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Aim: Does Ancient Egypt Deserve to be Called a Classical Civilization?

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1 Aim: Does Ancient Egypt Deserve to be Called a Classical Civilization?
Do Now: Is it likely that aliens built the pyramids? Something that is classic stands the test of time.

2 I The Geography of Egypt
The Nile River was the center of Egyptian civilization. The source of the Nile begins south of Egypt and flows north into the Mediterranean Sea. The yearly floods were usually predictable, and were necessary for farming. The Egyptians dug irrigation canals connecting to the Nile to help guarantee better crops. To control the floods, the Egyptians built dams. The Nile Delta


4 II Ancient Egypt Becomes a Civilization
Ancient Egypt originally was two separate kingdoms; Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt BCE Pharaoh Menes united both into one kingdom, and created the first Egyptian dynasty (family of rulers). B) Pharaohs had absolute power. They claimed divine right; their power came from the gods.

EARLY DYNASTIC 3100 – 2686 BCE First pyramid ever built; the step pyramid at Saqqara. OLD KINGDOM 2686 – 2181 BCE Pyramids at Giza and the Sphinx were built. MIDDLE KINGDOM 2055 – 1650 BCE Egypt forced Hyksos invaders out of Egypt. NEW KINGDOM BCE Egypt expanded. Large temples such as Abu Simbel and Karnak were built.

6 Pre Dynastic Egypt Egyptians used to bury their dead in a mastaba (rectangular tomb). Pharaoh Djoser was the first to have several mastabas stacked on top of each other, creating the first Egyptian step-pyramid at Saqqara.

7 The Bent and Red Pyramids
Sneferu built the first “true” pyramid during the Old Kingdom… but his engineers were still working out the kinks. The Pharaoh Sneferu was finally able to build a “perfect” pyramid; the Red Pyramid. Unfortunately for him, he died before it was completed.

8 The Old Kingdom The Pyramids of Giza are the only standing wonder of the ancient world. The Sphinx (a monument with the body of a lion and a face of a pharaoh).

9 Pyramids at Giza The three pyramids at Giza were built by three different Pharaohs! Khufu (the tallest), Khafre, and Menkaure.


11 The Middle and Old Kingdoms
The Hyksos invaded Egypt during the Middle Kingdom and introduced the chariot Egypt. Hatshepsut and Ramsesses II were important Pharaohs of the New Kingdom.

12 Hatshepsut’s Temple and Abu Simbel, New Kingdom

13 III Ancient Egyptian Society
Egyptian Scribe A) Ancient Egypt created one of the world’s first bureaucracies! (A group of officials who help run a government) B) Egyptian women could buy and sell property, divorce, and work in most professions. Nefertiti was Pharaoh of Egypt in the New Kingdom.

14 IV Ancient Egyptian Religion
A) Ancient Egyptian religion was polytheistic. - Pharaoh Amenhotep in the New Kingdom tried to switch the religion to monotheism but it didn’t last. B) Because the Nile floods were usually predictable, Egyptians believed the gods were happy, and therefore that the afterlife would be paradise. Pharaoh Amenhotep

15 Egyptian Religion Continued…
C) Egyptians believed that in the afterlife, your soul will reenter your body, leading to your resurrection. This is why they practiced mummification. As much of the brain… is extracted through the nostrils with an iron hook... the the entire contents of the abdomen removed. The cavity is then filled with aromatic substances [herbs]... The incision is sewn up, and then the body is placed in natron [a type of salt], covered entirely for 70 days... the body is washed and then wrapped from the head to the feet in linen which has been cut into strips and smeared on the underside with gum [similar to glue]. -Herodotus, Greek Historian 450 BCE The heart and other organs viewed as vital for the afterlife were preserved in canopic jars.

16 False toe found on an unidentified female mummy.
Did you know? Tobacco was one of the items used to stuff the cavities of the mummies. False toe found on an unidentified female mummy. Unidentified mummy wrapped in linen. Ramses I, Found in the Valley of the Kings

17 V Achievements in Arts & Science
A) Egyptians built their pyramids, statues and monuments out of stone. *A strong workforce and planning was necessary. Stele of Amenemhat, c BCE Stele are inscribed stone slabs. Obelisks are standing stone pillars. Obelisk of Hatshepsut, 1457 BCE

18 Achievements in Arts & Science Continued…
Ramps may have been lubricated with water to reduce friction. Another theory is that pulleys were used.

19 Egyptian Irrigation

20 Ancienty Egyptian Dam Sadd el Kafara

21 Achievements in Arts & Science Continued…
C) Egyptians were writing hieroglyphics by 3300 BCE. D) Egyptians created a type of paper from the papyrus plant. E) 365 day calendar In 1799 Napoleon’s army found the Rosetta Stone. As part of it was written in ancient Greek, it led to the decoding of hieroglyphics!

22 VI Does King Tut deserve his fame?
A) Tutankhamun (1341 – 1323 BCE) from the New Kingdom became Pharaoh at 9 years old. B) In 1922, Howard Carter discovered his tomb buried under another tomb! This is why King “Tut” became so famous; grave robbers had not been able to find his tomb.

23 Valley of the Kings, Site of King Tut’s Tomb
By the New Kingdom, pharaohs preferred to be buried in the Valley of the Kings, to make it more difficult for grave robbers to find their tombs.

24 VII What happened to ancient Egypt?
332 BCE Alexander the Great conquered Egypt and added it to his growing empire.

25 Key Vocabulary Abu Simbel Papyrus Black Land Pharaoh Amenhotep
Canopic Jars Pharaoh Djoser’s Step Pyramid at Saqqara Delta Divine Right Pharaoh Hatshepsut Early Dynastic Period Pharaoh Menes Polytheism Hieroglyphics Pyramids at Giza Howard Carter Red Land Hyksos Scribes Lower Egypt Mastaba Sneferu’s Bent Pyramid and Red Pyramid Middle Kingdom Sphinx Mummification Stele New Kingdom Tutankhamen Nile River Upper Egypt Obelisks Old Kingdom

26 Summary Questions How did geography impact Egyptian civilization? Was it more helpful or hurtful? How do you know that Egyptians built the pyramids? What was mummification and why did Egyptians do it? Does Egypt deserve to be called a classical civilization? Why or why not?

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