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POWERPOINT Presentation on Public Distribution System in Mizoram

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1 POWERPOINT Presentation on Public Distribution System in Mizoram

2 Presentation on Public Distribution System in Mizoram
Introduction Its objectives Mandate of Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Department. Organizational set up Functions of Accounts Wing Methodology of Procurement Storage Go down Mode of Distribution Beneficiaries Present allocation of food stuff and other essential commodities. Off take position for last 5 year up to 2011 Provision of fund Strength of the Public Distribution System in Mizoram. Distribution System Vigilance Committee, State & Village Level Committee. Training on P.D.S Enforcement

3 1. INTRODUCTION Procurement and distribution of food stuff and other essential commodities – D.C Mizo District till 1972 Department of Supply and Transport came to existence after Mizoram became a Union Territory.

4 2. OBJECTIVES OF PDS 1. Maintaining Price Stability.
2. Raising the welfare of the poor (by providing access to basic foods at reasonable prices to the vulnerable population). 3. Rationing during situations of scarcity. 4. Keeping a check on private trade. 5. Safeguarding of the imbalance of demand and supply of essential commodities. 6. A tool for achieving “Right to life” by distributing essential goods.

5 3. Mandate of FCS&CA Deptt.
Implementation of scheme of public Distribution System through Public Distribution Centre. Implemented Under State Trading Scheme on No Profit No loss basis. Procured subsidized items of food stuff specially rice and sugar from FCI. Distribution to public through Fair Price Shops at Uniform rate throughout the State despite variation in distance.

6 4. Organizational set up Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Department is headed by Director, assisted by Additional Director, Joint Director, Deputy Directors and Assistant Directors. 9 Civil Supplies Districts headed by DCSOs and Sub - Division Office headed by SDF&CSO. A number of Inspectors for specified areas and Storekeepers for all godowns.

Maintenance of stock & Cash Accounts of foodstuff in all Supply Go downs and Centers by Accounts Wing in Directorate and District Offices. Financial Management and Budgetary Control over expenditure and further settlement of accounts. Procurement of foodstuff, further recovery of Sale Proceeds, maintenance of ledger accounts and Profit & Loss Accounts of Trading Schemes.

8 6. Methodology of Procurement
1 Procurement through FCSI at Central Prices by pre-payment of the cost central issue prices are as follows :- APL Rice - ^ per quintal BPL Rice - ^ per quintal AAY Rice - ^ per quintal Economic cost Rice - ^ per quintal OMSS Rice - ^ per quintal Adhoc APL Rice - ^ per quintal WI Rice - ^ per quintal Annapurna Rice - ^ per quintal Sugar - ^ per quintal Raw Wheat - ^ per quintal

9 Transportation off foodstuff from FCI Food Storage Depots located at Rengtekawn (Kolasib), Bualpui, Tanhril (Aizawl), Lunglei and Lawngtlai and also from Ramnagar (Silchar). 3. Direct Transportation of foodstuff from FCI FSD to 9 PDC (Aizawl, Zawlnuam, Aibawk, Kolasib, Saitual, Kawlkulh, Champhai, Lunglei and Lawngtlai) and 5 SDC (Vairengte, Lungdai, Khawzawl, Hnahthial, and Serchhip) and 3 en routes Supply Centres (Kawnpui, Lungdai, and Chhingchhip). Freight of the above routes are re-imburseable. 4. In Mizoram there are 9 PDC and 17 SDC (Lungdai, Vaitrengte, Sakawrdai, Phullen, North Vanlaiphai, Thenzawl, Khawzawl, Serchhip, Ngopa, Tlabung, Hnahthial, Saiha, Kawlchaw , Tuipang, Sangau, Bungtlang ‘S’, Vaseikai) and Supply Centres in 97 villages.

10 7. Storage Godown Constructed 188 godowns for storage of foodstuffs and other essential commodities. A number of villages fed by retailers without godowns.

11 188 Go downs are constructed within Mizoram

12 PDC & SDC Go downs

13 8. Mode of distribution Distribute through ration cards : Identification of families for issue of ration cards done through Village/Local Councils and Young Mizo Association (YMA). Last intensive revision of ration cards done in 2009. Scale of issue : APL - 2 kgs per adult per week BPL kgs per beneficiaries per month AAY kgs per beneficiaries per month Annapurna - 10 kgs per beneficiaries per month Residential - 15 kgs per beneficiaries per month Sugar gms per head per month 1,61,030 ration cards all together

14 9. Beneficiaries under PDS
Above Poverty Line (APL) – 2,47,903 families Below Poverty Line (BPL) - 42,000 beneficiaries Antyodaya Anna Yojana (AAY) - 26,000 beneficiaries Annapurna - 2,583 beneficiaries Residential Hosteller for SC/ST - 4,945 beneficiaries

15 10. Present allocation of foodstuff and other essential commodities
Rice MT (APL-2841; BPL-1470; AAY-910) Annapurna = per year Sugar MT Wheat MT S.K Oil KL Iodised Salt MT per year Edible Oil - No allotments since August/2000

YEAR RICE(in Qtls) SUGAR(in qtls) EXPENDITURE 1990 – ,08, , , lakhs 2000 – ,97, , , lakhs 2001 – ,93, , , lakhs 2002 – ,48, , , lakhs 2003 – ,21, , , lakhs 2004 – ,43, , lakhs 2005 – ,55, , , lakhs 2006 – ,91, , , lakhs 2007 – ,73, , , lakhs 2008 – ,54, , , lakhs 2009 – ,27, , , lakhs 2010 – ,38, , , lakhs Total w.e.f 2000 – ,13,53, ,12, ,27, lakhs

17 PROVISION OF FUND Head Non Plan (Revenue) Non Plan (Capital) Plan (Revenue) Plan (Capital) Total Recovery Actual Expenditure Head Non Plan (Revenue) Non Plan (Capital) Plan (Revenue) Plan (Capital) Total Recovery Actual Expenditure

18 13. Strength of the Public Distribution System in Mizoram
Regular and proper inspection of Fair Price Shop by State Government officials. Adequate Publicity of information relating to scale of issue, issue prices and availability of commodities in the Fair Price Shops. Strict enforcement of Public Distribution System (Control) Order, 2001.

19 Distribution System Public were informed through public address systems in all localities to draw their ration like rice, wheat, sugar and kerosene oil with ration card from Fair Price Shops and dealers within the stipulated time. Informing beneficiaries Mike horn (address system) to draw ration from on the branch of tree Fair Price shop through public address system

20 Fair Price Shops and Kerosene oil Dealers issue monthly quota for the beneficiaries.

21 Vigilance Committee The concerned Department formed State Level Vigilance Committee under the Chairmanship of Joint Director (Admn.) with Officers and Officials, the committee regularly visits the PDCs and other centres.

22 State Level Vigilance Committee supervise and monitoring the functioning of the centres.

23 Village Level Vigilance Committee
Village Level Vigilance Committees are also constituted at all the Supply Centers to supervise & Monitoring the functioning of the centers as well as Fair Price Shops. State Level Vigilance Committee and Village Level Vigilance Committee frequently organized joint inspection for supervise and monitoring the functioning of the PDCs and other centres.

24 Training on PDS State Level Vigilance Committee regularly visits the PDCs and SDCs etc. The committee always organized training on Public Distribution System for the beneficiaries.

25 Enforcement Under the supervision of the Director, FCS&CA Deptt. Enforcement Squad is constituted to enforce the essential Commodities Act and to tackle the diversion of PDS items. Supply Check gates are being in operation at the main route of PDS items at two places so as to minimise the diversion.

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