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Member Survey Results Summary November 2014

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Presentation on theme: "Member Survey Results Summary November 2014"— Presentation transcript:

1 Member Survey Results Summary November 2014

2 Why we did a Survey 2

3 To identify areas of opportunity and improvement for BaP in the future
To gain a deeper insight into why businesses and individuals have decided to become engaged with Business against Poverty To better understand the level of engagement and what drives the engagement To identify main expectations of the involvement with Business against Poverty and how these expectations are currently being met To identify areas of opportunity and improvement for BaP in the future To map key attributes of BaP to attract new Members To provide statistical support for converting new prospects 3

4 What we did 4

5 Online quantitative survey targeting all Members.
20 minutes 40 questions. Live 21st July– 4th September 2014. Telephone/ face to face depth interviews with select Members to gain a deeper insight. 6 interviews conducted between 14th – 31st October 2014. Interviews ranged from 20 minutes up to 2 hours. Sponsors represented sole traders, SMEs and medium sized businesses of 50+ employees. 5

6 Why businesses join & how they engage

7 “We are Members, not Sponsors”

8 .More than half have been Members for two years or more.
Members actively support BaP. It’s not giving money to a good cause. It’s reciprocal. .More than half have been Members for two years or more. 8

9 Two-thirds consider themselves quite or very engaged with BaP

10 “I’m really proud of the fact that we are BaP Members”

11 39% joined because they met Bill or Val
39% joined because they met Bill or Val. The personal touch resonates with Members. 11

12 When choosing a Charity 67% look for credibility and action oriented.

13 69% because it is tackling poverty (action oriented)
Main reasons for supporting BaP: 69% because it is tackling poverty (action oriented) 65% have confidence that all BaP funds goes to charity. 13

14 BaP needs to stand out from the crowd. Competition is fierce.

15 What differentiates BaP

16 43% would describe BaP as a charitable business network.

17 “It’s a charity with a different style. You can get something back”.


19 Being a business network is a clear differentiator.
Business benefits Reciprocal Engage Personal approach 19

20 BaP Communication & Services

21 Members engage. 93% at least occasionally read the newsletter. More than half visit the website every 2 to 3 weeks. 21

22 Personal is king. 82% want to hear about actual project people who have benefitted and those working on the projects. 22

23 Two-thirds would like to hear successes of other business Members.

24 Events need targetting to different business types.
Whilst one-third have not attended an event in the last year, more than one in four have attended a breakfast or lunch/dinner with a speaker or a social event. 24

25 If we run only one event it should be the Annual Gala Ball.

26 “The best thing they do is the Annual Ball
“The best thing they do is the Annual Ball. Maybe they should hold a similar event in another region to broaden the appeal. It’s high ticket” 26

27 Challenges and Opportunities

28 “BaP are competing with lots of other business networks
“BaP are competing with lots of other business networks. They are commercial organisations”. 28

29 Competition is high. A clear differentiator is required.
Lots of charities Lots of business networks BaP v PaP Very south west focussed Limited resource Reliance on Bill & Val 29

30 BaP is well respected – in a very small area
BaP is well respected – in a very small area. Growth has potential but there are obstacles to be overcome. Above all BaP needs to define what it offers. National Increase Member base Higher profile UK 30

31 In Summary 31

32 Grow Membership Differentiate Communicate Grow funding
Don’t lose the heart Grow projects 32

33 “I, as a Member, want Business against Poverty to grow and to be really successful”.

34 Member Survey Results Summary 34

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