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The Theory of Natural Selection

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1 The Theory of Natural Selection
No. The white rabbits died. Since the green survived better they reproduced more. Did the white rabbits turn green? Which rabbits are best adapted (more likely to survive and reproduce)?

2 Artificial Selection Humans have shown that breeding can cause changes over time Dogs, Crops, Livestock Dog traits have been selected by breeders for centuries to enhance certain traits.

3 Artificial Selection Humans have shown that breeding can cause changes over time Dogs, Crops, Livestock Wild mustard has been bred by farmers into numerous other foods

4 Artificial Selection Humans have shown that breeding can cause changes over time Dogs, Crops, Livestock Pigeons have been bred to enhance tail feathers….breast feathers…etc…

5 Artificial Selection video clip:
Humans have shown that breeding can cause changes over time Dogs, Crops, Livestock Defined: Humans (not nature) have selected desirable traits Importance? Shows that breeding can lead to change over a period of time Artificial Selection video clip: Carl Sagan’s Cosmos

6 Pretend these are insects in a desert. Will they all survive?
Natural Selection Pretend these are insects in a desert. Will they all survive? Four factors: 1) Overpopulation: more offspring are born than can survive

7 Variations: Size, Color, Shape
Natural Selection Variations: Size, Color, Shape Four factors: 1) Overpopulation: more offspring are born than can survive 2) Variation: individuals of a population have differences

8 Natural Selection Four factors:
Will some have advantages to help them survive hunting birds and spiders? Four factors: 1) Overpopulation: more offspring are born than can survive 2) Variation: individuals of a population have differences 3) Adaptation: Some variations allow a better chance of survival

9 Disadvantages: Dark color
Natural Selection Disadvantages: Dark color Four factors: 1) Overpopulation: more offspring are born than can survive 2) Variation: individuals of a population have differences 3) Adaptation: Some variations allow a better chance of survival 4) Descent w/ modification: Over time, those with advantages make up most of the population

10 Disadvantages: Large size
Natural Selection Disadvantages: Large size Four factors: 1) Overpopulation: more offspring are born than can survive 2) Variation: individuals of a population have differences 3) Adaptation: Some variations allow a better chance of survival 4) Descent w/ modification: Over time, those with advantages make up most of the population

11 Disadvantages: Contrasting color
Natural Selection Disadvantages: Contrasting color Four factors: 1) Overpopulation: more offspring are born than can survive 2) Variation: individuals of a population have differences 3) Adaptation: Some variations allow a better chance of survival 4) Descent w/ modification: Over time, those with advantages make up most of the population

12 Disadvantages: Square shape
Natural Selection Disadvantages: Square shape Four factors: 1) Overpopulation: more offspring are born than can survive 2) Variation: individuals of a population have differences 3) Adaptation: Some variations allow a better chance of survival 4) Descent w/ modification: Over time, those with advantages make up most of the population

13 Natural Selection Four factors:
Will all these individuals survive? Those with advantages… reproduce with each other. Four factors: 1) Overpopulation: more offspring are born than can survive 2) Variation: individuals of a population have differences 3) Adaptation: Some variations allow a better chance of survival 4) Descent w/ modification: Over time, those with advantages make up most of the population

14 Natural Selection Four factors:
fatter faster Bigger antlers Gets tired quicker Will all these wildebeest survive the African plains? shorter No. There is a struggle to survive. Four factors: 1) Overpopulation: more offspring are born than can survive 2) Variation: individuals of a population have differences 3) Adaptation: Some variations allow a better chance of survival 4) Descent w/ modification: Over time, those with advantages make up most of the population

15 Natural Selection Four factors:
smaller Poor eyesight Brighter colors Deformed fin Will all these fish survive in the ocean? Faster metabolism No. There is a struggle to survive. Four factors: 1) Overpopulation: more offspring are born than can survive 2) Variation: individuals of a population have differences 3) Adaptation: Some variations allow a better chance of survival 4) Descent w/ modification: Over time, those with advantages make up most of the population

16 Natural Selection Four factors:
Grows faster Softer wood Produces less chlorophyll Stores less water taller Will all these trees survive in this forest? No. There is a struggle to survive. Four factors: 1) Overpopulation: more offspring are born than can survive 2) Variation: individuals of a population have differences 3) Adaptation: Some variations allow a better chance of survival 4) Descent w/ modification: Over time, those with advantages make up most of the population

17 Struggle for Survival Humans will not be able to continue this extreme amount of growth forever. Limiting Factors prevent populations from growing forever Limiting Factors: factors that slow or stop population growth

18 Struggle for Survival 30 Seconds: Discuss with your neighbor:
What are some examples of limiting factors? Limiting Factors prevent populations from growing forever Limiting Factors: factors that slow or stop population growth

19 Struggle for Survival Limiting factor examples: Predation Limiting Factors prevent populations from growing forever Limiting Factors: factors that slow or stop population growth

20 Struggle for Survival Limiting factor examples: Predation Competition Limiting Factors prevent populations from growing forever Limiting Factors: factors that slow or stop population growth

21 Struggle for Survival Limiting factor examples: Predation Competition Clean water Limiting Factors prevent populations from growing forever Limiting Factors: factors that slow or stop population growth

