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Roman world takes shape

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1 Roman world takes shape
Much easier to unify than Greece due to easier terrain Ancestors, Latins, migrated to Italy settled along the Tiber River Legend says twin brothers, Romulus and Remus founded Rome Said to be sons of Latin woman and Roman god Mars

2 Romans establish a republic
509 BCE marks founding of Roman state Established their state with a form of government called res publica Today this is called a republic

3 Roman Republic All original 300 members were patricians
Patricians: members of land-holding upper class 2 Consuls nominated to supervise business of gov’t and command armies In the event of war senate might choose a dictator

4 Plebeians fight for their rights
Farmers, merchants, and artisans: made up most of population Eventually Plebeians gained right to elect own officials (tribunes) who could veto laws Eventually Plebeians could be chosen as consuls Got laws of Rome written down on 12 tables, set up in Forum

5 Using your text On page 152 read through “The Roman Cursus Honorum” and answer the questions at the bottom.

6 Role of Women Played a larger role in society than Greek women
Could own property, run businesses Patrician women went to public baths, dined out, etc. with their husbands Livia and Agrippina the Younger had public roles and significant political influence

7 Education Girls and boys from upper and lower classes learned to read and write Romans hired private tutors Children memorized major events Boys who wanted political careers studied rhetoric

8 Mythology and Religion
Polytheistic: many adopted from Greek religion Calendar was full of feasts and celebrations to honor gods and goddesses Dozens of temples housed statues of gods (Pantheon)

9 Using your Greek god from your skit, find out who the Roman counter part is and any similarities or differences in the story your skit was on

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