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Pregnancy & Delivery Dr. Ganesh Govekar.

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Presentation on theme: "Pregnancy & Delivery Dr. Ganesh Govekar."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pregnancy & Delivery Dr. Ganesh Govekar

2 Delivery Abortion Disputed paternity Infanticide Legitimacy Nullity
Property inheritance Divorce-Higher maintenance Higher compen-husband death Execution of death sentence Leave in services Homicide/suicide

3 Definition Complete evacuation of fetus and other conceptional product after attaining the viability. Full Term Pre term Post term

4 Signs and Symptoms in Recent
Fatigue-more in prolonged labour Loss of weight Diuresis- physiological reversal Afterpains- milder after 3 days, 7th day disappear Post partum fever (milk fever) Transient depression (peurperial Psychosis)

5 signs Breast- colostrum(2 days) later pure milk
Abdomen- linea albicans Caeserian section Vagina-smooth walled, relaxed, wide, ironed rugae, lacerated walls, carunculae multiformis Labia-swollen Perineum- ruptured fourchette and posterior comm Lochia- alkaline discharge, sour disagreeable odour Consists of rbc, wbc, decidual sheds, epithelial cells and bacteria Lochia rubra- upto 4 days Lochia serosa-5th to 10th day Lochia alba- 10th day onwards upto 2-3 weeks

6 Cervix- thin collapsed and flabby
External os – laceration of outer margin, contract slowly, 2nd day- two finger, 1 wk- one finger Wall thickened to re-establish. Uterus- involution 1-3 day-fundus midway between umblicus and pubic symphysis 5-6 week- normal size Lab test- biological test- positive upto 7-10 days after delivery.

7 In dead ( Recent-Delivery signs)
As above and Uterus-

8 Signs of recent Delivery in dead
Uterus 0 D-20×15 cm-1kg 4-5 cm thick 2-3D-17.5×10cm-800gm 1 wk- 5×3×2inch-1/2 kg 2 wk-3×2 -350gm 6 wk-N(7-8cm) gm Placental sites 15cm-shortly 3-4cm-2nd wk 1-2cm-6wk

9 Ovaries & fallopian tubes – congested for few days
- large C.L. in one ovary Uterus morphology:- LSCS-fresh healing incision -Ant & post wall- 4-5cm thick(soon after delivery) -myometrium-basal decidua only -placental site – palm size

10 -an ischemic appearance 3) 2-3 days- decidua-2layers 1
-an ischemic appearance 3) 2-3 days- decidua-2layers 1.) Sup-necrotic 2.) Basal-shed in lochia 4) 2 wk – endometrium- -placental site- 3-4cm 5) 5-6 wk- placental site get covered by endometrium

11 Signs of REMOTE DELIVERY in living
1.ABDO – lax - wt scar-lat wall - linea nigra-present 2.Breast – lax,pendulus soft,wrinkled-due to feeding - linea albican - nipple-enlarged - areola-large,dark,montgomery tub. 3.Vulva- partialy open -perineum-scar

12 4. Vagina- rugae-absent & walls lax 5
4.Vagina- rugae-absent & walls lax 5.Cervix- ext os-large, transverse In vagina-simple-dimple

13 Signs of Remote in dead Uterus- large thicker, heavier -walls- concave
- body twice the cervix. IN DEAD:- Ovaries & F.T. – congested, M.E. – C.L-intact/degenerated Peritoneum- wrinkled & folded Ligaments 1) broad &2) round –lax, take long time to recover

14 Positive signs of pregnancy:
FHS Fetal parts Fetal movements X ray wk USG wk IN DEAD 1. enlarged uterus 2. C.L. progre/regre 3. conception product

15 Superfetation: Twin preg- 2 ova fert at diff cycle Superfecundation: 2 ova discharged at a time Pseudocyesis: false/spurious preg. Pregnancy N-280days max days min days Negeles rule:- 9m + 7days

16 FHS- definate signs wks - Muffeled sound not synchronus with mother pulse X ray wk - skull-crescentric - vert col- dots - ribs- curved parallel shadow/lines - limbs - linear shadow spalding collapse- V.C Gas-Heart & Vs.

17 Sonography - Gast ring- 6 wk Embryo -8wk F H beat - 12 wk Head & thorax -14wk Dx – IUGR - malformation

18 Prenatal diagnosis technique Act
1.Prohibit Dx for sex determination- female foeticide 2.Permit Dx for detection of genetic abnormality Central Govt.- central supervisary board to review implimentation of act. Genetic councelling centre- Get regd. By appro authority. To be done by- Qualified person Consent from female.

19 Test done if following condition satisfied:
Female >35 H/O ≥ 2 spont abortion H/O exposure to teratogenic agent H/O mental retardation. Test done for detection of. 1.Chromo. Abn. 2.Genetic/metabolic disorder 3. Hb. Pathy linked disorder 5. cong. Abn. Act provides – Appeal - conviction – Dr -3yr Rigourus - fine 5000 -prof death sente -perm removal for subsequent offence.

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