22 Struggle for Survival Limiting factor examples: Predation Competition Clean water Disease Limiting Factors prevent populations from growing forever Limiting Factors: factors that slow or stop population growth

23 Struggle for Survival Limiting factor examples: Predation Competition Clean water Disease Shelter Limiting Factors prevent populations from growing forever Limiting Factors: factors that slow or stop population growth

24 Struggle for Survival Limiting factor examples: Predation Competition Clean water Disease Shelter Acts of Nature Limiting Factors prevent populations from growing forever Limiting Factors: factors that slow or stop population growth

25 Struggle for Survival Humans have high fitness. That’s why our population is growing exponentially. Limiting Factors prevent populations from growing forever Limiting Factors: factors that slow or stop population growth The more fit an organism, the more likely it is to survive Fitness: measure of the ability to survive & produce more offspring As environments change… Those with adaptation: more likely to survive & reproduce Those without adaptation: more likely to perish

26 Fitness & Natural Selection
This species of insect resembles a leaf. What happened to the individuals that lacked this variation? They died

27 Fitness & Natural Selection
This species of caterpillar resembles bird poop. What happened to the individuals that lacked this variation? They died

28 Fitness & Natural Selection
The bright colors of this frog species serves as a poisonous warning. What happened to the individuals that lacked this variation? They died

29 Fitness & Natural Selection
This cactus species has sharp thorns to ward off herbivores. What happened to the individuals that lacked this variation? They died

30 Fitness & Natural Selection
This giraffe has a long neck to better reach food. What happened to the individuals that lacked this variation? They died

31 The Myth The Truth Individuals don’t grow something because they need it. Individuals don’t evolve. Natural selection can act only on traits that already exist

32 Which rabbit is best adapted?
Do the dark rabbits turn white? No! They get eaten.

33 Evolution Video Part IV: How Does Evolution Really Work?

34 Sexual Selection Defined: a trait that increases mating success.
Ex: Bright coloring or large antlers There are two types: Intrasexual selection: competition among the same sexes (males vs. males) Intersexual selection: males display certain traits to females Mating can have an important effect on the evolution of a population Occurs due to higher cost of reproduction for females. Males produce many sperm continuously Females are limited in the number of offspring they can produce

35 Constant creation of chemicals for human use is eliminating the “unfit” organisms
Ex: Antibiotics eliminating unfit bacteria Resistant Organisms Alexander Fleming discovered the first antibiotic… penicillin

36 Constant creation of chemicals for human use is eliminating the “unfit” organisms
Ex: Antibiotics eliminating unfit bacteria Resistant Organisms When infected with a bacteria, we take antibiotics. The antibiotics are absorbed into the bacteria. Bacteria A is more likely to survive and _________________. REPRODUCE Bacteria A Bacteria B antibiotic antibiotic Bacteria A antibiotic antibiotic antibiotic antibiotic antibiotic antibiotic Bacteria A has genes to create enzymes that destroy the antibiotic Bacteria B does not have the genes to make the enzymes to destroy the antibiotic

37 Constant creation of chemicals for human use is eliminating the “unfit” organisms
Ex: Antibiotics eliminating unfit bacteria Resistant Organisms 30 seconds: Discuss with your neighbor If you were infected with this bacteria, which antibiotics could be used to treat your infection? This Petri dish has bacteria growing on it. The bacteria appear as the brown smears on the background of the Petri dish. The 5 white discs have been treated with 5 different antibiotics. There’s no bacteria surrounding kanamycin and amoxycillin. This means that kanamycin and amoxycillin are killing the bacteria. penicillin kanamycin ampicillin tetracyclin amoxycillin

38 Antibiotic Resistance
Most bacteria killed Strong Survive Antibiotic Resistance Strong Reproduce

39 Constant creation of chemicals for human use is eliminating the “unfit” organisms
Ex: Antibiotics eliminating unfit bacteria Ex: Pesticides eliminating unfit pests Resistant Organisms

40 Constant creation of chemicals for human use is eliminating the “unfit” organisms
Ex: Antibiotics eliminating unfit bacteria Ex: Pesticides eliminating unfit pests Resistant Organisms

41 Constant creation of chemicals for human use is eliminating the “unfit” organisms
Ex: Antibiotics eliminating unfit bacteria Ex: Pesticides eliminating unfit pests Resistant Organisms Some pests are able to resist the pesticides and survive. They will reproduce with others who are resistant. Over time, the entire population is resistant. Pesticides pesticides pesticides pesticides pesticides pesticides

42 Constant creation of chemicals for human use is eliminating the “unfit” organisms
Ex: Antibiotics eliminating unfit bacteria Ex: Pesticides eliminating unfit pests Ex: Antivirals… Ex: Fungicides… This is natural selection! Allows resistant organism to survive and reproduce Resistant Organisms

43 Evolution Video Part VI: Why Does Evolution Matter Now?

44 Review What is artificial selection?
What is natural selection? (Describe the 4 factors) How does natural selection lead to population changes? Why don’t populations (such as deer) continue to grow unchecked? Compare the two different types of sexual selection. Explain how antibiotic and pesticide resistance show natural selection.

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