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The Universal Business Language: An Excursus

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1 The Universal Business Language: An Excursus
Open 0pt65 spreadsheet! Open 0pt65 XSD files in XML Spy! Eve Maler Sun Microsystems

2 A little about me My specialties are:
XML information modeling Standards development and facilitation I’m on the OASIS UBL Technical Committee and I chair one of its major subcommittees I fill several key roles on the SAML standard effort In previous lives I helped develop DocBook, XML itself, XLink, Pipeline, and more And wrote a book on SGML DTD design methodology

3 Overview Promises, promises EDI and ebXML The UBL problem space
Making UBL happen ebXML Core Components The UBL modeling methodology Designing the UBL schemas Contextualizing UBL UBL status Resources Summary

4 Promises, promises

5 The promise of XML for e-business?
Plug ‘n’ play electronic commerce Spontaneous trade No custom programming Ubiquity on the Internet Dirt-cheap tools Complete platform independence

6 Unfortunately, it’s not that simple
It’s very difficult, and maybe not even desirable, to take the humans out of business Building trust relationships Exception handling XML is just a metalanguage Tag soup doesn’t give you interoperability Seamless communication requires shared meaning Shared meaning requires semantic standardization across whole industries This is where UBL comes in

7 The Universal Business Language
An XML-based business language standard-in-progress Leverages existing EDI and XML B2B Applicable across all industry sectors and domains of electronic trade Actually modular, reusable, and extensible Non-proprietary and committed to freedom from royalties Intended to become a legal standard for international trade

8 UBL offers some realistic e-business promises
Genuine advantages over EDI and proprietary/vertical XML B2B: Lower cost of integration, both among and within enterprises Lower cost of commercial software Easier learning curve Lower cost of entry Quicker adoption by small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs) Standardized training Universally available pool of skilled workers

9 EDI and ebXML

10 The EDI stack

11 Some EDI pressure points
It’s hard to get in the game Private networks are expensive You need to do extensive point-to-point negotiation The interchange pipe is large, with infinite possible subsets You use a “soft” mechanism for adapting to special business contexts

12 The ebXML initiative A joint 18-month effort, concluding in May 2001, of: OASIS (Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards) UN/CEFACT (United Nations Centre for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business) Over 1000 international participants The vision: a global electronic marketplace Enterprises of any size, anywhere, can: Find each other electronically Conduct business by exchanging XML messages ebXML work continues in several venues

13 The ebXML stack

14 ebXML status The infrastructure specifications are all maturing; most are past V2.0 The Reg/Rep spec has been approved as an OASIS Standard The payload specs are in active development Conformance tests are being developed Industry groups are endorsing ebXML OTA, AIAG, RosettaNet, and more Products, open source implementations, interop events, and pilots are happening Both “sanction” and “traction” are well on their way

15 The UBL problem space

16 Some basic requirements
Semantic clarity through a binding from Core Components to a syntax Choosing XML as that syntax! Royalty-free IPR Usable “on the cheap” No ties to particular back-end implementations Urgency

17 The requirement for context
“Standard” business components need to be different in different business contexts Addresses differ in Japan vs. the U.S. Addresses in the auto industry differ from those for other industries Invoice items for shoes need size information; for coffee, grind information These differences need to be accommodated without sacrificing interoperability

18 UBL proposes to meet all these requirements

19 Where UBL can fit into existing XML B2B
Chemical Mfr C C’s industry partners CIDX Hospital B B’s industry HL7 Electronics Mfr A A’s industry RosettaNet

20 Making UBL happen

21 The standards venue UBL is being developed in an OASIS Technical Committee Like most of the follow-on ebXML infrastructure projects The follow-on Core Components and Business Process projects are in UN/CEFACT OASIS offers: An objective process Openness of its work to public view in real time Easy and inexpensive opportunities to join Jon Bosak is the chair and main founder

22 Some UBL participants APACS Boeing Commerce One
Danish Bankers Association France Telecom General Electric Government of Hongkong Government of Korea HP Intuit KPMG LMI Northrup Grumman Oracle PricewaterhouseCoopers SAP SeeBeyond Sterling Commerce Sun Microsystems UK Cabinet Office United Parcel Service U.S. GSA U.S. Navy Visa International

