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Oakfield History Department

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2 Oakfield History Department

3 Exam Format: 75 minutes 5 mins reading time 10 mins reflecting time
60 mins successful learning!! Each section is work a total of 30 marks There are several different challenges and tasks in each question. You answer all 3 of the sections. That’s a grand total of 90 marks you can achieve

4 Helpful hints…. How much is each question worth (Look at the marks available!!!) Check, Check and Check again! What is the question actually asking you to do?! Attempt and complete the questions you have chosen Time Manage Yourselves!!

5 Topics that will be covered…
Ancient Civilization & Society Medieval Lifestyles The Black Death Using your skills and understanding of… Historical knowledge Source Enquiry/Analysis Significance Cause & Consequence Continuity & Change

6 How many ways can we revise?
Try to think of 3 different things we could do in order to successfully prepare ourselves for exams. What skills do we need?

7 Revision Bingo How many of these questions can you answer?
Can you complete rows or columns?

8 What was the name of the era before William’s victory?
How would you describe Harold Godwinson as a King of England? What was he like? Why did knights use coats of arms in battle during medieval times? Describe what it would have been like to stand in a medieval town. What was heraldry and what rules had to apply to it? What were the advantages of motte and bailey castles? What weapons caused the most destruction when attacking stone castles? Why would priests have been specifically prone to catching the plague? What was the feudal system and how did it work? Discuss the process in which the plague was spread to humans. What issues were associated with motte & bailey castles? Using a castle you have studied, identify how stone castles were used as good defensive structures. Year 7

9 Who is the most impressive ancient civilization?
What were the 7 wonders of the ancient world? List x5 inventions from the Ancient Chinese that still impact us today. Identify what you would consider to be a world wonder today and explain why you think this. Why are world wonders important to us today? What did the Egyptians do to their dead? What were the rules of Ancient China known as? Which civilization from the ones you have studied were the most advanced? What makes an advanced civilization? What did the Aztecs do that helped you today? What was life like for the poor in Ancient China? Why is the Great Pyramid in Egypt special as a landmark? Year 7

10 Discuss one example in your life where you have shown bias.
What is the difference between primary and secondary sources? What does chronological order mean? What skills do you need to be a good historian? How reliable would you say a diary entry of a WW2 soldier might be as evidence? List x5 examples of primary sources What is the difference between AD and BC? Create a timeline of the top 8 moments in your life. Give x3 examples of secondary sources. How many types of evidence do historians use? Why might paintings not always be as reliable as photographs to use as sources? What does the term bias mean and why is it important? Year 7

11 Key Characters involved:
Topic: Key Events & Dates: Key words: Key Characters involved: What questions do I think might be asked of me?

12 What diagrams/ visuals might I need to revise to develop my learning?
Textbooks & Sources that are relevant:

13 Written Revision Notes
How do we make them relevant? Interesting? Pick out key information?




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