress’. Political Allegory in that certain political personalities humourously & satirically portrayed E.g. Jonathan Swift’s ‘Gulliver’s Travels’. George Orwell’s ‘The Animal Farm’.
10.Science Fiction Presents imaginary reality. Setting is some other planet or parallel earth. Radically different in nature with ordinary experiences. Represented in T.V. & Films E.g. Mary Shelley-Frankenstein Other science fiction writers H .G .Wells , Arthur Clerk, Doris Lessing , J . C. Ballard.
11.Cyber Punk A recent development – post modern form of science fiction where things partially or entirely take place within Virtual Reality. Virtual Reality formed through computers & networks…characters may be human or artificial intelligence. E.g. William Gibson : Neuromancer , The Different Engine & other cyber punk writers are Michel Bruce King, Rudy Rucker, John Shirley , Doana Haraway , Philip K .Dick
Terence Blacker has coined this term.
12.Saga Novel This type of novel is account of a life of a single family. The story of family generation after generation. E.g. John Galsworthy’s Forsyte Saga Amitav Ghosh : The Shadow Lines 13.Aga Saga Novel A genre of popular novel set in a suburban or rural location. Features domestic & emotional themes of middle class characters. Terence Blacker has coined this term. E.g. Joanna Trollope : 1. The Choir 2. A Village Affair The Rector’s Wife The Other People’s Children
14.Campus Novel Also known as Academic Novel. Such novels are comic & satiric in tone. Setting is of Universities & Colleges. Theme of nostalgic revocation of college days. Originated in 1950s. E.g. Kinsley Amis : Lucky Jim Mary McCarthy : The Grove’s of Academe Bhalchandra Nemade : Kosala
15. Detective Novel Such novels focus on solving a crime. Brilliant detective does the job. Spy employs elements of mystery & suspense. E.g. Arthur Canon Doyle : The Hound of Baskervilles Arthur .C. Doyle is the creator of the imaginary detective Sherlock Holmes. Agatha Christie : Murder on the orient express
16. Novel of Manners Focus is on certain social customs & habits of particular social group. Such novels either try to shape or control the behaviour of the character. E.g. Jane Austen : Pride and Prejudice W.M.Thackeray : Vanity Fair 17.Existential Novel Written from existential point of view. Points out absurdity & meaninglessness of human existence. E.g. Albert Camus : The Strangers
Originally applied to school of painters in 1920s.
18.Magic Realism Originally applied to school of painters in 1920s. Now this term used to describe the works of G.G.Marquez in Colombia, Gunter Grass in Germany, Italo Calvino in Italy & John Fowles in England. writers represent ordinary events & description together with fantastic & dream like elements & also things from myths & fairy tales. E.g. G.G.Marquez : One Hundred Years of Solitude Salman Rushdie : Midnight’s Children John Fowles : A French Lieutenant’s Woman
German term which means novels of formation (education).
19. Bildungsroman German term which means novels of formation (education). Development of protagonist’s mind & characters as he passes through childhood & varied experiences. Generally about spiritual crisis & in search of Identity. E.g. Thomas Mann : The Magic Mountain Somerset Maugham : Of Human Bondage Kunstlerroman Subtype of Bildungsroman It is about development of writer as an artist to achieve mastery. E.g. James Joyce : A Portrait of Artist as a Young Man Thomas Mann : Doctor Faustus
20. Novel of Ideas Novels examine intellectual issues & concepts through discussion & debate. In such novel plot, narratives, characterization etc is sidelined by intellectual discussions. E.g. Aldous Huxley : Point Counter Point , After many a Summer.
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