23 UBL’s relationship with ebXML
UBL is not actually an “ebXML deliverable” UBL mandates no particular messaging framework But we hope the combination will enable the “B2B web” HTTP + HTML = web publishing ebXML + UBL = web commerce

24 Development strategies
Start with the low-hanging fruit The 20% of documents and business objects actually used by 80% of electronic business partners Defer the rocket science to later phases Produce useful, concrete outputs ASAP Don’t start with a blank slate We are working from xCBL 3.0 But with no expectations of backwards compatibility Take advantage of domain expertise Get XML experts and business experts together and form liaisons

25 Formal liaisons so far ACORD (insurance) ARTS (retail sales)
e.centre (UK EAN.UCC) EIDX (electronics) HL7 (healthcare) NACS (convenience stores) RosettaNet (IT) SWIFT (banking) VCA (optical supplies) XBRL (accounting) ASC X12 (EDI) UN/CEFACT (EDI)

26 UBL subcommittee organization
Modeling and content Library Content SC Context Drivers SC (future domain-specific) XML representation and mechanisms Naming and Design Rules SC Context Methodology SC Tools and Techniques SC Administrative functions Marketing SC Liaison SC Subcommittee chairs SC

27 Planned deliverables Phase 1: 2002 The UBL Library Schema design rules
Reusable building blocks and standard document types Schema design rules How to represent UBL in XML/XSD How external modules can best work with UBL Simple context methodology How to add context-based extensions to UBL Phase 2: 2003 Full-blown context methodology How to describe your extensions in “recombinant” fashion

28 Basic UBL Documents Order Order Response (simple)
Order Response (complex) Order Change Despatch Advice (shipping notice) Receipt Advice Invoice

29 More about the UBL Library deliverables
The normative W3C XML Schema (XSD) modules Documentation Potentially several non-normative forms: UML ASN.1 Other schema representations Modified XSD Potentially stylesheets for: Viewing and printing UBL documents Generating EDI-compliant instances A secondary deliverable will be Core Components feedback

30 Design principles Straightforward Internet use
“Various and sundry” tools Legibility Simplicity 80/20 rule Component reuse Provide one way to encode information Customization and maintenance Context sensitivity Prescriptiveness, tempered Content orientation XML technology Namespace dependency caution Legacy format non-goal xCBL subset non-goal (Schema generation)

31 ebXML Core Components

32 Core Components status
The Core Components Technical Specification, Part 1, is at V1.8 Known as CCTS Some features are still a matter of hot debate Additional Core Components Supplementary Documents work is ongoing Known as CCSD Today’s tutorial reflects the current CCTS specification and not the newer or more controversial areas

33 A primer

34 More on Core Component Types
CCTs are conceptually similar to the notion of built-in datatypes in XML The spec offers a closed set of them But this comparison says nothing about their schema representation, such as simple vs. complex types Current CCTs: Amount – Measure Code – Numeric DateTime – Picture Graphic – Quantity Identifier – Text Indicator

35 Mapping to data elements
CCTS constructs follow ISO 11179 Semantic clarity of data elements (CCs and BIEs) is achieved through careful naming and definition in a dictionary A CC or BIE gets a tripartite dictionary name The object class to which the data element belongs A term reflecting its function as a property or distinguishing characteristic of the object class A representation term (RT) defining the data element’s valid values RTs are closely related to CCTs Example dictionary name: Car.Colour.Code

36 More on the notion of business context
An example of an ACC might be “address” It’s aggregate because it’s a collection of other CCs As a CC, it strives to be semantically unique and useful An example of an ABIE might be “buyer address” As a BIE, it strives to identify the business circumstance in which the CC is used The dictionary name would be Buyer.Address.Details

37 Mapping the CC world to XML and XSD (1 of 2)
XSD has an indirect cascade of types and elements With attributes working pretty much the way elements do

38 Mapping the CC world to XML and XSD (2 of 2)
XSD’s OO-like approach can neatly be mapped to ISO object classes and properties

39 The UBL modeling methodology

40 The approach

41 The inputs Documents/expertise from: xCBL 3.0 ebXML CCs
The members of the Library Content SC Organizations with a liaison to the UBL TC Feedback from the general public xCBL 3.0 A working XML business vocabulary for several years Has lots of EDI knowledge baked into it ebXML CCs Ultimately, as many UBL constructs as possible will be mapped to the final form of CCs Where there’s no match, this will be fed back to the CC project

