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Genetic Engineering in Medicine, Professor Bob Goldberg

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1 Genetic Engineering in Medicine, Professor Bob Goldberg
HC70A Winter 2008 Genetic Engineering in Medicine, Agriculture, and Law Professor Bob Goldberg Class Announcements 2/12/08

2 Please Sign Harry Klann’s Card and Thank Him For His Lecture

3 Sign Up For the Class Next Week Please See Ingrid For a PTE
HC70AL Lab Spring 2008 Sign Up For the Class Next Week Please See Ingrid For a PTE If Questions, Talk to Bekah, Daisy, and/or Myself

4 DISCUSSION Be Prepared For a Discussion Tomorrow On Transgenic Animals & Cloning READ Articles Dealing With Transgenic Animals Hnaded Out Last Thursday READ Assigned Text Chapter For Background

5 This Week’s Dinner Cancelled A New List Will Be Distributed Thursday

6 Take-Home Exam Due Thursday at 3:30PM Followed by Oral Exam

7 Genetic Engineering in Medicine, Agriculture, and Law
HC70A Winter 2008 Genetic Engineering in Medicine, Agriculture, and Law Professor Bob Goldberg Lecture 6 Identifying Human Origins: Past and Present

8 Last Lecture -- The Age of Genomics: Your Personal Genome
Today’s Class -- Review the Age of Genomics & Personal Genome + Human Origins-Past and Present

9 THEMES Review-Origin & Detection of DNA Variation
DNA Sequencing-The Ultimate Measure of DNA Variation How Are Genomes Sequenced? What Are the Different DNA Sequencing Methods? How Many Whole Genomes Have Been Sequenced to Date? How Can Comparative DNA Sequencing Provide Insights Into Human Origins? How Has Massively Parallel DNA Sequencing Revolutionized Our Ability to Sequence Whole Genomes? How Will the HapMap Project Provide Insights Into Human Genetic Variability,and Disease? How Can SNP Chips Measure Genotypes Across the Entire Genome? How Can DNA Sequence Variation be Used to Trace Human Ancestry? Are There “Races?”

10 Uses of SNPs Gene Identity-Allelic Markers
Disease Gene Identity-Pedigrees-Testing Group Identity-Population History Individual Identity Preventative Medicine Pharmacogenetics DNA Fingerprinting Group Susceptibility to Disease/Drugs

11 Detection of SNPs in the Human Genome
DNA Blot-RFLP Analysis PCR-RFLP Analysis ASO Analysis Whole Genome Sequence Comparisons Whole Genome SNP Chip Comparisons

12 All DNA Sequencing Methods Require:
A DNA Clone (Until Recently) A Fixed-End Reference Point Single-Stranded DNA Template(s) Methods to Distinguish Each Base At Specific Positions (A,G, C, or T) Gel Electrophoresis to Separate DNA Fragments by Size Method of Detecting DNA Fragment Sizes and/or Positions of Specific Bases

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