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Why Parents Need to Advocate For Their Students

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1 Why Parents Need to Advocate For Their Students
(Even In Really Good Schools)

2 PTA's mission is to make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children. PTA Motto: “Every Child. One Voice.”

3 “I see the one voice as a symphony of instruments playing in harmony to create a unifying voice speaking for all children, rather than a chorus singing one note in unison.” – Michelle Gluck, former MCCPTA Education Chair

4 Advocacy in MCPS Examples of Parent Engagement on a County-Wide Basis:
Special Education/Learning Disabilities; Gifted and Talented; Teacher-Student Ratios; Class Availability; Quality of Instruction; Language Barriers; Facilities; Anything Safety Related What Examples in the Magruder Cluster?

5 Magruder Cluster Examples
Opening Emory Grove Holding School Resurfacing of the Magruder Field and Track Biology Option for Rising Freshman

6 Questions Parents and Guardians Ask
Is the School Meeting our Expectations? What Happens in Other Schools? What is the Coursework like? How are Students Grouped? What are the “Enrichments” – field trips, etc.? How is My Child Doing? What kinds of Data Reports do other Parents Receive?

7 Advocacy 101 Choose Battles Wisely! Be Prepared. Do Your Homework!
MCPS -- Office of Shared Accountability; Other Schools/PTAs Find Allies and Be Open to Alternatives! Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. -- Margaret Mead Acknowledge Progress as Fiercely as you Raise Concerns!

8 Opportunity for Advocacy
February 16th, 2017, 7pm – Magruder Cluster Meets Board of Education Tentative Location – Shady Grove Middle School

9 Items on our List : Magruder Cluster -- Academic Areas
Parent access to curriculum – Elementary, Middle, and High School Ambiguity of student achievement in elementary school Differentiation in the “Advanced” and “mixed model” approach at the middle school Parity in the feeder middle schools Course rigor (and fidelity) at the high school

10 Items on our List: Magruder Cluster --Morale/Community-Building Elements
Climate Surveys reinstated – Elementary, Middle, and High Schools Assistant Principals at the elementary schools Better Support for Special Education/Mainstreaming Programs in the middle school Transparency/Information for parents regarding student “4 year plans” in the high school

11 Items on our List: Magruder Cluster -- Sustainability/Safety-Related Areas
Safe passage for “walkers” to school Part of the Magruder Cluster Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) Testimony Access to personal devices during school day Safety/security of staff and students in the middle and high school

12 What I’ve Learned Not all parents are equipped to advocate for their students (or know what questions to ask). Take the “village approach!” Many times, it takes patience to figure out “what is the real barrier?” Work through the channels but don’t underestimate “Power of the Parent.” Always give your “audience” the chance to do the right thing. Always strive to be part of a solution.

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