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Lesson 1 What are Protists? Lesson 2 What are Fungi?

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1 Lesson 1 What are Protists? Lesson 2 What are Fungi?
Chapter Menu

2 What are protists and fungi, and how do they affect an environment?
Chapter Introduction

3 What are Fungi? Fungi are eukaryotes that grow hyphae threads to form a mesh network called mycelium to absorb nutrients. Fungi Hyphae Mycelium Lesson 2

4 What are Fungi? Fungi include unicellular yeast and multicellular mushrooms. Animals and fungi are heterotrophs, they consume food. Plants and algae are autotrophs, they produce food. Yeast Mushrooms Heterotrophs Autotrophs Lesson 2

5 Types of Fungi Fungi can reproduce asexually by spreading microscopic spores through the air and water. Or sexually by fusing hyphae. Spores Lesson 2

6 The Importance of Fungi
Fungi secrete digestive enzymes to dissolve things for absorption, it benefits: Decomposition of dead matter in the carbon cycle. Fermentation of sugar to make bread rise, beverages and cheese. Enzymes Decomposition Fermentation Lesson 2

7 The Importance of Fungi (cont.)
Symbiosis with many plant roots to help nutrient absorption. Symbiosis Lesson 2

8 The Importance of Fungi (cont.)
Symbiosis with photosynthetic algae to form lichen that help soil formation. Lichen Lesson 2

9 The Importance of Fungi (cont.)
Symbiosis is a close and long-term interaction between two different species. Lesson 2

10 The Importance of Fungi (cont.)
Fungi can also be harmful: Allergies and diseases such as athlete's foot. Food and crop damage. Property damage (mold and mildew). Enzymes Decomposition Lesson 2

11 The Importance of Fungi (cont.)
Fungi produce chemicals including: Toxins (poison mushrooms) Medicines (like penicillin) Psychedelic drugs (like LSD) Lesson 2

12 The Importance of Fungi (cont.)
Describe two ways that fungi are important to humans. Lesson 2

13 Fungi _____ are eukaryotes that grow ______ threads to form a mesh network called ________ to absorb nutrients. Fungi include unicellular _____ and multicellular _________ . Animals and fungi are ____________ , they consume food. Plants and algae are __________ , they produce food. Fungi can reproduce asexually by spreading microscopic ______ through the air and water, or sexually by fusing hyphae. Fungi secrete digestive _______ to dissolve things for absorption, it benefits: _____________ of dead matter in the carbon cycle. ____________ of sugar to make bread rise, beverages and cheese. _________ with many plant roots to help nutrient absorption. Symbiosis with photosynthetic algae to form ______ that help soil formation. Fungi can also be harmful: Fungi _____ are eukaryotes that grow ______ threads to form a mesh network called ________ to absorb nutrients. Fungi include unicellular _____ and multicellular _________ . Animals and fungi are ____________ , they consume food. Plants and algae are __________ , they produce food. Fungi can reproduce asexually by spreading microscopic ______ through the air and water, or sexually by fusing hyphae. Fungi secrete digestive _______ to dissolve things for absorption, it benefits: _____________ of dead matter in the carbon cycle. ____________ of sugar to make bread rise, beverages and cheese. _________ with many plant roots to help nutrient absorption. Symbiosis with photosynthetic algae to form ______ that help soil formation. Fungi can also be harmful:

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