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English II School Year 2016 - 2017 Ms. Carabajal English II School Year 2016 - 2017.

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1 English II School Year 2016 - 2017
Ms. Carabajal English II School Year

2 Edgar Allan Poe William Shakespeare Drama

3 Course Purpose The intent of this course is to provide a foundation for students to develop skills within four key strands within English: listening and speaking, reading, writing, and viewing and representing. Within each strand are goals, objectives, and content specifications. Many skills and concepts recur throughout the strands and indicate instruction is intended to be delivered as an integrated English Language Arts curriculum. Course Objectives Upon completion of this course, students will: *Write in a variety of forms including personal, literary, and persuasively for various audiences and purposes. *Use conventions and mechanics of written English, including the rules of grammar and usage, to write clearly and effectively. *Acquire an extensive vocabulary through reading and systematic word study. *Read extensively and intensively for different purposes in varied diverse selections using a variety of strategies. *Analyze elements for their contributions to meaning in literary texts and express and support responses to various types of texts. *Listen attentively for a variety of purposes and analyze and evaluate oral performances and presentations. *Speak clearly and effectively for a variety of purposes and audiences.

4 Fall Semester Curriculum Materials
Holt McDougal Literature, Grade 10 Highlighter Pens 3-ring binder and Dividers Loose Leaf Paper Pencil Reading Curriculum Literary works include, but not limited to Antigone, Macbeth, Of Mice and Men, Lord of the Flies, among others. Grading Police Daily Grades 50% Unit Test 30% 6-weeks Tests 20% Projects will be graded as Unit Tests *When absent, it is the student’s responsibility to get make up work. * Late daily assignments will be accepted one day late only with a 25 point deduction. * Late major grades (i.e. projects/papers) will be accepted with a grade deduction of 10 points per day up to four days from the assigned due date.

5 *Make up work will be given in accordance with LISD policy; for each day absent, students are allotted an additional day to complete and hand in makeup work. Bathroom Policy: Unless students have a doctor’s note from the nurse, they may only go to the restroom in the event of an emergency. Rules and procedures All students are expected to comply with the LISD Student Code of Conduct. In addition, all students are to follow the class rules. Any deviation from these rules will result in disciplinary action. Parents will be notified if a student’s behavior repeatedly disrupts class learning.  Class Rules Þ      Be prepared Þ      Be on time Þ      Follow the Code of Conduct Be respectful of others Tutorials Tutorials will be in the mornings at 7:30 and in the afternoons at 3:45. They will lasts approximately 30 minutes.

6 6-Weeks test dates, Semester test dates, and project due dates will be posted on my web page.
Thank you, Ms. M. Carabajal English Teacher

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