42 The modeling steps Working from an xCBL document type, analyze its constituent constructs to identify BBIEs and ABIEs Establish each BIE’s dictionary name, UBL name, definition, and business context Establish its cardinality/optionality within its object class Identify missing BIEs Identify which BIEs are reusable Assemble an appropriate UBL document type from the BIEs

43 The formalism A spreadsheet with carefully designed columns

44 The back end

45 Samples Schema

46 Designing the UBL schemas

47 How the design rules fit into schema creation

48 Some major design rules developed so far
The choice of normative schema language Naming and construction of elements, attributes, and types (mostly done) Modularity, namespaces, and versioning (partial) Embedded schema documentation (draft) Handling code lists

49 The choice of schema language
We chose W3C XML Schema (XSD) The other seriously considered choices were RELAX NG and Schematron Main positives: Traction in the industry Tools availability Main concerns: Interoperability Lack of support for Boolean operations We have not foreclosed on generating other schema versions But they would be non-normative

50 A taste of the naming rules
Dictionary entry names are fully qualified with object class names But using these full names would result in hundreds of extra elements We get reusability by allowing properties (elements) to “inherit” parent object classes (types), XPath-style Delivery schedule IDs and order IDs could both be called <ID> Each would be identifiable by means of //Order/ID and //DeliverySchedule/ID respectively

51 Schema modularity

52 Embedded documentation
Datatypes are annotated with UBL-related metadata XHTML Basic is used in a conventional way to indicate the fields <xsd:documentation> <xhtml:div class=“Object_Class"> <xhtml:p>Delivery</xhtml:p> </xhtml:div> <xhtml:div class=“Property_Term"> <xhtml:p>Schedule</xhtml:p> </xhtml:div> <xsd:documentation>

53 Encoding code lists UBL will seek to import external datatype definitions in a conventional XSD form Helping external organizations to create rigorous schemas Defining a unique UBL element for each kind of code We hope to promote a global code list marketplace with this idea <CountryIdentificationCode> <ISO3166CountryCode xsi:type=“iso3166:CodeType”> BE </ISO3166CountryCode> </CountryIdentificationCode>

54 Contextualizing UBL

55 Context drivers The ebXML work identified eight top context drivers:
Business process Industry Product classification Geopolitical region Primary and supporting business roles System capabilities Official constraints For example, “selling nuclear cereal to Finland” will have specific values along these axes This set probably needs to be extensible

56 The “eight-space” UBL defines BIEs, not CCs – they have a bit of real context in them Typically just the business process Everything else should ideally be “zeroed out” A set of eight values identifies a unique business context A trading community can associate their schema customizations with it

57 Phase 1 – context disclosure
Customizers will be expected to: Handcraft an XSD derivation, adhering to XSD extension and restriction rules Provide context driver metadata, adhering to UBL context derivation rules A context hierarchy will mirror the XSD type hierarchy

58 Phase 2 – machine application of context
Customizers will be able to describe the desired schema changes in an abstract, “recombinant” way These context rules will be applied by an engine to input schemas to get contextualized schemas A subtle and difficult problem!

59 UBL status

60 Completed work The procurement document types are well along
The payment document types will be next The common aggregate types (reusable BIEs) grow with analysis of every document The common leaf types (CCTs) are perfunctory right now The NDR SC intends to put itself out of work by the end of 2002

61 Meeting schedule The UBL TC meets only F2F
ballots are allowed by our rules The larger SCs meet frequently by phone and do some work by Library Content (LC) and Naming and Design Rules (NDR) are the hot areas right now If you’re interested in joining, let me know You must be an organizational or individual OASIS member Individual membership is US$250/year

62 Resources

63 Where to find more information
OASIS UBL TC White papers, presentations, and specifications are available All mailing list archives are open to public view ebXML Core Components

64 How to comment The UBL comment list is open to all
Archive: Signup: The Library Content and NDR SCs have spreadsheet forms for providing feedback

65 Summary

66 I hope you feel UBL has what it takes to be successful
User-driven, with deep partnership resources to call on Focused on global requirements, with a commitment to true horizontal trade A transparent standards process Reuse of existing standards A modularized structure based on a crucial B2B data dictionary Dedicated to interoperability, even in customized form

67 Thanks! Questions?

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