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The Gospel according to St Mark

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1 The Gospel according to St Mark
The Author: St. Mark the apostle He carried 2 names: John (Johanna = God’s gift) Mark (Marcus = hammer) Latin Surname used among Gentiles Both names mentioned in Acts

2 The Author: St Mark’s mother Events took place at their house:
Passover Washing disciples feet Eucharist Pentecost

3 The Author: Father: Aristobulus – related to St. Peter’s wife
St Mark was cousins with Barnabas Rich family, well educated, fluent in Hebrew, Latin & Greek. Family moved from Libya to Philistine when Christ started His public ministry

4 The Author: Our Church calls him: “The beholder of God, the evangelist, the apostle & martyr.”

5 The Author: His evangelical Ministries:
With St Peter in Jerusalem & Judea for 10 years With St Paul & St Barnabas on their 1st missionary trip. Preached in: Syria, Antioch, Cyprus & then to Perga in Pamphylia, then left them to go to Jerusalem.

6 The Author: His Evangelical Ministries:
Preached in Pentapolis (5 western cities in North Africa) and Egypt. Served with St Paul once more. St Mark also served in Colossi

7 The Author: His evangelical Ministries:
Went from Rome to Asia Minor with Paul again at Paul’s request With St Peter once more while St Peter wrote his 2nd Epistle. Went back to Egypt and was martyred in 68AD

8 The Addressees: Roman Gentiles:
Translated the Aramaic words in his gospel “Boanerges, that is, sons of thunder.” “Tabitha, translated = little girl He did not however translate the Latin names e.g. Peter.

9 Addressees: Explained Jewish traditions: -Purifications & washings.
-Releasing a prisoner at the feast -Sadducees about resurrection -Passover Quoted much less than St Matthew and St Luke from the OT.

10 Date of Writing The date has not been confirmed 60-64 AD in Rome
Some guess was written in Egypt AD and published in Rome afterwards in AD Was written in Greek

11 Purpose of the Gospel Introduced Christ to the gentiles as being the Almighty Son of God and Man, who overcame the evil powers of the world, “Jesus said, I am, and you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the power, & coming with the clouds of heaven.”

12 Purpose of the Gospel Focused on the miraculous deeds of Christ -This is clear in the parables Referred to other teachings and revelation of Christ

13 Purpose of the Gospel Christ’s acts to speak about the power of His Divinity: His Baptism Transfiguration His Divinity as revealed by St Peter.

14 Characteristics of the Gospel
St Mark narrates his gospel in 2 parts: 1.Christ’s ministry in Galilee 2.The Passion Week in Jerusalem

15 Characteristics of the Gospel
A) Substance: He offers his version of Christ’s life in a graphic, swift, consequent, chronological & wonderful way. 5 miracles recorded by St. Matthew not mentioned: Healing a centurion’s Servant Healing two blind men Curing2 demon-possessed men Extracting the Temple Tax from the fish’s mouth

16 Characteristics of the Gospel
Added 3 miracles not recorded by St Matthew: casting out an unclean Spirit healing a deaf mute healing a blind man at Bethesda Recorded 12 miracles written in the gospel of St Luke, but added 6 others (than the 12). walking on the sea healing the gentile woman’s daughter feeding the four thousand withering the fig tree

17 Characteristics of the Gospel
Two Unique miracles: Healing the deaf & mute Healing a blind man in 2 steps Unique Parable of the Growing Seed Opening of the Gospel: Jesus is the Son of God Conclusion: “He who believes & is baptised will be saved, but he who does not believe will be condemned” 16:16 Concise, clear, & persuasive in world history.

18 Characteristics of the Gospel
Style: -Graphic Vivid Uses repetitions

19 Characteristics of the Gospel
B) Style: Keen to elaborate on details regarding: Names Place Numbers Colours Thoughts Feelings & Emotions

20 Characteristics of the Gospel
Language Greek words Used some words which are not mentioned anywhere in the other books of the NT, like “colloquial” = everyday

21 Canonicity of the Gospel
Explained in the introduction: Source External Evidences Internal Evidences

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